How do I pair my A370 with the Flow app?
Before you can use your A370 with Flow app, you need to pair it. Check compatibility here. Do not use your phone’s Bluetooth menu to pair the A370. The pairing is done in Flow app.
If you’ve taken your A370 into use with the Polar Flow app, it’s already paired with it. However, if you’ve started using your A370 with your computer and FlowSync, follow these steps:
- Install and launch the Polar Flow app from the App store or Google Play.
- Sign in with your Polar account.
- Press and hold the side button on your A370 until you see the Searching text on the A370 display.
- Enter the Bluetooth pairing code from your A370 display to your mobile device. Your A370 vibrates when it shows the pairing code.
Pairing starts and your A370 data is synced with Flow app. The A370 display shows Completed and Flow app shows your activity data after successful pairing and syncing.