Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan on tugev ja vastupidav välispordikell, millel on safiirklaasiga AMOLED-ekraan titaanraamis ning kõrgtehnoloogiline komplekt orienteerumis- ja sooritusfunktsioone, et avastada maailma ja keha imesid.

Polar Grit X2 Pro

Polar Grit X2 Pro on tugev ja vastupidav välispordikell, millel on safiirkristallklaasiga AMOLED-ekraan ning kõrgtehnoloogiline komplekt orienteerumis- ja sooritusfunktsioone, et avastada maailma ja keha imesid.

Polar Vantage V3

Biotundlike instrumentide ansambel, AMOLED-ekraan, kahesageduslik GPS, kaardid ja turu parim komplekt treeningu- ja taastumistööriistu. Lava on püsti ning spordikell Polar Vantage V3 on valmis alustama elu etteastet.

Polar Ignite 3

Polar Ignite 3 on stiilne spordi- ja heaolukell, mis aitab sul elada energilisemalt. Sellega saad jälgida und, aktiivsust ja südame löögisagedust ning vaadata sinu keha ja elustiiliga kohandatud juhiseid.

Polar Pacer Pro

Polar Pacer Pro on sisseehitatud baromeetriga ülikerge uue põlvkonna spordikell, mis pakub sportlastele täiustatud treeninguvahendeid jooksuökonoomika, treeningukordade ja sporditulemuste parandamiseks.

Polar Pacer

Sport on mäng – milleks seda keeruliseks ajada? Polar Pacer on asjalik spordikell, mis annab uutele sportlastele kõik põhifunktsioonid ning lisaks spetsiaalsed treeninguvahendid, mida nad vajavad, et paremini treenida.

Polar Vantage V2

Võimas kombinatsioon minimalistlikust disainist, uuenduslikust tehnoloogiast ning nutikatest treeningu- ja taastumisvahenditest teevad kellast Polar Vantage V2 meie seni kõige silmapaistvama spordikella.

Polar Grit X Pro

See militaartasemel töökindla konstruktsiooni, safiirklaasi ja ülimalt vastupidava akuga kell varustab sind uute navigatsioonivahendite, alati aktiivsete välifunktsioonide ja Polari uusimate treeningulahendustega.

Polar Vantage M2

Praktiline Polar Vantage M2 näeb sama palju vaeva kui sina. Meie valdkonna juhtiv tehnoloogia aitab sul saavutada oma eesmärgid ja naasta tugevamana. Sportlase mõttelaadile sobiv.

Polar Ignite 2

Spordikell, mis on elegantne, lihtne ja nutikas? Polar Ignite 2 on kolmes mõttes eriline. See on mitmekülgne, sisaldab suurepäraseid funktsioone ning on ideaalne kaaslane iga spordiala ja elustiili jaoks.

Polar Ignite

See veekindel võimekusjälgija-spordikell Polar Ignite, millel on randmelt mõõdetava südame löögisageduse funktsioon ja sisseehitatud GPS, annab päevast täieliku ülevaate ja suunab tasakaalustatuma elustiili poole.

Polar Unite

Kaunilt lihtne kell, millel on kohandatud igapäevased treeningujuhised, ööpäevane südame löögisageduse ja aktiivsuse jälgimine ning ka automaatsed une ja taastumise rakendused.

Polar Vantage M

Rekordite ületamiseks mõeldud universaalne multispordi- ja jooksu-GPS-kell Polar Vantage M. Polar Vantage M on õhuke ja kerge treeningukaaslane ning see jagab sinuga kõiki andmeid, mida vajad oma soorituste parandamiseks.

Polar Grit X

Vastupidava, aga kergekaalulise konstruktsiooniga, ülipika aku tööeaga ja militaarstandardile vastava tugevusega välimultispordikell kõigile, kes eelistavad kaetud teede asemel looduslikke radu.

Polar M430

GPS-jooksukell randmelt mõõdetava südame löögisageduse, täiustatud jooksufunktsioonide ja Polari jooksuprogrammiga Polar M430 on tipptasemel kell jooksjatele, kes tahavad midagi enamat.

Polar Verity Sense

Kui vabadus on sinu jaoks tähtis, on Polar Verity Sense mis tahes spordiala puhul parim valik.

Polar H10

Seda peetakse juhtmeta südame löögisageduse jälgimise kullastandardiks ja see on täpseim Polari ajaloos.

Polar H9

Kvaliteetne ja usaldusväärne südame löögisageduse jälgimise rindkerevöö igapäevaste spordialade jaoks; ühildub tehnoloogiatega Bluetooth® ja ANT+. Ühendu ja mine.

Polar OH1+

Polar OH1 on optiline südame löögisageduse andur, milles on ühendatud mitmekülgsus, mugavus ja lihtsus. Saad seda kasutada eraldiseisva seadmena või siduda selle tänu Bluetooth®i ja ANT+ ühenduvusele eri treeningurakenduste, spordi- ja nutikelladega.


Isikupärasta iga kell mis tahes stiili või vajaduse jaoks.


Asenda või täiusta Polari andurite rindkerevöösid või käerihmu.

Laadimine ja kaablid

Sinu toodete laadimiseks ja andmeedastuseks.

Kinnitused ja adapterid

Kohanda oma toode mis tahes olukorra jaoks.





Välitingimuste tootesari Polar Grit X

Välialadeks mõeldud kellad Grit X tulevad toime kõigis keskkondades, kuhu sa looduses võid sattuda, ja on välja töötatud sooviga aidata sul avastada maailma ja varustada sind seiklusteks.

Tootesari Polar Vantage Performance

Meie lipulaev-sari on loodud spetsiaalselt kestvus- ja saavutusspordile ning nendeks treenimisele. Meie Vantage-kellade iga aspekti disainimisel on mõeldud vaid ühele inimesele – sportlasele.

Tootesari Polar Pacer Multisport

Tootesari Pacer annab sportlastele kõik põhifunktsioonid nagu täpne GPS ja täpne südame löögisageduse jälgimine, lisaks spetsiaalsed treeningu-, une- ja taastumistööriistad, mida nad vajavad, et paremini treenida.

Spordi- ja heaolusari Polar Ignite

Napp, lihtne ja nutikas – kell Ignite on täiuslik kaaslane mis tahes võimekuseesmärgiks ja mis tahes elustiiliks.

Flow for Coach

How a coach can add a training target You create the target the same way you do in Flow web service, but Coach can add the same training target to all or selected athletes at once.Go to Diary > Add.Create the target for all wanted athletes. How can I change the language of Polar Flow web service? Polar flow web service is available in following languages: Czech, Chinese (simplified), Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.You can change the... How can I compare my training targets with training results? Now it’s possible to analyze whether or not you performed your training as you planned. Create a training target in Polar Flow, sync it to your Polar device, train according to the target following the guidance on your device and sync your training to Polar Flow. Your training result is... How do I create a training target in Polar Flow web service? ​Whatever Polar product you use with Polar Flow web service, you can create detailed training targets to the web service to help you plan your training. The targets are shown in your Diary in Polar Flow. You can also add the targets to your favorites list and use them as templates when creating new... How do I create an account for Polar Flow web service? Polar Flow web service uses the same Polar account as other Polar web services.If you already have created an account by signing up for one of Polar's web services or mobile application, or when taking your product into use, your username and password are valid for Polar Flow web service as... How do I export individual training sessions from Polar Flow web service? You can choose either to export your training file as a GPX, TCX or CSV file, or to zip the files for faster download. In case you have a slow internet connection, we recommend you choose the compressed zip file for bigger training files to speed up the export.You can export the route of a training... How to add an athlete to Flow for Coach You can invite new athletes to your Coach account from the Athletes tab. You'll also see all of your athletes and to which group they belong to, as well as the althletes you've invited.Go to Athletes tab and under Invite athletes title you can enter your athlete’s Polar Flow account email... How to add coaching notes You can add coaching notes to your athletes’ training sessions.Click Training history tab on the top part of the page and select your athlete from the drop down lists. There’s an Add note text at the end of each training session entry.Click the Add note text, write your message and click Save. Your... How to add groups in Flow for Coach You can create groups to organize your athletes into teams for example. Here's how to get started on creating a group of athletes.Go to Groups tab and click Create new group to begin.Enter the name and description to the group and click Add group.The newly created group page opens and you can... How to build a workout with phases Simple four-phase workout In addition to the actual work phase, it’s good to include also a warm-up, a cool-down and some stretching to your workout—whatever your sport is. It maximizes the benefits of the workout and prevents injuries. So, in its simplest, a phased workout can be just those four... How to create an account to Flow for Coach Go to flow.polar.com/coach/register and follow on-screen instructions.If you want to remove your account, you must remove your Polar account at account.polar.com. How to delete Polar Account You can close your Polar Account at https://account.polar.com/Closing your account deletes all of your training and personal data from our database permanently. Please note that closing your account will affect everything in your Polar Account including Polar Flow and newsletter registration. All of... How to download all your data from Polar Flow In case you want to download your personal data that has accumulated in the Polar Flow ecosystem, you can do it by following these steps.Go to https://account.polar.com and click Sign in.Authorize the access with your Polar account email address and password.Click Download your data on the menu on... Introduction to Flow for Coach With Polar's free remote coaching platform you get easy access to your client's training data. Create tailored annual training plans, plan individual training sessions and use the powerful analytics to set and reach goals together. Your athlete’s Polar product works seamlessly with Polar... Manage Favorites and training targets in Polar Flow Favorites in Polar Flow web serviceClick the Favorites icon on the menu bar on top of the page to enter your Favorites page.Here you can manage the favorites for each Polar device you have registered on your Polar account.1. On the left side of the page, you manage all your routes and... Polar Flow Season Planner With Polar Flow Season Planner you can plan and customize the training season you want. The best way to learn it is to try it out and create a new season. You can edit the plan after you've created it.Divide your training sessions into periodsSet weekly volumes by duration or distance targets,... Polar Flow Sport Profiles Please note that in a number of indoor sports, group sports and team sports profiles the HR visible to other devices setting is enabled by default. This means that compatible devices using Bluetooth Smart wireless technology, e.g. gym equipment, can detect your heart rate. You can also use your... Sharing Polar Flow training sessions Polar Flow mobile app To share your training session as a link:Open one of your training sessions and tap the Share button: . Choose Link from the sharing options.Tap Share to confirm.Select where you want to share your training session.The Link icon now shows that the training session is shared.To... Switch to daylight savings time on your watch by syncing it with Flow Typically, regions that use daylight savings time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring, and adjust them one hour back in the fall.When switching to or from daylight savings time you can set the correct time to your watch by syncing it with the Flow web service or app. The... The what and how of Recovery Status What is Recovery Status? The Recovery Status feature estimates how much training load you can tolerate. It keeps track of your cumulative load – that is, intensity, volume and frequency of your training and activity – taking your training background into account, and estimates your current and... The what and how of Training Load ​Training load is textual feedback on the strenuousness of a single training session. Training load calculation is based on the consumption of critical energy sources (carbohydrates and proteins) during exercise. The Training Load feature makes the loads of different types of training sessions... Training Benefit feature ​Training Benefit gives you textual feedback on the effect of each training session helping you to better understand the effectiveness of your training. You can see the feedback in Flow web service, Flow app and Beat app. To get the feedback, you need to have trained at least a total of 10 minutes... What are the technical requirements for using Polar Flow web service? To get the best site experience, we recommend using the latest version of one of the following browsers.ChromeFirefoxSafariMicrosoft EdgeTo get the best and the most secure Polar Flow experience, we recommend you use the latest version of a supported browser. If you use other desktop browsers,... Which products are compatible with Polar Flow web service? Polar Flow is an important part of the Polar ecosystem for our newest devices and all future products.At the moment Polar Flow is compatible with:Grit XGrit X ProGrit X2 ProIgniteIgnite 2Ignite 3M200M400M430M460OH1 optical heart rate sensorPacerPacer ProPolar Beat appUniteV650Vantage MVantage...
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