Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

A Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan egy ellenálló és strapabíró okosóra szabadtéri sportokhoz – a zafírüveg AMOLED kijelzővel és titán óraházzal, valamint csúcstechnológiájú navigációs eszköztárral és teljesítményi funkciókkal ellátott, kalandra tervezett GPS sportórával felfedezheted a világ és a szervezet csodáit.

Polar Grit X2 Pro

A Polar Grit X2 Pro egy ellenálló és strapabíró okosóra szabadtéri sportokhoz – a zafír kristályüveg AMOLED kijelzővel, valamint csúcstechnológiájú navigációs eszköztárral és teljesítményi funkciókkal ellátott, kalandra tervezett GPS sportórával felfedezheted a világ és a szervezet csodáit.

Polar Vantage V3

A bioérzékelő eszközök, az AMOLED kijelző, a kétfrekvenciás GPS, a térképek, valamint a piacon elérhető legátfogóbb ezdési és regenerálódási eszközök együttese. A színpad berendezve, a Polar Vantage V3 okos sportóra pedig készen áll arra, hogy életre szóló teljesítményt nyújtson.

Polar Ignite 3

A Polar Ignite 3 egy stílusos fitnesz és wellness óra, amely segít abban, hogy sokkal energikusabb életet élj. Nyomon követi alvásodat, aktivitásodat és pulzusodat annak érdekében, hogy szervezetedre és életstílusodra szabott útmutatást kínáljon.

Polar Pacer Pro

Az ultrakönnyű, új generációs Polar Pacer Pro sportóra beépített barométerrel és fejlett edzési eszközökkel rendelkezik a sportolók számára a futási hatékonyság, az edzésszakaszok és a sportteljesítmény fejlesztése érdekében.

Polar Pacer

A sport játék – miért is bonyolítanánk túl? A Polar Pacer egy nem túlbonyolított sportóra, amely az új sportolók számára minden lényeges funkciót biztosít, továbbá speciális edzési eszközöket is kínál, amelyekre szükségük van ahhoz, hogy jobban eddzenek.

Polar Vantage V2

A Polar Vantage V2 a minimalista dizájn, az innovatív technológia, valamint az intelligens edzési és regenerálódási eszközök rendkívüli találkozása, minden idők leglenyűgözőbb sportórája.

Polar Grit X Pro

Katonai szintű tartósságra, zafír óraüveggel és ultra hosszú élettartamú akkumulátorral készült Grit X Pro új navigációs eszközökkel, mindig bekapcsolt outdoor funkciókkal és a Polar legjobb edzési megoldásaival.

Polar Vantage M2

A funkcionálisra tervezett Polar Vantage M2 keményen dolgozik, éppúgy, mint te. Az iparágvezető technológiánk segít elérni a céljaidat és újult erővel a tettek mezejére lépni. A sportolói hozzáálláshoz.

Polar Ignite 2

Egy fitneszóra, amely elegáns, egyszerű és okos? A Polar Ignite 2 egy valódi háromszoros ínyencség. Sokoldalú és teli van nagyszerű extrákkal, a tökéletes társ bármely sporthoz és bármilyen életstílushoz.

Polar Ignite

A fejlett pulzusmérővel és beépített GPS-szel rendelkező vízálló Polar Ignite fitnesz óra áttekintést kínál a teljes napodról, és útmutatással szolgál egy kiegyensúlyozottabb élet felé.

Polar Unite

Egy gyönyörűen egyszerű óra személyre szabott napi edzési útmutatással, folyamatos pulzusméréssel és aktivitáskövetéssel, valamint automatikus alvási és regenerálódási alkalmazásokkal.

Polar Vantage M

Univerzális GPS multisport és futóóra, amit azoknak terveztünk, akik szeretnek új rekordokat felállítani. A Polar Vantage M egy elegáns és könnyű edzőtárs, amely minden szükséges adattal ellát a teljesítményed fokozásához.

Polar Grit X

Tartós, mégis könnyű kialakítású, rendkívül hosszú akkumulátor-üzemidejű és katonai szintű tartósságú szabadtéri multisport óra azok számára, akik a terepet választják az utak helyett.

Polar M430

A Polar M430 egy GPS futóóra csuklóérzékelős pulzusmérővel, fejlett edzési funkciókkal és Polar Futóprogrammal – csúcsszínvonalú óra olyan futók számára, akik nem érik be kevéssel.

Polar Verity Sense

Ha a szabad mozgás fontos számodra, akkor a Polar Verity Sense az egyértelmű választás bármilye sporthoz.

Polar H10

Széles körben a vezeték nélküli pulzusmérés aranystandardjaként elismert, a legpontosabb érzékelő a Polar történetében.

Polar H9

Megbízható, kiváló minőségű pulzusmérő mellkaspánt a mindennapi sportoláshoz Bluetooth® és ANT+ támogatással. Kapcsolódj és indulás!



Szabj személyre bármilyen órát stílusodnak és igényeidnek megfelelően.

Mellkaspántok és karpántok

Cseréld ki vagy cseréld jobbra Polar érzékelőd mellkaspántját vagy karpántját!

Töltés és kábelek

Termékek töltéséhez és adatátvitelhez.

Konzolok, foglalatok és adapterek

Alakítsd át termékedet bármilyen helyzethez illőre!





Polar Grit X Outdoor sorozat

A szabadtéri sportokhoz készült, minden kemény természeti környezettel megbirkózó Grit X órákat úgy tervezték, hogy segítsenek felfedezni a világot, és felkészítsenek a kalandra.

Polar Vantage Performance sorozat

Csúcssorozatunk nagy teljesítményű és állóképességi sportokhoz és edzésekhez készült. Vantage óráink minden részletét egy adott személyt – a sportolót – szem előtt tartva alkottuk meg.

Polar Pacer Multisport sorozat

A Pacer sorozat a sportolók számára minden lényeges funkciót biztosít – mint például a pontos GPS és a precíz pulzusmérés – továbbá speciális edzési, alvási és regenerálódási eszközöket is kínál, amelyekre szükségük van ahhoz, hogy jobban eddzenek.

Polar Ignite Fitness & Wellness sorozat

Elegáns, egyszerű és okos – Az Ignite órák a tökéletes partnert jelentik bármely fitnesz célhoz és életstílushoz.

Nightly Recharge™ regenerálódásmérés ​​​A Nightly Recharge™ egy éjszakai regenerálódásmérő, amely megmutatja, hogy mennyire regenerálódsz a napi igénybevétel után. A Nightly Recharge státusz két összetevőn alapul: hogyan aludtál (kialvadtsági állapot), és mennyire nyugodott le a vegetatív idegrendszered (ANS) az alvásod kezdeti... Serene™ irányított légzőgyakorlat ​​​​A Serene™ egy irányított, mély légzőgyakorlat, amely segít ellazítani a tested és elméd, valamint kezelni a stresszt. A Serene útmutatást nyújt a lassú, egyenletes ritmusú légzéshez – hat lélegzetvétel percenként, amely az optimális légzésszám a stresszet enyhítő hatások eléréséhez. Amikor... Sleep Plus Stages™ alváskövetés ​A Sleep Plus Stages automatikusan nyomon követi az alvás mennyiségét és minőségét, és megmutatja, hogy mennyi időt töltöttél az egyes alvásfázisokban. Összefoglalja az alvási időd és az alvási minőséged adatait egyetlen könnyedén áttekinthető érték, az alvásérték formájában. Az alvásérték... FitSpark™ napi edzési útmutató ​​A FitSpark™ edzési útmutató az igényeidnek megfelelő, használatra kész edzéseket kínál számodra az órádon keresztül. Az edzések úgy épülnek fel, hogy megfeleljenek az edzettségi szintednek, az edzési előzményeidnek, valamint a regenerálódásodnak és a felkészültségednek az előző éjszakádra... FitSpark™ napi edzési útmutató ​​A FitSpark™ edzési útmutató az igényeidnek megfelelő, használatra kész edzéseket kínál számodra az órádon keresztül. Az edzések úgy épülnek fel, hogy megfeleljenek az edzettségi szintednek, az edzési előzményeidnek, valamint a regenerálódásodnak és a felkészültségednek az előző éjszakádra... How do I reset the Ignite? If you experience problems with your watch, you can try restarting it. Restarting the watch will not delete any of the settings or your personal data from the watch.To restart the watchOn your watch, press the button, swipe up until you find Settings, navigate to Settings > General settings >... Serene™ irányított légzőgyakorlat ​​​​A Serene™ egy irányított, mély légzőgyakorlat, amely segít ellazítani a tested és elméd, valamint kezelni a stresszt. A Serene útmutatást nyújt a lassú, egyenletes ritmusú légzéshez – hat lélegzetvétel percenként, amely az optimális légzésszám a stresszet enyhítő hatások eléréséhez. Amikor... Android phone compatibility issues with Polar products There is plenty of variation between how different Android devices handle the technologies used in our products and services, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and different standards and protocols. Because of this compatibility varies between phone manufacturers, and from time to time we discover... Can I change the battery in my Polar device? Can I charge my Polar device with another kind of USB cable or via a wall outlet? Your Polar device (Grit X, Grit X Pro, Grit X2 Pro, Ignite, Ignite 2, Ignite 3, M430, Vantage M, Vantage M2, Vantage V, Vantage V Titan, Vantage V2, Vantage V3) can be charged via computer only with the custom USB cable that came in the box.When charging via a wall outlet, use a USB power adapter... Create a training target in the Polar Flow app To create a training target in the Polar Flow app:Go to Training, and click on top of the page.Then choose the type of your training target from the following: Favorite target Choose Favorite target.Choose one the existing favorite training targets or Add new favorite target.Tap on next to the... Does my Polar product contain nickel? Stainless steel is a combination of iron along with elements such as nickel and chromium. Adding these elements to the iron makes it much more durable and stops it from rusting. Many Polar products contain stainless steel in either the back case or the buckle. The stainless steel used by Polar has... Does my Polar watch sync with the Polar Flow app automatically? Your watch automatically syncs with the Polar Flow app once an hour if your phone is within the Bluetooth range. The automatic sync is done also when you finish a training session or change the settings on your watch.If the automatic sync doesn't work, please make sure that:The Polar Flow app... Editing your sleep in Polar Flow app You can adjust your sleep in the Flow app on your mobile phone and make the following changes:Change the sleep timing of detected sleep or revert to the originally detected sleepAdd new sleepDelete one sleep period at a time You can only adjust your sleep timing for data that's no older than... Firmware updates to Polar devices Polar offers a minimum of five years of product support service to its customers from the sales start of the product. Product support service includes necessary firmware updates to Polar devices and fixes for critical vulnerability as required. Polar constantly monitors the releases of known... Get started with the Polar Running Program How to create a Polar Running Program The only thing you need to create a Polar Running program is a Polar account. Before creating a program, make sure all of your personal and physical information is correct in your Flow Settings. Also, when answering the physical activity level questions, make... Got a second hand Polar product? If you've purchased a second hand Polar product, you need to make sure the product is no longer tied to the Polar account of the previous owner. You can do that by doing a factory reset with the FlowSync software. For instructions on factory resetting your Polar OH1, follow the related article... Heart rate based training Your heart rate data gives you an insight into your physical condition and helps you understand how your body responds to training. The information you receive is useful in fine-tuning your training plans, for example, the regularity and intensity of your training, and will help you reach your peak... Heart rate variability (HRV) data file export in the Flow Web Service Training sessions done with an ECG heart rate sensor contain a downloadable heart rate variability (HRV) data file. The data can be exported as a CSV file on the Training analysis page in the Flow Web Service. Please note that the HRV data export is not available in the following cases:Training... How can I edit sport profiles and training views in Polar Flow? The sport profiles feature lets you list all your favorite sports and define specific settings for each one of them. For example, you can create tailored training views for each sport you do and choose what data you want to see when you train: just your heart rate or just speed and distance –... How can I pair H9/H10 heart rate sensor with my Polar device? Follow these guidelines to pair H9/H10 heart rate sensor with your Polar device. Please refer to product specific user manuals for detailed pairing instructions. You need to moisten the heart rate sensor strap, and wear the heart rate sensor to be able to pair it with your Polar device or Polar Beat... How do I create a training target in Polar Flow web service? ​Whatever Polar product you use with Polar Flow web service, you can create detailed training targets to the web service to help you plan your training. The targets are shown in your Diary in Polar Flow. You can also add the targets to your favorites list and use them as templates when creating new... How do I create an account for Polar Flow web service? Polar Flow web service uses the same Polar account as other Polar web services.If you already have created an account by signing up for one of Polar's web services or mobile application, or when taking your product into use, your username and password are valid for Polar Flow web service as... How do I export individual training sessions from Polar Flow web service? You can choose either to export your training file as a GPX, TCX or CSV file, or to zip the files for faster download. In case you have a slow internet connection, we recommend you choose the compressed zip file for bigger training files to speed up the export.You can export the route of a training... How do I install Polar FlowSync on Mac? Go to flow.polar.com/start.Click Download for Mac. FlowSync starts downloading the installation package. This should only take a few minutes.After the download is completed, click the installation package icon on Downloads. The location of the installation package depends on your browser. The... How do I install Polar FlowSync on Windows computer? Go to https://flow.polar.com/startClick Download area to download the installation package to your computer.Run the installation package to install it to your computer.->Accept the license agreements and click Next.->Select the installation location on your computer, click Next and wait for... How do I pair my Ignite with the Polar Flow app? If you did the setup from the watch, your watch is not yet connected with Polar Flow. You need to setup your watch in the Polar Flow web service or with the Polar Flow mobile app before you can pair a phone with your watch. For instructions, see Setting up your watch. If you did the setup for your... How do I start using my Ignite? To wake up and charge your watch, plug it into a powered USB port or a USB charger with the custom cable that came in the box. The cable magnetically snaps into place, just make sure to align the ledge on the cable with the slot on your watch (marked with red). Please note that it may take a while... How do I sync my Ignite with the Polar Flow app? Before syncing make sure:You have a Polar account and the Flow app downloaded and installed to your mobile deviceYour mobile device has Bluetooth turned on, and airplane mode/flight mode is not turned on.Airplane mode/flight mode is not turned on (on both your Polar device and mobile device)You have... How do I sync my Ignite/Unite with Flow service via FlowSync? Go to flow.polar.com/start, and download and install the FlowSync software. If you already have installed FlowSync, make sure that the FlowSync version is 3.0 or newer. Older FlowSync versions are not compatible with Ignite. To check the FlowSync version, click the settings icon on FlowSync and... How do I update the firmware of my Ignite? To keep your watch up to date and to get the best performance, always make sure to update the firmware whenever a new version is available. Firmware updates are performed to improve the functionality of your watch. You won't lose any data due to the firmware update. Before the update begins,... How should I wear my Polar device to get the most accurate heart rate readings from the wrist? (Video tutorial) How to Utilize Running Cadence in your Training What is cadence? Running cadence is calculated by counting the number steps you take per minute, and dividing it by two. For example, if your take 180 steps per minute counting both feet, your cadence is 90. Cadence is an important tool for assessing your running efficiency, and something that you... How to avoid skin irritation when wearing your Polar watch Polar devices with wrist-based heart rate measurement are meant to be worn throughout the day and during the night, however, in rare cases, users with sensitive skin might experience that their skin gets irritated either by the wrist strap buckle or the strap itself, or by the OHR sensor of the... How to build a workout with phases Simple four-phase workout In addition to the actual work phase, it’s good to include also a warm-up, a cool-down and some stretching to your workout—whatever your sport is. It maximizes the benefits of the workout and prevents injuries. So, in its simplest, a phased workout can be just those four... How to change the language on my Ignite into Japanese or Simplified Chinese You can change the language of your watch from the Polar Flow web service:On your computer, sign into your Flow account at polar.com/flow.Go to Settings > General (drop-down menu next to your profile picture)Choose the device language from language drop down menu.Use FlowSync to sync new language... How to disable power saving for the Polar Beat and Polar Flow Android apps Disabling power saving and all background restrictions for the Polar Flow / Beat app in your Android device might be necessary if you’re experiencing any of the issues listed below.Polar Flow:Automatic syncing is not working in the background or it is inconsistent.Polar device does not connect... How to download all your data from Polar Flow In case you want to download your personal data that has accumulated in the Polar Flow ecosystem, you can do it by following these steps.Go to https://account.polar.com and click Sign in.Authorize the access with your Polar account email address and password.Click Download your data on the menu on... How to use Polar Balance scale with Polar Flow If the Polar Balance scale is not compatible with your Polar watch, it cannot be paired or used directly with them. However, you can register the Polar Balance scale to Polar Flow and use it that way.To register the Balance scale to your Flow accountGo to www.polar.com/flow and sign in with your... How to use your Polar product securely Polar offers a minimum of five years of product support service to its customers from the sales start of the product. Product support service includes necessary firmware updates to Polar devices and fixes for critical vulnerability as required. Polar constantly monitors the releases of known... I’ve made changes in the Polar Flow web service/app, but I can’t see them on my Polar device If you change settings, create or update sport profiles, create training targets or add favorites in the Polar Flow web service or Polar Flow app, you need to sync the changes to your Polar device.You have two ways to sync the changed settings to your Polar device:Sync via FlowSyncIf you make the... Minimizing risks when training Health and trainingTraining may include some risk. Before beginning a regular training program, it is recommended that you answer the following questions concerning your health status. If you answer yes to any of these questions, we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting any training... My Ignite/Ignite 2/Ignite 3 is not charging Restart your watch On your watch, go to General settings > About your watch > Restart your watch. Tap Restart your watch and confirm the restart. Restarting the watch will not delete any of the settings or your personal data from the watch. You can also restart your watch by pressing and... New Polar Flow sport profiles We have added new sport profiles in Flow. They are freely available in the Flow web service and in the Flow app. Check the related support document on how to add the new sport profiles to your Polar device.The new sport profiles are:Car racingClimbing (outdoor)Cross-country runningCurlingElectric... Nightly Recharge™ FAQs After how many nights will I get the feedback? You get your Nightly Recharge status after three nights (three successful measurements). This is how long it takes to establish your usual level. Before you get your Nightly Recharge you can view your sleep and ANS measurement details (heart rate, heart... Nightly Recharge™ regenerálódásmérés ​​​A Nightly Recharge™ egy éjszakai regenerálódásmérő, amely megmutatja, hogy mennyire regenerálódsz a napi igénybevétel után. A Nightly Recharge státusz két összetevőn alapul: hogyan aludtál (kialvadtsági állapot), és mennyire nyugodott le a vegetatív idegrendszered (ANS) az alvásod kezdeti... Pacemaker and Polar products Persons who have a pacemaker use Polar devices at their own risk. Consult your doctor before starting exercise with a heart rate monitor. Pairing Polar device with Flow app fails If Polar Flow app doesn’t find your Polar device, check that:There's enough battery both in your Polar device and your mobile device.Your Polar device is up to date.Bluetooth is turned on in your mobile settings.Airplane mode/flight mode is not turned on (on both your Polar device and mobile... Phone Notifications The phone notifications feature allows you to get alerts about incoming calls, messages and notifications from apps onto your watch. You’ll get the same notifications on your watch that you get on your phone screen. Phone notifications are available for iOS and Android phones.To use phone... Planning to sell your Polar product? If you’re selling your Polar product, you need to remove the Polar product connection to your Polar account and delete the saved data on your Polar product. You can do that by doing a factory reset with the FlowSync software, and removing the product from your Registered products list in the Polar... Polar Flow Season Planner With Polar Flow Season Planner you can plan and customize the training season you want. The best way to learn it is to try it out and create a new season. You can edit the plan after you've created it.Divide your training sessions into periodsSet weekly volumes by duration or distance targets,... Polar Flow Sport Profiles Please note that in a number of indoor sports, group sports and team sports profiles the HR visible to other devices setting is enabled by default. This means that compatible devices using Bluetooth Smart wireless technology, e.g. gym equipment, can detect your heart rate. You can also use your... Polar Flow app and compatible devices If you're using an older Polar product (M400, M460 or V650), you need to register it in the Polar Flow web service on your computer before it can be paired with the Polar Flow mobile app. Polar devices and mobile platformsPolar devices work with most modern smartphones. Here are the minimum... Polar Payment Wristband Polar Running Program Training for an event, and want to know how, how much and how often you should train? Whether you’re training for a 5k run or a marathon, Polar Running Program will help you get ready, and coach you all the way to the finish line.Every runner is unique, and so is each Polar Running Program. It’s a... Polar Running Program FAQs What is the Polar Running Program based on? It is based on training in the right heart rate zone, and the science behind the Polar Heart Rate Zones is the cornerstone of the program. The program gives you a training plan for your target event based on your personal attributes, training background... Polar SleepWise™ Polar SleepWiseTM shows how your recent sleep boosts your daytime alertness level and readiness to perform. This is what we call Boost from sleep. In addition to the amount and quality of your recent sleep, we also take the effect of sleep rhythm into account by looking how well your sleep-wake... Polar tests - Which one is for me? If you're a pro athlete, knowing your VO2max as precisely as possible is important. If you enjoy leisurely bike rides on Sunday mornings occasionally and go to the gym every now and then, there's probably no point in taking a lab test or an all-out field test.To make sure that your results... Screen protectors and GPS performance Using screen protectors can affect the GPS performance of your watch. We recommend avoiding using them to make sure you get the most accurate GPS data possible. Serene FAQs How often should I perform the breathing exercise? What duration should I aim for? Daily practice gives you the best results. At first, 5 to 10 minutes is a reasonable goal, but you should aim for 15 to 20 minutes. I might hyperventilate during the exercise. What can I do to avoid this? When... Sleep Plus Stages™ FAQs How does Polar Sleep Plus Stages™ detect when I fall asleep, and when I’m sleeping? Sleep Plus Stages automatically detects when you fall asleep, and when you’re sleeping based on the movements of your non-dominant hand with a built-in the 3D accelerometer in your Polar device. You do not need to... Sleep Plus Stages™ alváskövetés ​A Sleep Plus Stages automatikusan nyomon követi az alvás mennyiségét és minőségét, és megmutatja, hogy mennyi időt töltöttél az egyes alvásfázisokban. Összefoglalja az alvási időd és az alvási minőséged adatait egyetlen könnyedén áttekinthető érték, az alvásérték formájában. Az alvásérték... Speed and distance from the wrist with GPS calibration Your Polar device can measure speed and distance from your wrist movements with a built-in accelerometer. This feature is handy when running indoors on a treadmill for example, or just in places where GPS is not always available such as in valleys, around tall buildings or under tree cover. Note... Swimming metrics Swimming metrics help you analyze each swimming session, and follow your performance and progress in the long run. Pool swimming When using the Swimming or Pool swimming profile, the watch identifies your swimming style and records your swim distance, time and pace, stroke rate and rest times. In... Syncing data between Ignite and Polar Flow app fails ​If your Polar Ignite fails to sync with the Polar Flow app, please go through the following checklist first:iOS:Make sure the app and watch are both up to date: Check from the App store that you’ve got the latest version of the app installed. Flow app or FlowSync will tell you if there’s a firmware... Syncing data between Ignite/Ignite 2/Ignite 3 and Polar FlowSync fails ​If FlowSync doesn’t start syncing your watch, try the below steps, one at a time, and then try syncing your watch again. Check that the charging contacts of your watch and cable are clean If your watch doesn’t charge properly, or if it doesn’t connect to FlowSync, it could be because the charging... Taking care of your Polar Crystal Accessory wristband The Polar Crystal wristband is embellished with crystals from Swarovski®. Please note that Swarovski crystals are delicate material that must be handled with special care. Polar will not be held liable for any damages incurred after the receipt of products. To ensure that your Polar wristband with... The display of my Polar watch is broken Worn-out third-party screen protectors can cause problems to the normal operation of your Polar watch's display or make you think that the display of your Polar watch is broken. Please check if the third-party screen protector is causing the problem, before you send your watch to the Polar... The what and how of Polar 24/7 activity tracking Why should I be active on a daily basis? Simply put, our bodies are designed to move. It's widely known that physical activity is a major factor in maintaining health. In addition to being physically active, it's important to avoid prolonged sitting. Yet, more and more of us are spending a... The what and how of Polar Fitness test What is Fitness Test? The Polar Fitness Test with wrist-based heart rate is an easy, safe and quick way to estimate your aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness at rest. It's a simple 5-minute fitness level assessment that gives you an estimate of your maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). The Fitness Test... The what and how of Polar's Continuous Heart Rate Make sure to check below if you need to turn the Continuous Heart Rate tracking on manually on your Polar device before you can start to use the feature! Polar products with Continuous Heart Rate tracking are meant to be worn 24/7. To keep your device and your skin in good condition follow our easy... The what and how of Polar's wrist-based heart rate measurement What are the benefits of wearing a device with wrist-based heart rate measurement? Wearing a device with the wrist-based heart rate measurement feature is the most convenient and easy way to measure your heart rate while you’re working out. You don’t have to wear a separate chest strap to track your... The what and how of Running Index What is Running Index? If you’re looking to keep on top of your running performance you’ll find this feature a big help. Regular use over time allows you to see how efficient your running is. Your Running Index score is calculated automatically after every run, based on your heart rate and from the... The what and how of speed and pace zones What are speed and pace zones? Speed and pace zones are a new way of guiding the efficiency of your training during sessions. They work just like heart rate zones, however the intensity of your training is based on your speed or pace, rather than your heart rate. They provide an easy way to choose... Training Benefit feature ​Training Benefit gives you textual feedback on the effect of each training session helping you to better understand the effectiveness of your training. You can see the feedback in Flow web service, Flow app and Beat app. To get the feedback, you need to have trained at least a total of 10 minutes... Training Load Pro When you train, the different systems of your body get strained. With Training Load Pro, you get a holistic view on how your training sessions strain these different systems and how it affects your performance. Training Load Pro gives you a training load for both your cardiovascular and your... Troubleshooting Ignite setup Having trouble setting up your watch with your mobile?If you're having trouble setting up your watch with your phone and the Polar Flow mobile app, make sure:Your phone is compatible with the Polar Flow app.You have the latest version of the Polar Flow app downloaded from Google Play or the App... Troubleshooting Phone notifications (Android) After enabling Phone notifications and syncing your Polar Grit X/Polar Ignite/Polar Vantage, all notifications shown on your Android mobile device’s lock screen will appear on your watch.If you are having trouble getting phone notifications to work, try the steps below. Check that:Phone... Troubleshooting Phone notifications (iOS) After enabling Phone notifications and syncing your Polar Grit X/Polar Ignite/Polar Vantage, all notifications on your iOS mobile device will appear on your watch if the notifications are enabled and the Notification Center setting is enabled in the app-specific Notification settings (e.g. Settings... Troubleshooting Polar FlowSync If you have problems using Polar FlowSync, please check the following troubleshooting tips. If the tips do not help, send the FlowSync log file with a detailed problem description to Polar Customer Care. Unable to start FlowSync. Start FlowSync manually from [install location] or reinstall FlowSync... Troubleshooting Polar Sleep Plus Stages™ ​The sleep tracking in your Polar watch is fully automatic. The Sleep Plus Stages measurement is based on recording the movements of your non-dominant hand with a built-in 3D acceleration sensor and recording your heart’s beat-to-beat interval data from your wrist with an optical heart rate sensor.... Troubleshooting Polar Sleep Plus™ The sleep detection in your Polar device is fully automatic. It’s based on recording the movements of your non-dominant hand with a built-in 3D acceleration sensor. Although we, and others, have found the Sleep Plus algorithm pretty accurate, it's important to acknowledge the challenges of the... Troubleshooting a Polar watch with built-in GPS (GNSS) Make sure GPS recording is set on:Set GPS recording on in the sport profile settings in the Flow app or web service. Remember to sync the settings to your watch.M400/M430: On your watch, go to Settings > Sport Profiles, choose the sport and set GPS recording on.Check the expiry date for the... Troubleshooting optical heart rate measurement Are you wearing your Polar device correctly? To be able to get reliable heart rate measurements from your wrist, make sure that you wear the Polar device correctly:Wear the Polar device on top of your wrist, at least a finger’s width up from the wrist bone (see the picture below).Tighten the... Water resistance of Polar products Polar products can be worn when swimming. They are not, however, diving instruments. Wear and care instructions for Polar devices with wrist-based heart rate measurement Polar devices with wrist-based heart rate measurement are meant to be worn throughout the day and during the night. To help you get the most out of your device, we’ve put together a few tips to keep your wearable working reliably, looking and feeling good and to keep the skin on your arm in good... Wear and care of your textile (woven or nylon) wristband Like you, your textile wristband needs the right kind of care and attention to help it stay in the best possible condition. We recommend cleaning bands only when necessary, there’s no need to wash them regularly. When looking after your textile wristband (woven or nylon), following the guidelines... What affects the accuracy of speed and distance measurement from the wrist? Running formThe built-in accelerometer estimates speed and distance based on your wrist movements, so your running form, especially the way you swing your arms, is a key factor in the calculation.Generally, this feature works best when running at a pace that feels natural and comfortable for you.... What are heart rate zones? Heart rate zonesJust like your resting heart rate and maximum heart rate, your heart rate zone limits are individual, and this is why they’re generally defined as percentages of your maximum heart rate.Heart rate zone 1 – Very light: 50-60% of HR maxTraining in zone 1 improves your overall health... What are the pros and cons of different methods for measuring heart rate? Polar uses two different methods for measuring heart rate: optical heart rate measurement and a heart rate sensor with a chest strap.The optical heart rate measurement is based on photoplethysmography (PPG), whereas the heart rate sensor with a chest strap measures the electrical activity of your... What are the technical requirements for using Polar FlowSync software? ​​To use FlowSync you need a computer with Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac operating system. Download the newest version from https://flow.polar.com/start.FlowSync is compatible with the following operating systems:Mac OS64-bitV650macOS 10.13 High SierraXXmacOS 10.14 MojaveXXmacOS 10.15... What is Assisted GPS (A-GPS)? How does it work? The Polar devices listed in the 'Applies to' section use Assisted GPS (A-GPS) to acquire a fast satellite fix. The A-GPS data tells your Polar device the predicted positions of the GPS satellites. This way the Polar device knows where to search for the satellites and thus is able to... What is GNSS? The European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency defines GNSS on their website as follows:"Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) refers to a constellation of satellites providing signals from space that transmit positioning and timing data to GNSS receivers. The receivers then use... What is the battery lifetime and operational time of my Ignite? The Ignite has an internal, rechargeable battery.The battery operating time is:up to 17 hours training with GPS and optical heart rate, or5 days activity tracking with Continuous heart rate tracking.The operating time depends on many factors, such as the temperature of the environment in which you... What is the lifespan of the rechargeable battery in my Polar watch? Rechargeable batteries have a limited lifespan, which depends on several factors, including battery technology, operating conditions, charging habits, and how the watch is used and cared for. Over time, rechargeable batteries gradually wear out, and their capacity decreases. The average lifespan of... What sensors and accessories is my Polar device compatible with? Compatible heart rate sensors... Where can I find the serial number/device id of my Polar device? You can find the device ID from:the Settings menu of your Polar device orthe Devices menu in Polar Flow app orthe Products menu in Polar Flow web service.The serial number and device ID are also printed on the device itself. Check the list below to see where they’re located on your device. Serial... Which products are compatible with Polar Flow web service? Polar Flow is an important part of the Polar ecosystem for our newest devices and all future products.At the moment Polar Flow is compatible with:Grit XGrit X ProGrit X2 ProIgniteIgnite 2Ignite 3M200M400M430M460OH1 optical heart rate sensorPacerPacer ProPolar Beat appUniteV650Vantage MVantage... Why does my activity accumulate differently with my new Polar device with Continuous Heart Rate feature compared to my older Polar device? The Continuous Heart Rate feature complements the 24/7 Activity Tracking feature of Polar devices. While the 24 /7 Activity Tracking feature records your wrist movements to track your activity, the Continuous Heart Rate feature also tracks your heart rate around the clock in order to give you an...
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