Polar Vantage M3

Du vill ha något som är smart men sportigt, kompakt men kraftfullt, snyggt men slitstarkt. Du vill träna hårdare men återhämta dig snabbare, sova bättre men utforska mer. Du vill ha sportmätning på proffsnivå men funktioner för det dagliga livet. Du vill ha Polar Vantage M3: multisportklockan för multisportidrottare.

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan är en tuff och robust sportklocka för utomhussporter, byggd för äventyr med AMOLED-display med safirglas och titanboett. Den har även högteknologiska verktyg för navigering och prestation så att du kan upptäcka världens och kroppens underverk.

Polar Grit X2 Pro

Polar Grit X2 Pro är en tuff och robust sportklocka för utomhusbruk, gjord för äventyr med AMOLED-display med safirkristallglas. Den har även högteknologiska verktyg för navigering och prestation så att du kan upptäcka världens och kroppens underverk.

Polar Vantage V3

En samling av instrument med biosensorer, AMOLED-skärm, GPS med dubbel frekvens, kartor och den mest omfattande uppsättningen av tränings- och återhämtningsverktyg på marknaden. Scenen är klar och den smarta sportklockan Polar Vantage V3 är redo att ge sitt livs prestation.

Polar Ignite 3

Polar Ignite 3 är en stilren livsstils- och träningsklocka som hjälper dig att leva ett mer energifyllt liv. Den håller koll på din sömn, aktivitet och puls för att ge personlig vägledning för din kropp och livsstil.

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn är en elegant livsstils- och träningsklocka som hjälper dig att leva ett mer energifyllt liv. Den håller koll på din sömn, aktivitet och puls för att ge personlig vägledning för din kropp och livsstil och har ett mjukt, lätt och mycket bekvämt armband av vävda fibrer.

Polar Pacer Pro

Polar Pacer Pro är den nya generationens ultralätta sportklocka med GPS, inbyggd barometer och avancerade träningsredskap för att förbättra löpekonomin, träningpass och idrottsresultat.

Polar Pacer

Idrott är kul – varför krångla till det? Polar Pacer är en okomplicerad sportklocka som ger den moderna idrottaren alla de viktigaste funktionerna plus de specialiserade träningsverktyg som behövs för att träna bättre.

Polar Vantage V2

Polar Vantage V2 har minimalistisk design och innovativ teknik som bygger på årtionden av vetenskaplig forskning och ger dig vår mest formidabla sportklocka hittills.

Polar Grit X Pro

Byggd för hållbarhet på militär nivå med safirglas och ultralång batteritid, med nya navigeringsverktyg, utomhusfunktioner som alltid är på och Polars ultimata träningslösningar.

Polar Vantage M2

Polar Vantage M2 är utvecklad för funktion och jobbar lika hårt som du. Vår branschledande teknologi hjälper dig att nå dina mål och bli ännu starkare. För idrottare med attityd.

Polar Ignite 2

En träningsklocka som är enkel, snygg och smart? Polar Ignite 2 ger tredubbel glädje. Den är mångsidig och mångfunktionell – din perfekta partner för alla sporter och livsstilar.

Polar Ignite

En vattentät träningsklocka med avancerad pulsmätning på handleden och inbyggd GPS – Polar Ignite ger dig en översikt över din dag och hjälper dig på vägen mot ett mer balanserat liv.

Polar Unite

En lättanvänd träningsklocka med personlig daglig träningsvägledning, pulsmätning och aktivitetsmätning dygnet runt plus automatisk registrering av sömn och återhämtning.

Polar Vantage V

Polar Vantage M

En universell multisport- och löparklocka med GPS för alla som älskar att slå nya rekord. Polar Vantage M är en tunn och lätt träningspartner som ger dig all information du behöver för att förbättra dina resultat.

Polar Grit X

En outdoorklocka för multisport med tålig men lätt design, ultralång batteritid och hållbarhet i militärklass för dig som hellre rör dig i terrängen än på vägarna.

Polar M430

En löparklocka med GPS och pulsmätning vid handleden, avancerade löparfunktioner och Polar Running Program – Polar M430 är en toppklocka för löpare som vill ha mer.

Polar Verity Sense

Om rörelsefrihet är viktigt för dig är Polar Verity Sense rätt val för alla sporter.

Polar H10

Anses allmänt som guldstandarden inom trådlös pulsmätning. Detta är den mest exakta pulssensorn i Polars historia.

Polar H9

Ett pålitligt, högkvalitativt bröstbälte för pulsmätning för alla dina sporter med Bluetooth®- and ANT+-anslutning. Koppla upp dig och sätt igång.

Polar OH1+

Polar OH1 är en optisk pulsmätare som kombinerar mångsidighet, komfort och enkelhet. Du kan använda den både som fristående enhet och länka den med olika träningsappar, sportklockor och smartklockor tack vare anslutningsmöjligheter både via Bluetooth® och ANT+.


Anpassa alla klockor till alla stilar och behov.


Byt ut eller uppgradera dina bröstband eller armband till Polar Sensorer.

Laddare och kablar

För dataöverföring och laddning av dina produkter.

Fästen och adaptrar

Anpassa din produkt för alla situationer.





Polar Grit X Outdoor-serien

Grit X-klockorna är tillverkade för utomhussporter och byggda för att kunna hantera alla miljöer som naturen kan åstadkomma. Klockorna är utformade för att hjälpa dig utforska världen och vara utrustad för äventyr.

Polar Vantage Performance-serien

Våra flaggskeppsserier är skräddarsydda för elitsporter och uthållighetsträning. Alla aspekter av våra Vantage-klockor har utformats med en speciell person i åtanke – idrottaren.

Polar Pacer Multisport-serien

Pacer-serien ger idrottare alla de viktigaste funktionerna, som exakt GPS och precis pulsmätning, plus de specialiserade verktygen för träning, sömn och återhämtning de behöver för att träna bättre.

Polar Ignite Fitness & Wellness-serien

Enkla, snygga och smarta – Ignite-klockorna är den perfekta partnern för alla fitnessmål och alla livsstilar.

Android-telefoners kompatibilitetsproblem med Polar-produkter Det är stor variation på hur olika Android-enheter hanterar den teknik som används i våra produkter och tjänster, såsom Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) och olika standarder och protokoll. På grund av detta varierar kompatibiliteten mellan telefontillverkare och emellanåt upptäcker vi... Activity clock views In the Activity view you can toggle between the Active time and the detailed 24 hour clock of your day’s activity just by tapping the Activity clock. To view Training analysis straigth from the Activity view, just tap on the sport icon marking your training session on the clock. Android-telefoners kompatibilitetsproblem med Polar-produkter Det är stor variation på hur olika Android-enheter hanterar den teknik som används i våra produkter och tjänster, såsom Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) och olika standarder och protokoll. På grund av detta varierar kompatibiliteten mellan telefontillverkare och emellanåt upptäcker vi... Can I add my training sessions to my mobile's calendar? You can merge your Flow training calendar with your mobile's Google calendar or Apple calendar. To merge with Google calendar on Android Open the Flow app and go to ► General settings.Toggle the levers to the right for Polar Training results and targets.Choose your Google account and give Flow... Can I pair H10 with several devices? You can pair H10 with more than one Bluetooth devices, but usually you can use it with just one at a time.However, with the Polar Beat app, you can turn dual Bluetooth setting on, and then you can use H10 simultaneously with two devices, for example with compatible gym equipment and your Polar... Connecting Polar Flow app to Health Connect Connecting Polar Flow with Apple Health Polar Flow app for iOS is compatible with Apple Health. There you can collect and view health-related data from compatible apps and devices. You can only sync data from Polar Flow app to Apple Health. Syncing data from the Health app to Polar Flow app is not possible. What data is synced from Polar... Create a training target in the Polar Flow app To create a training target in the Polar Flow app:Go to Training, and click on top of the page.Then choose the type of your training target from the following: Favorite target Choose Favorite target.Choose one the existing favorite training targets or Add new favorite target.Tap on next to the... Do I need to have a Polar account to use Polar Flow mobile app? Yes, you will need to create a Polar account in Polar Flow web service, if you don’t already have one in polarpersonaltrainer.com.Go to flow.polar.com/register or flow.polar.com/login. Editing your sleep in Polar Flow app You can adjust your sleep in the Flow app on your mobile phone and make the following changes:Change the sleep timing of detected sleep or revert to the originally detected sleepAdd new sleepDelete one sleep period at a time You can only adjust your sleep timing for data that's no older than... Force Polar Beat training sessions list to sync with Polar Flow In case your training results are not transferred to the Polar Flow web service automatically, you can manually transfer them by swiping down and holding the sessions list page for a moment.The training sessions are accessible from the home page by swiping up. Get started with Les Mills sport profiles Support video H10/H9 Connectivity issues with Android 13 After updating to Android 13, many phone models have been experiencing connectivity issues with Bluetooth peripherals, and unfortunately this affects some of our Polar H10 and H9 heart rate sensor users as well. These issues originate from the phone and the specific Android version they have. Some... Having problems syncing OH1 with Flow app? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices. If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen OH1 as the active device in... Having problems syncing your A370 with the Flow app? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices.If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen A370 as the active device in... How To Use Training Load Pro Support video How can I add or remove sport profiles? Starting with Polar Flow app v.3.2 you can manage sport profiles on your mobile. You can have up to 20 sport profiles active in Flow app and in your Polar device.Here's how to add or remove them:Go to Sport profiles on the main menu.Click the plus sign to add a sport profile. The ones you... How can I automatically sync my data from Polar Flow to Strava? You can now automatically sync your training sessions from the Polar Flow web service to Strava. All you need to do is connect your Polar Flow account to the Strava service and you’ll see your training sessions in Strava as well!After you’ve joined your Polar Flow and Strava accounts your training... How can I connect MyFitnessPal app with Flow app? MyFitnessPal app can be connected with Flow app. MyFitnessPal is a free smartphone app and website that tracks diet and exercise to determine optimal nutrients and caloric intake. MyFitnessPal app is available on the App Store and Google Play.In your Flow app choose General settings >... How can I edit sport profiles and training views in Polar Flow? The sport profiles feature lets you list all your favorite sports and define specific settings for each one of them. For example, you can create tailored training views for each sport you do and choose what data you want to see when you train: just your heart rate or just speed and distance –... How can I update Polar H10/H9? With the Polar H10/H9 heart rate sensor, we’ll be able to bring updates to your sensor to improve it or even bring new functionalities to it. You’ll be able to update the firmware via the Polar Beat or Polar Flow mobile app.To receive the firmware updates, your H10/H9 heart rate sensor needs to be... How can I update Polar OH1? You can update the firmware of your OH1 yourself to keep it up to date. You'll be notified via Flow when a new version is available. Firmware updates are performed to improve the functionality of your OH1. They can include improvements to existing features, completely new features or bug fixes.... How do I create training targets? ​Starting with Polar Flow app v.3.2 you can create training targets on your mobile. Create quick target Go to Training calendar view.Hit the plus button on the upper right corner of the view.Choose Add quick target on the pop-up window.Specify your target by distance or duration or calories. Then... How do I pair my A370 with the Flow app? Before you can use your A370 with Flow app, you need to pair it. Check compatibility here. Do not use your phone’s Bluetooth menu to pair the A370. The pairing is done in Flow app.If you’ve taken your A370 into use with the Polar Flow app, it’s already paired with it. However, if you’ve started... How do I pair my Polar M400/M460 with the Polar Flow app? Before pairing, make sure:Your mobile device has Bluetooth turned onAirplane mode/flight mode is not turned on (on both your Polar device and mobile device)Your mobile device is connected to the InternetYou have downloaded Polar Flow app from the App Store or from Google Play and installed it on... How do I share images along with my training sessions? ​With Polar Flow app you can share images with your training data and map snapshots of your training routes.You can share your past training sessions from your training calendar. Just look for the sharing icon, tap it and choose your preferred sharing method. ► Snapshot is an option to share the... How do I sync my A370 with the Polar Flow app? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices.If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen A370 as the active device in... How do I sync my Polar Device with the Polar Flow app? Before syncing make sure:You have a Polar account and the Flow app downloaded and installed to your mobile deviceYou have registered your Polar device in the Flow web service and synced data via FlowSync software at least onceYour mobile device has Bluetooth turned onAirplane mode/flight mode is not... How do I sync my Polar V650 with the Polar Flow app? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices. If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen V650 as the active device in... How is restful/restless sleep calculated? Polar Flow mobile app and web service estimate when you are sleeping. Sleep time is calculated automatically from your wrist movements without a need to activate a special sleep mode. Sleep time is the longest continuous rest time with 24 hours from 18:00/6pm to 18:00/6pm (assuming that your wake-up... How to change the language of Polar Flow and Polar Beat Here's how to change the app language on both mobile platforms:AndroidThe app language is the same language that your phone operating system uses. The only way to change the app language is to change the phone language in the phone settings.iOSYou can also change the app language separately... How to check the battery level status of my heart rate sensor? You can check the battery level status using the Polar Flow or Polar Beat mobile app as long as you have paired your heart rate sensor with the app.Using the Polar Flow appFor iOS1. Wear the heart rate sensor.2. In the Polar Flow app, go to Start (1). 3. Tap the Menu icon next to the Start button to... How to disable power saving for the Polar Beat and Polar Flow Android apps Disabling power saving and all background restrictions for the Polar Flow / Beat app in your Android device might be necessary if you’re experiencing any of the issues listed below.Polar Flow:Automatic syncing is not working in the background or it is inconsistent.Polar device does not connect... How to view your activity in graph view With Polar Flow app (Android 3.5.2. and iOS 3.5.4) you can see more data of your activity in a graph view, especially if you have a Polar device that supports continuous heart rate tracking. You can see your daily activity, training sessions, sleep time and your heart rate presented in a time... How we handle your personal data and your sensitive personal data? Polar respects your privacy and strives to offer you a safe customer experience.Our Privacy Notice explains in detail what data we collect when you use our products and services, and how we use and handle this data.When you create a user account for Polar services, we ask for some personal... I’ve made changes in the Polar Flow web service/app, but I can’t see them on my Polar device If you change settings, create or update sport profiles, create training targets or add favorites in the Polar Flow web service or Polar Flow app, you need to sync the changes to your Polar device.You have two ways to sync the changed settings to your Polar device:Sync via FlowSyncIf you make the... Manage Favorites and training targets in Polar Flow Favorites in Polar Flow web serviceClick the Favorites icon on the menu bar on top of the page to enter your Favorites page.Here you can manage the favorites for each Polar device you have registered on your Polar account.1. On the left side of the page, you manage all your routes and... Minimizing risks when training Health and trainingTraining may include some risk. Before beginning a regular training program, it is recommended that you answer the following questions concerning your health status. If you answer yes to any of these questions, we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting any training... Nightly skin temperature The Nightly Skin Temperature measurement automatically tracks your skin temperature when you sleep. It then compares the result with your 28-day average, and shows the variation to that average. Tracking the variations in your skin temperature can help you detect changes in your body's state.In... Pairing Polar device with Flow app fails If Polar Flow app doesn’t find your Polar device, check that:There's enough battery both in your Polar device and your mobile device.Your Polar device is up to date.Bluetooth is turned on in your mobile settings.Airplane mode/flight mode is not turned on (on both your Polar device and mobile... Polar Fitness Test in Polar Flow app The Polar Fitness test can be performed with a compatible Polar hear rate sensor and the Polar Flow app. The following Polar heart rate sensors are supported: H9, H10 and Verity Sense.To use your sensor with the Polar Flow app, you first need to pair it with the app. If you've set up your... Polar Flow Season Planner With Polar Flow Season Planner you can plan and customize the training season you want. The best way to learn it is to try it out and create a new season. You can edit the plan after you've created it.Divide your training sessions into periodsSet weekly volumes by duration or distance targets,... Polar Flow app and compatible devices If you're using an older Polar product (M400, M460 or V650), you need to register it in the Polar Flow web service on your computer before it can be paired with the Polar Flow mobile app. Polar devices and mobile platformsPolar devices work with most modern smartphones. Here are the minimum... Polar Flow app location permission FAQ How can I allow location permission for Polar Flow app? On your Android phone go to Settings > Location > App access to location > Polar Flow and Allow all the time: Why does Polar Flow app need location permission and why Location services need to be enabled to scan for Bluetooth devices?... Polar Flow app | Add fullscreen training views Support video Polar Flow app | Add the new sport profiles Support video Polar Flow app | Connect compatible apps Support video Polar Flow app | Edit a Sport Profile Support video Polar Flow app | Editing your sleep Support video Polar Flow app | Free fitness and training app – Share your training data Support video Polar Flow app | How to add training views Support video Polar Flow app | Quick menu Support video Polar Flow | How To Use Training Targets With Polar Watches Support video Polar SleepWise™ Polar SleepWiseTM shows how your recent sleep boosts your daytime alertness level and readiness to perform. This is what we call Boost from sleep. In addition to the amount and quality of your recent sleep, we also take the effect of sleep rhythm into account by looking how well your sleep-wake... Polar Sport Profiles Here are listed all the sport profiles Polar Flow and Polar devices support. You can choose up to 20 sport profiles at a time for your Polar device. For more information, see How can I edit sport profiles and training views in Polar Flow?. Please note that in a number of indoor sports, group sports... Polar tests - Which one is for me? If you're a pro athlete, knowing your VO2max as precisely as possible is important. If you enjoy leisurely bike rides on Sunday mornings occasionally and go to the gym every now and then, there's probably no point in taking a lab test or an all-out field test.To make sure that your results... Recording training sessions with Polar Flow app You can record your training sessions in Polar Flow app, also with heart rate wearing a paired HR sensor.To train with the Flow app:Go to Training > Start on top of the page.Select a sport profile by tapping the sport icon.If you wish to train recording your heart rate, wear a paired HR sensor.If... Sharing Polar Flow training sessions Polar Flow mobile app To share your training session as a link:Open one of your training sessions and tap the Share button: . Choose Link from the sharing options.Tap Share to confirm.Select where you want to share your training session.The Link icon now shows that the training session is shared.To... Smart Notifications feature on Polar A370 (Polar Flow app Android) The smart notifications feature allows you to get alerts about incoming calls, messages and notifications from apps onto your Polar device. You’ll get the same notifications on your Polar device that you get on your phone screen. Please note that when heart rate training with your A370, you can’t... Smart Notifications feature on Polar A370 (Polar Flow app iOS) The smart notifications feature allows you to get alerts about incoming calls, messages and notifications from apps onto your Polar device. You’ll get the same notifications on your Polar device that you get on your phone screen. When heart rate training with your A370, you can only receive... Supported Polar products Switch to daylight savings time on your watch by syncing it with Flow Typically, regions that use daylight savings time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring, and adjust them one hour back in the fall.When switching to or from daylight savings time you can set the correct time to your watch by syncing it with the Flow web service or app. The... Sync, turn off and factory reset from Polar Flow app Syncing data between Grit X/Pacer/Vantage and Polar Flow app fails If your Polar Grit X/Grit X Pro/Grit X2 Pro/Pacer/Pacer Pro/Vantage M/Vantage M2/Vantage M3/Vantage V/Vantage V2/Vantage V3 fails to sync with the Polar Flow app, please go through the following checklist first:iOS:Make sure the app and watch are both up to date: Check from the App store that you’ve... Syncing data between Polar device and Polar Flow app fails Please notice that the sync may take a while if you have lots of activity and training data on your Polar device. After you’ve paired your Polar device with the Flow app, normally the easiest way to sync is by pressing and holding the BACK button on your training device. First make sure that you’ve... The A370 mobile setup fails, now what? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices.If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen A370 as the active device in... The what and how of Polar Sleep Plus™ What is Polar Sleep Plus™ and how it works Polar Sleep Plus™ is a feature that lets you know how much and how well you’ve slept. It’s an easy way to track your sleep and learn more about your sleeping habits and sleep quality. Feedback and detailed sleep insights guide you towards better sleeping... Training Benefit feature ​Training Benefit gives you textual feedback on the effect of each training session helping you to better understand the effectiveness of your training. You can see the feedback in Flow web service, Flow app and Beat app. To get the feedback, you need to have trained at least a total of 10 minutes... Training Load Pro When you train, the different systems of your body get strained. With Training Load Pro, you get a holistic view on how your training sessions strain these different systems and how it affects your performance. Training Load Pro gives you a training load for both your cardiovascular and your... Troubleshooting Huawei/Honor connectivity issues with Polar devices Disabling power saving and all background restrictions for the Polar Flow / Beat app in your Android device might be necessary if you’re experiencing any of the issues listed below.Polar Flow:Automatic syncing is not working in the background or it is inconsistent.Polar device does not connect... Using Polar products with Sennheiser MOMENTUM Sport Sennheiser MOMENTUM Sport earbuds measure in-ear heart rate and body temperature during training sessions that can be analyzed and tracked with Polar products. The earbuds are completely compatible with Polar Flow ecosystem and can be managed in your Flow account just like any other Polar... Voice guidance in Polar Flow app Voice guidance is a feature that helps you get relevant training data straight to your headphones while training. It removes the need to look at the watch during the workout. You may be wearing layers of clothing that cover your watch, your hands may be occupied, or the conditions may be so that... What is ANT+™ in Polar products? ANT+™ is a wireless transmission protocol like Bluetooth®, but it does not require pairing like Bluetooth does. When you send ANT+ signal the nearest compatible ANT+ receiver is able to pick it up.Polar heart rate sensors H9, H10, OH1 and Verity Sense are compatible with ANT+ starting from these... What is my Training background? Training background is an assessment of your level of long-term physical activity. Select the alternative that best describes the overall amount and intensity of your physical activity during the past three months. Your training background is used in determining your energy expenditure, and it also...
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