You are here: Settings > Physical Settings

Physical Settings

To view and edit your physical settings, go to Settings > Physical settings. There you'll find:

  • Sex
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Date of birth
  • HR max
  • Resting HR
  • VO2max

It is important that you are precise with the physical settings, especially when setting your weight, height, date of birth and sex, as they have an impact on the accuracy of the measuring values, such as the heart rate limits and calorie expenditure.

Tap to open the setting you want to change, and edit as you like. Confirm and return to previous menu by tapping .

In certain settings (e.g. SEX), tap the field until you see the correct value.


Choose Male or Female.


Set your height.


Set your weight.

Date of birth

Set your date of birth.

HR max

HR MAX:Set your maximum heart rate, if you know your laboratory measured current maximum heart rate value. Your age-predicted maximum heart rate value (220-age) is displayed as a default setting when you set this value for the first time.

Resting HR

RESTING HR: Set your resting heart rate.

VO2 max

VO2max: Set your maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max.