Polar Vantage M3

Valami okosat, mégis sportosat, kompaktot, mégis erőteljeset, stílusosat, mégis strapabírót szeretnél. Keményebben szeretnél edzeni, mégis gyorsabban regenerálódni; jobban szeretnél aludni, mégis többet felfedezni. Profi szintű sportkövetést szeretnél, de a mindennapi életmód jellemzőivel. A Polar Vantage M3-at szeretnéd: a multisport órát multisport atlétáknak.

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

A Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan egy ellenálló és strapabíró okosóra szabadtéri sportokhoz – a zafírüveg AMOLED kijelzővel és titán óraházzal, valamint csúcstechnológiájú navigációs eszköztárral és teljesítményi funkciókkal ellátott, kalandra tervezett GPS sportórával felfedezheted a világ és a szervezet csodáit.

Polar Grit X2 Pro

A Polar Grit X2 Pro egy ellenálló és strapabíró okosóra szabadtéri sportokhoz – a zafír kristályüveg AMOLED kijelzővel, valamint csúcstechnológiájú navigációs eszköztárral és teljesítményi funkciókkal ellátott, kalandra tervezett GPS sportórával felfedezheted a világ és a szervezet csodáit.

Polar Vantage V3

A bioérzékelő eszközök, az AMOLED kijelző, a kétfrekvenciás GPS, a térképek, valamint a piacon elérhető legátfogóbb ezdési és regenerálódási eszközök együttese. A színpad berendezve, a Polar Vantage V3 okos sportóra pedig készen áll arra, hogy életre szóló teljesítményt nyújtson.

Polar Ignite 3

A Polar Ignite 3 egy stílusos fitnesz és wellness óra, amely segít abban, hogy sokkal energikusabb életet élj. Nyomon követi alvásodat, aktivitásodat és pulzusodat annak érdekében, hogy szervezetedre és életstílusodra szabott útmutatást kínáljon.

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn

A Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn egy stílusos fitnesz- és wellnessóra, amely segít energikusabban élni az életet. Nyomon követi alvásodat, aktivitásodat és pulzusodat, hogy szervezetedre és életstílusodra szabott útmutatást kínáljon, szőtt csuklópántja pedig puha, könnyű és rendkívül kényelmes.

Polar Pacer Pro

Az ultrakönnyű, új generációs Polar Pacer Pro sportóra beépített barométerrel és fejlett edzési eszközökkel rendelkezik a sportolók számára a futási hatékonyság, az edzésszakaszok és a sportteljesítmény fejlesztése érdekében.

Polar Pacer

A sport játék – miért is bonyolítanánk túl? A Polar Pacer egy nem túlbonyolított sportóra, amely az új sportolók számára minden lényeges funkciót biztosít, továbbá speciális edzési eszközöket is kínál, amelyekre szükségük van ahhoz, hogy jobban eddzenek.

Polar Vantage V2

A Polar Vantage V2 a minimalista dizájn, az innovatív technológia, valamint az intelligens edzési és regenerálódási eszközök rendkívüli találkozása, minden idők leglenyűgözőbb sportórája.

Polar Grit X Pro

Katonai szintű tartósságra, zafír óraüveggel és ultra hosszú élettartamú akkumulátorral készült Grit X Pro új navigációs eszközökkel, mindig bekapcsolt outdoor funkciókkal és a Polar legjobb edzési megoldásaival.

Polar Vantage M2

A funkcionálisra tervezett Polar Vantage M2 keményen dolgozik, éppúgy, mint te. Az iparágvezető technológiánk segít elérni a céljaidat és újult erővel a tettek mezejére lépni. A sportolói hozzáálláshoz.

Polar Ignite 2

Egy fitneszóra, amely elegáns, egyszerű és okos? A Polar Ignite 2 egy valódi háromszoros ínyencség. Sokoldalú és teli van nagyszerű extrákkal, a tökéletes társ bármely sporthoz és bármilyen életstílushoz.

Polar Ignite

A fejlett pulzusmérővel és beépített GPS-szel rendelkező vízálló Polar Ignite fitnesz óra áttekintést kínál a teljes napodról, és útmutatással szolgál egy kiegyensúlyozottabb élet felé.

Polar Unite

Egy gyönyörűen egyszerű óra személyre szabott napi edzési útmutatással, folyamatos pulzusméréssel és aktivitáskövetéssel, valamint automatikus alvási és regenerálódási alkalmazásokkal.

Polar Vantage M

Univerzális GPS multisport és futóóra, amit azoknak terveztünk, akik szeretnek új rekordokat felállítani. A Polar Vantage M egy elegáns és könnyű edzőtárs, amely minden szükséges adattal ellát a teljesítményed fokozásához.

Polar Grit X

Tartós, mégis könnyű kialakítású, rendkívül hosszú akkumulátor-üzemidejű és katonai szintű tartósságú szabadtéri multisport óra azok számára, akik a terepet választják az utak helyett.

Polar M430

A Polar M430 egy GPS futóóra csuklóérzékelős pulzusmérővel, fejlett edzési funkciókkal és Polar Futóprogrammal – csúcsszínvonalú óra olyan futók számára, akik nem érik be kevéssel.

Polar Verity Sense

Ha a szabad mozgás fontos számodra, akkor a Polar Verity Sense az egyértelmű választás bármilye sporthoz.

Polar H10

Széles körben a vezeték nélküli pulzusmérés aranystandardjaként elismert, a legpontosabb érzékelő a Polar történetében.

Polar H9

Megbízható, kiváló minőségű pulzusmérő mellkaspánt a mindennapi sportoláshoz Bluetooth® és ANT+ támogatással. Kapcsolódj és indulás!



Szabj személyre bármilyen órát stílusodnak és igényeidnek megfelelően.

Mellkaspántok és karpántok

Cseréld ki vagy cseréld jobbra Polar érzékelőd mellkaspántját vagy karpántját!

Töltés és kábelek

Termékek töltéséhez és adatátvitelhez.

Konzolok, foglalatok és adapterek

Alakítsd át termékedet bármilyen helyzethez illőre!





Polar Grit X Outdoor sorozat

A szabadtéri sportokhoz készült, minden kemény természeti környezettel megbirkózó Grit X órákat úgy tervezték, hogy segítsenek felfedezni a világot, és felkészítsenek a kalandra.

Polar Vantage Performance sorozat

Csúcssorozatunk nagy teljesítményű és állóképességi sportokhoz és edzésekhez készült. Vantage óráink minden részletét egy adott személyt – a sportolót – szem előtt tartva alkottuk meg.

Polar Pacer Multisport sorozat

A Pacer sorozat a sportolók számára minden lényeges funkciót biztosít – mint például a pontos GPS és a precíz pulzusmérés – továbbá speciális edzési, alvási és regenerálódási eszközöket is kínál, amelyekre szükségük van ahhoz, hogy jobban eddzenek.

Polar Ignite Fitness & Wellness sorozat

Elegáns, egyszerű és okos – Az Ignite órák a tökéletes partnert jelentik bármely fitnesz célhoz és életstílushoz.

Polar Running Program | Get Started Support video Account already exists! Account already exists! notification is displayed if you already have created a Polar account in one of Polar’s web services with that email address.If you have forgotten or do not know your Polar account password, you can get it via the Have you forgotten your password? link in Polar Flow web... Do Polar devices detect how I sleep? Yes. Just wear your Polar device to bed. No sleep mode activation is needed. Your Polar device will automatically detect from your wrist movements that you’re sleeping. How does my Polar device track my sleep? Polar device will track your sleep time and quality (restful or restless), if you wear it... Flow - Activity timeline Support video Force Polar Beat training sessions list to sync with Polar Flow In case your training results are not transferred to the Polar Flow web service automatically, you can manually transfer them by swiping down and holding the sessions list page for a moment.The training sessions are accessible from the home page by swiping up. Get started with the Polar Running Program How to create a Polar Running Program The only thing you need to create a Polar Running program is a Polar account. Before creating a program, make sure all of your personal and physical information is correct in your Flow Settings. Also, when answering the physical activity level questions, make... Have you forgotten your password? If you have forgotten your Polar account password, you can get a new one as follows:Go to the Sign in menu and click Sign in.Click Forgot your password?Type in your email address.Click Send. You’ll get an email with a link for changing the password.Open the email and click the link.Enter your new... Heart rate variability (HRV) data file export in the Flow Web Service Training sessions done with an ECG heart rate sensor contain a downloadable heart rate variability (HRV) data file. The data can be exported as a CSV file on the Training analysis page in the Flow Web Service. Please note that the HRV data export is not available in the following cases:Training... How To Use Training Load Pro Support video How can I automatically sync my data from Polar Flow to Strava? You can now automatically sync your training sessions from the Polar Flow web service to Strava. All you need to do is connect your Polar Flow account to the Strava service and you’ll see your training sessions in Strava as well!After you’ve joined your Polar Flow and Strava accounts your training... How can I automatically sync my data from Polar Flow to TrainingPeaks? ​You can now automatically sync your training sessions from the Polar Flow web service to TrainingPeaks. All you need to do is connect your Polar Flow account to the TrainingPeaks service and you’ll see your training sessions in TrainingPeaks as well!After you’ve joined your Polar Flow and... How can I change my Polar Flow web service password? Sign into the web service.Click your name on the upper right corner and select Settings.Click Change password.Enter your current password and click Next.Enter the new password twice in the appropriate fields.Click Next.You’ll get a page confirming the password change. How can I change my email address in Polar Flow web service? You can change your e-mail address in Polar Account or in flow.polar.com.In flow.polar.com:Sign into the web service.Click your name on the upper right corner and select Settings.Click Change email.Type in your password and click Next.Enter your new email address twice in the appropriate fields and... How can I change the language of Polar Flow web service? Polar flow web service is available in following languages: Czech, Chinese (simplified), Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.You can change the... How can I compare my training targets with training results? Now it’s possible to analyze whether or not you performed your training as you planned. Create a training target in Polar Flow, sync it to your Polar device, train according to the target following the guidance on your device and sync your training to Polar Flow. Your training result is... How can I connect my Flow account with MyFitnessPal in Flow web service? You can have your activity and exercise data automatically added to the MyFitnessPal exercise calendar by connecting the accounts.The following data is shared from your Flow account:Activity -- Calories, Steps, DateTraining summary -- Duration, Distance, Calories, Max. speed, Avg. HR, Max. HR, Time... How can I edit sport profiles and training views in Polar Flow? The sport profiles feature lets you list all your favorite sports and define specific settings for each one of them. For example, you can create tailored training views for each sport you do and choose what data you want to see when you train: just your heart rate or just speed and distance –... How can I relive a session in Polar Flow web service? Go the same route, see the highlights and a summary and benefits of the session.To relive your own session click Relive in the Analyze view of a session.To go to the Analyze view go to your Diary and open a session from your calendar. You can only relive sessions that have GPS-data recorded. How do I add a training session to Polar Flow web service manually? Go to your DIARY and click Add > Training session.Or hover your mouse over a date on your DIARY and click +Add > Training result.Enter Date and Time. Select Sport. Write some notes about the training, if you wish.Enter Duration and, if you like, other details about your session. Depending on... How do I create a training target in Polar Flow web service? ​Whatever Polar product you use with Polar Flow web service, you can create detailed training targets to the web service to help you plan your training. The targets are shown in your Diary in Polar Flow. You can also add the targets to your favorites list and use them as templates when creating new... How do I create an account for Polar Flow web service? Polar Flow web service uses the same Polar account as other Polar web services.If you already have created an account by signing up for one of Polar's web services or mobile application, or when taking your product into use, your username and password are valid for Polar Flow web service as... How do I export individual training sessions from Polar Flow web service? You can choose either to export your training file as a GPX, TCX or CSV file, or to zip the files for faster download. In case you have a slow internet connection, we recommend you choose the compressed zip file for bigger training files to speed up the export.You can export the route of a training... How to build a workout with phases Simple four-phase workout In addition to the actual work phase, it’s good to include also a warm-up, a cool-down and some stretching to your workout—whatever your sport is. It maximizes the benefits of the workout and prevents injuries. So, in its simplest, a phased workout can be just those four... How to delete Polar Account You can close your Polar Account at https://account.polar.com/Closing your account deletes all of your training and personal data from our database permanently. Please note that closing your account will affect everything in your Polar Account including Polar Flow and newsletter registration. All of... How to download all your data from Polar Flow In case you want to download your personal data that has accumulated in the Polar Flow ecosystem, you can do it by following these steps.Go to https://account.polar.com and click Sign in.Authorize the access with your Polar account email address and password.Click Download your data on the menu on... How to import a route into the Polar Flow web service and use it on a training device You can import a route exported from a third party service into the Polar Flow web service and sync it to your Polar watch.Export a route from a third party web service. The file format should be GPX or TCX.Sign into Polar Flow.Go to Favorites by clicking the Favorites icon in the top right... How we handle your personal data and your sensitive personal data? Polar respects your privacy and strives to offer you a safe customer experience.Our Privacy Notice explains in detail what data we collect when you use our products and services, and how we use and handle this data.When you create a user account for Polar services, we ask for some personal... Import third party routes to Polar Flow Support video I’ve made changes in the Polar Flow web service/app, but I can’t see them on my Polar device If you change settings, create or update sport profiles, create training targets or add favorites in the Polar Flow web service or Polar Flow app, you need to sync the changes to your Polar device.You have two ways to sync the changed settings to your Polar device:Sync via FlowSyncIf you make the... Manage Favorites and training targets in Polar Flow Favorites in Polar Flow web serviceClick the Favorites icon on the menu bar on top of the page to enter your Favorites page.Here you can manage the favorites for each Polar device you have registered on your Polar account.1. On the left side of the page, you manage all your routes and... Minimizing risks when training Health and trainingTraining may include some risk. Before beginning a regular training program, it is recommended that you answer the following questions concerning your health status. If you answer yes to any of these questions, we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting any training... Polar Flow Season Planner With Polar Flow Season Planner you can plan and customize the training season you want. The best way to learn it is to try it out and create a new season. You can edit the plan after you've created it.Divide your training sessions into periodsSet weekly volumes by duration or distance targets,... Polar Flow web service start page does not load properly and I cannot click Sign in Check that javascript and cookies are enabled in your browser. See your browser’s help for instructions. Polar Running Program Training for an event, and want to know how, how much and how often you should train? Whether you’re training for a 5k run or a marathon, Polar Running Program will help you get ready, and coach you all the way to the finish line.Every runner is unique, and so is each Polar Running Program. It’s a... Polar Running Program FAQs What is the Polar Running Program based on? It is based on training in the right heart rate zone, and the science behind the Polar Heart Rate Zones is the cornerstone of the program. The program gives you a training plan for your target event based on your personal attributes, training background... Polar Running Program | How to use Support video Polar Sport Profiles Here are listed all the sport profiles Polar Flow and Polar devices support. You can choose up to 20 sport profiles at a time for your Polar device. For more information, see How can I edit sport profiles and training views in Polar Flow?. Please note that in a number of indoor sports, group sports... Sharing Polar Flow training sessions Polar Flow mobile app To share your training session as a link:Open one of your training sessions and tap the Share button: . Choose Link from the sharing options.Tap Share to confirm.Select where you want to share your training session.The Link icon now shows that the training session is shared.To... Supported Polar products Switch to daylight savings time on your watch by syncing it with Flow Typically, regions that use daylight savings time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring, and adjust them one hour back in the fall.When switching to or from daylight savings time you can set the correct time to your watch by syncing it with the Flow web service or app. The... The what and how of Polar Sleep Plus™ What is Polar Sleep Plus™ and how it works Polar Sleep Plus™ is a feature that lets you know how much and how well you’ve slept. It’s an easy way to track your sleep and learn more about your sleeping habits and sleep quality. Feedback and detailed sleep insights guide you towards better sleeping... The what and how of Recovery Status What is Recovery Status? The Recovery Status feature estimates how much training load you can tolerate. It keeps track of your cumulative load – that is, intensity, volume and frequency of your training and activity – taking your training background into account, and estimates your current and... The what and how of Training Load ​Training load is textual feedback on the strenuousness of a single training session. Training load calculation is based on the consumption of critical energy sources (carbohydrates and proteins) during exercise. The Training Load feature makes the loads of different types of training sessions... Training Benefit feature ​Training Benefit gives you textual feedback on the effect of each training session helping you to better understand the effectiveness of your training. You can see the feedback in Flow web service, Flow app and Beat app. To get the feedback, you need to have trained at least a total of 10 minutes... Training Load Pro When you train, the different systems of your body get strained. With Training Load Pro, you get a holistic view on how your training sessions strain these different systems and how it affects your performance. Training Load Pro gives you a training load for both your cardiovascular and your... Unauthorized changes to your account If you receive a message that the password or email address linked to your Polar account has been changed but you didn't make any changes yourself, do not click any links in the email. It’s always possible someone is trying to access your account without authorization.First, go to... What are the technical requirements for using Polar Flow web service? To get the best site experience, we recommend using the latest version of one of the following browsers.ChromeFirefoxSafariMicrosoft EdgeTo get the best and the most secure Polar Flow experience, we recommend you use the latest version of a supported browser. If you use other desktop browsers,... What is my Training background? Training background is an assessment of your level of long-term physical activity. Select the alternative that best describes the overall amount and intensity of your physical activity during the past three months. Your training background is used in determining your energy expenditure, and it also... Which products are compatible with Polar Flow web service? Polar Flow is an important part of the Polar ecosystem for our newest devices and all future products.At the moment Polar Flow is compatible with:Grit XGrit X ProGrit X2 ProIgniteIgnite 2Ignite 3M200M400M430M460OH1 optical heart rate sensorPacerPacer ProPolar Beat appUniteV650Vantage MVantage...
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Gondoskodj róla, hogy megkapd meghívódat a Polar családjába. Iratkozz fel hírlevelünkre, és értesülj minden nagyszerű hírünkről és ajánlatunkról! 10% kedvezményt* fogsz kapni egy vásárlásra.

A Feliratkozás gombra kattintva beleegyezel abba, hogy e-maileket kapj a Polartól, és megerősíted, hogy elolvastad az adatvédelmi nyilatkozatunkat.

*Ez a promóció nem vonható össze másik promóciókkal vagy ajánlatokkal.