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During training

Training views

You can browse through training views with UP/DOWN. You can see the available training views below.

Training with heart rate

Your current heart rate
The duration of your training session so far.
Your current heart rate

The number 130 in the image shows the EnergyPointer - the personalized turning point where the main effect of your training turns from burning fat to improving fitness. The heart symbol tells you whether you're burning fat or improving fitness. In the image, the symbol is on the left side meaning that you're burning fat.

The time spent in current zone - fat burning or fitness improving

The image shows that you've been 00:35.07 minutes in fat burning zone.

Time of day

Calories burned so far during training

Training without heart rate

The duration of the training session so far.
Time of day

Calories burned so far

Training with a duration or calorie based training target

If you have created a training target based on duration or calories in the Flow web service and synced it to your A300, you have the following views:


If you've created a target based on calories, you can see how much of your target you've completed both in calories and as a percentage.



If you've created a target based on time, you can see how much of your target you've completed both in time and as a percentage.

Your current heart rate

The duration of your training session so far

Your current heart rate.

The heart symbol shows in which heart rate zone you are.

Time spent in the heart rate zone you are currently in
Time of day

Calories burned so far during training

Training with a phased training target

If you have created a phased target in the Flow web service, defined the heart rate intensity for each phase and synced the target to your A300, you have the following views:

You can see your heart rate, the lower and upper heart rate limit of the current phase and the duration of the training session so far. The heart symbol visualizes your current heart rate between the heart rate limits.
Your current heart rate

The duration of your training session so far.

Your current heart rate.

The heart symbol shows in which heart rate zone you are.

Time spent in the heart rate zone you are currently in
Time of day

Calories burned so far during training

Functions During Training

Lock a Zone

Press and hold START to lock the fatburn or fitness zone you are currently in. To lock/unlock the zone, press and hold START again. If your heart rate goes outside the locked zone, you will be notified with audio feedback.

You can't lock zones during a heart rate guided phased training session you've created in the Flow web service and started in your A300. If you have set the upper and lower heart rate limits for each phase, your A300 will notify if you are outside the limits.

See the time of day

Bring your A300 close to your heart rate sensor to see the time of day during training. This function is called HeartTouch. HeartTouch works with Polar heart rate sensors using GymLink technology, for example Polar H7.

Activate backlight

Press the LIGHT button to activate backlight during training. The backlight stays on for a couple of seconds and turns off automatically.

Night mode function

Your A300 has a night mode function. If you press the LIGHT button once during pre-training mode, training recording mode or pause mode, the backlight will be activated every time you press any of the buttons during the training session. The display will also light up if a message is displayed. Night mode will be switched off when you finish the training recording.