Polar Vantage M3

Chcesz czegoś eleganckiego, ale sportowego, kompaktowego, ale potężnego, stylowego, ale wytrzymałego. Chcesz intensywniej trenować, ale szybko się regenerować, lepiej spać, ale więcej odkrywać. Chcesz monitorowania wyników na profesjonalnym poziomie, ale i funkcji, które sprawdzą się na co dzień. Chcesz Polar Vantage M3 - multisportowego zegarka dla wszechstronnych sportowców.

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan to wytrzymały zegarek outdoorowy, zaprojektowany z myślą o przygodach. Szafirowe szkło i wyświetlacz AMOLED w tytanowej obudowie oraz zaawansowany technologicznie zestaw funkcji nawigacyjnych i do monitorowania wyników pozwolą Ci odkrywać nie tylko cuda świata, ale i Twojego organizmu.

Polar Grit X2 Pro

Polar Grit X2 Pro to wytrzymały zegarek outdoorowy zaprojektowany z myślą o przygodach. Szafirowe, kryształowe szkło, wyświetlacz AMOLED oraz zaawansowany technologicznie zestaw funkcji nawigacyjnych i do monitorowania wyników pozwolą Ci odkrywać nie tylko cuda świata, ale i Twojego organizmu.

Polar Vantage V3

Zestaw bioczujników, wyświetlacz AMOLED, GPS o podwójnej częstotliwości, mapy i najbardziej kompleksowa paleta narzędzi do treningu i regeneracji na rynku. Wszystko gotowe, aby inteligentny zegarek sportowy Polar Vantage V3 pokazał pełnię swoich możliwości.

Polar Ignite 3

Polar Ignite 3 to stylowy, fitnessowy zegarek, który pomoże Ci prowadzić bardziej aktywny styl życia. Monitoruje on Twój sen, aktywność i tętno, aby dostarczyć osobistych wskazówek dostosowanych do Twojego organizmu i stylu życia.

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn to stylowy, fitnessowy zegarek, który pomoże Ci prowadzić bardziej aktywny styl życia. Monitoruje on Twój sen, aktywność i tętno, aby dostarczyć osobistych wskazówek dostosowanych do Twojego organizmu i stylu życia. W zestawie z miękkim, lekkim i niezwykle wygodnym plecionym paskiem tekstylnym.

Polar Pacer Pro

Polar Pacer Pro to ultralekki zegarek sportowy nowej generacji z wbudowanym barometrem. Jego zaawansowane funkcje umożliwiają poprawę efektywności biegu, jakości treningu oraz osiąganych wyników.

Polar Pacer

Sport to zabawa – po co to komplikować? Polar Pacer to łatwy w obsłudze zegarek sportowy, który zapewnia nowoczesnym sportowcom wszystkie podstawowe dane, a także specjalistyczne funkcje dzięki którym osiągną więcej korzyści z treningu.

Polar Vantage V2

Polar Vantage V2 to połączenie minimalistycznego designu i innowacyjnej technologii, które sprawiają, że jest to najpotężniejszy zegarek w naszej gamie.

Polar Grit X Pro

Wytrzymałość na najwyższym poziomie, szafirowe szkło i wyjątkowo długi czas pracy na baterii. Dodatkowo nowe możliwości nawigacji, zawsze dostępne funkcje outdoorowe oraz kompleksowe rozwiązania treningowe Polar.

Polar Vantage M2

Funkcjonalny design sprawia, że Polar Vantage M2 może pracować tak ciężko, jak Ty. Nasza innowacyjne rozwiązania pomogą Ci osiągnąć Twoje cele treningowe i poczuć moc. Ze sportową duszą.

Polar Ignite 2

Elegancki zegarek fitness, który jest funkcjonalny i komfortowy? Polar Ignite 2 spełnia wszystkie te wymagania. Wszechstronny i pełen świetnych funkcji zegarek to idealny towarzysz przy każdej dyscyplinie sportowej i każdym stylu życia.

Polar Ignite

Wodoodporny zegarek fitness z GPS i zaawansowanym pomiarem tętna z nadgarstka, Polar Ignite wyświetla informacje na temat każdego dnia i pomaga osiągnąć bardziej zrównoważony styl życia.

Polar Unite

Elegancki, łatwy w obsłudze zegarek ze spersonalizowanymi wskazówkami treningowymi, całodobowym pomiarem tętna i aktywności oraz funkcjami automatycznego monitorowania snu i regeneracji.

Polar Vantage M

Wszechstronny zegarek multisportowy z GPS zaprojektowany z myślą o osobach, które marzą o ustanawianiu nowych rekordów. Polar Vantage M to lekki i niewielki towarzysz treningów zapewni Ci dane, których potrzebujesz, aby poprawić swoje wyniki.

Polar Grit X

Outdoorowy zegarek sportowy, lekki design, wyjątkowo długa żywotność baterii i wytrzymałość na militarnym poziomie. Dla osób, które lubią poruszać się z dala od utartych szlaków.

Polar M430

Dzięki pomiarowi tętna z nadgarstka, zaawansowanym funkcjom i Programowi Treningu Biegowego Polar zegarek z GPS Polar M430 to idealny produkt dla każdego biegacza.

Polar Verity Sense

Jeśli cenisz komfort, Polar Verity Sense to Twój towarzysz podczas uprawiania każdego sportu.

Polar H10

Uznawany za złoty standard bezprzewodowego monitorowania tętna, jest to najbardziej precyzyjny sensor w historii firmy Polar.

Polar H9

Niezawodny, wysokiej jakości nadajnik na klatkę piersiową do pomiaru tętna we wszystkich rodzajach aktywności wyposażony w łączność przez Bluetooth® i ANT+. Połącz się i zacznij ćwiczyć.

Polar OH1+

Polar OH1 to optyczny czujnik do pomiaru tętna, które łączy w sobie wszechstronność, wygodę i łatwość obsługi. Można go używać jako samodzielne urządzenie treningowe, albo sparować z różnymi aplikacjami fitness, zegarkami sportowymi i smartwatchami, dzięki transmisji Bluetooth® i ANT+.


Dopasuj swój zegarek do każdej okazji i stylu.


Odśwież swoje sensory tętna Polar nowymi opaskami.


Do ładowania i transmisji danych.

Uchwyty i adaptery

Dostosuj swój produkt do każdej sytuacji.





Outdoorowe zegarki z serii Polar Grit X

Wykonane z myślą o sportach outdoorowych, wytrzymałość w każdych warunkach - zegarki Grit X zostały zaprojektowane, aby towarzyszyć Ci podczas każdej przygody.

Seria zaawansowanych zegarków Polar Vantage

Nasza flagowa seria zaprojektowana z myślą o intensywnych treningach i sportach wytrzymałościowych. Każdy detal zegarków Vantage został zaprojektowany z myślą o jednym — sporcie na najwyższym poziomie.

Seria multisportowa Polar Pacer

Seria Pacer zapewnia sportowcom wszystkie podstawowe dane, takie jak dokładny GPS oraz precyzyjny pomiar tętna, a także specjalistyczne funkcje do analizy treningu, snu i regeneracji. Wszystko po to, by lepiej trenować.

Seria Polar Ignite do fitness i wellness

Elegancki, łatwy w obsłudze i inteligentny – zegarek Ignite to idealny partner, który pomoże Ci osiągnąć każdy cel treningowy.

Problemy ze zgodnością produktów Polar z telefonami z systemem Android Poszczególne modele urządzeń z systemem Android mogą w różny sposób obsługiwać nasze produkty i usługi, m.in. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), oraz wykorzystywane standardy i protokoły. Z tego powodu poziom zgodności może być inny w zależności od producenta; ponadto w przypadku niektórych modeli problemy... How do I perform Fitness test and what is it used for? (Bluetooth HR sensor required) The Polar Fitness Test with wrist-based heart rate is an easy, safe and quick way to estimate your aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness at rest. It's a simple 5-minute fitness level assessment that gives you an estimate of your maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). The Fitness Test calculation is based... Polar Running Program | Get Started Support video A370 with Polar Balance How to pair A370 with the Polar Balance scaleStep on the scale, the display shows your weight.After a beep sound, the Bluetooth icon starts flashing on the scale display. It is now ready to be paired with your A370.Press and hold the side button until Searching is displayed on the A370 display. When... Account already exists! Account already exists! notification is displayed if you already have created a Polar account in one of Polar’s web services with that email address.If you have forgotten or do not know your Polar account password, you can get it via the Have you forgotten your password? link in Polar Flow web... Problemy ze zgodnością produktów Polar z telefonami z systemem Android Poszczególne modele urządzeń z systemem Android mogą w różny sposób obsługiwać nasze produkty i usługi, m.in. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), oraz wykorzystywane standardy i protokoły. Z tego powodu poziom zgodności może być inny w zależności od producenta; ponadto w przypadku niektórych modeli problemy... Can I change clock faces on my A370? Yes, you can. Just tap and hold the display in time view until you enter the selection of clock faces. Swipe up or down to see them all and tap the one you want to choose. Can I change the language of my fitness tracker? When you set up your A370, you can select one from the following languages to use it with:EnglishSpanishPortugueseFrenchDanishDutchSwedishNorwegianGermanItalianFinnishPolishRussianChinese (simplified)JapaneseIndonesianTurkishCzechKoreanAfter the setup, you can change the language with Flow app or... Can I keep the display from turning off during my training sessions? You can keep the display on permanently during your training session as follows:Start a training session.Tap and hold the touch display with your finger until you see the light bulb icon:To turn off the display on feature, tap and hold again in the training mode until you see the light bulb off... Can I measure my heart rate with the H10 heart rate sensor with my A370? Yes, your A370 is compatible with Polar Bluetooth heart rate sensors H6, H7 and H10. When you have it paired with your A370, heart rate is automatically measured from the sensor. Can I turn off continuous heart rate tracking? Yes, you can. The continuous heart rate tracking is on by default. If you want to extend the battery life of your A370, turning it off significantly increases it.Go to Settings .Tap Continuous HR icon . The icon turns grey with a confirmation message that the feature is off.Press the side button... Can I turn the wrist-based heart rate measurement off? You can disable the heart rate sensor in your A370 for your next training session by tapping and holding a sport icon while in the Training menu. Accept the confirmation message to turn it off.This method does not disable the continuous HR tracking on A370, though. You can disable it from the... Can I use my A370 as a heart rate sensor with another product? Yes, you can use it as a HR accessory to a Bluetooth compatible device or app. For instance, you can use it with a mobile sports app, like Polar Beat or cycling computer like Polar M460, if for example you’d like to follow your training session on a larger display during cycling. The device or app... Can I use my A370 when swimming? Yes, your A370 is water resistant to 30 meters and is suitable for swimming and bathing. However, water may prevent the wrist-based heart rate measurement from working optimally. But A370 will collect your activity data from your wrist movements during swimming. Continuous heart rate tracking with Polar Support video Create a training target in the Polar Flow app To create a training target in the Polar Flow app:Go to Training, and click on top of the page.Then choose the type of your training target from the following: Favorite target Choose Favorite target.Choose one the existing favorite training targets or Add new favorite target.Tap on next to the... Does my Polar product contain nickel? Stainless steel is a combination of iron along with elements such as nickel and chromium. Adding these elements to the iron makes it much more durable and stops it from rusting. Many Polar products contain stainless steel in either the back case or the buckle. The stainless steel used by Polar has... Editing your sleep in Polar Flow app You can adjust your sleep in the Flow app on your mobile phone and make the following changes:Change the sleep timing of detected sleep or revert to the originally detected sleepAdd new sleepDelete one sleep period at a time You can only adjust your sleep timing for data that's no older than... Fat Burning Percentage Calculating an estimate of calories expended from fat during a workout. Flow - Activity timeline Support video Get started with Les Mills sport profiles Support video Have you forgotten your password? If you have forgotten your Polar account password, you can get a new one as follows:Go to the Sign in menu and click Sign in.Click Forgot your password?Type in your email address.Click Send. You’ll get an email with a link for changing the password.Open the email and click the link.Enter your new... Having problems syncing your A370 with the Flow app? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices.If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen A370 as the active device in... How To Wear Polar OHR Watch Correctly Support video How can I change my email address in Polar Flow web service? You can change your e-mail address in Polar Account or in flow.polar.com.In flow.polar.com:Sign into the web service.Click your name on the upper right corner and select Settings.Click Change email.Type in your password and click Next.Enter your new email address twice in the appropriate fields and... How can I change the A370 wristband? Changing the wristbandHolding the device firmly upside down, slightly bend the wristband from one side to detach it from the device.Gently slide the device from the wristband.To attach the wristband, perform the steps in the reverse order. Make sure the band fits flush with the device on both sides. How can I change the language of Polar Flow web service? Polar flow web service is available in following languages: Czech, Chinese (simplified), Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.You can change the... How can I disable the A370 display from waking up from my hand movement? You can disable the display wake-up gesture by turning the Do not disturb mode on. You can do it from the Settings menu on your fitness tracker or from the Polar Flow mobile app. If you've already set up Smart notifications with Do not disturb time period in the mobile app, you don't have... How can I quickly check my heart rate? You can quickly check your current heart rate from the main menu of your A370. This way you can see it without recording a training session to Flow.Make sure you've tightened up the wristband before measuring.Swipe up or down to My heart rateTap the icon, and in no time you'll see your... How can I use GPS in my training sessions with A370? A370 can use the GPS from your mobile phone to read the speed, pace, distance, altitude and the route of your outdoor training sessions. You can see the route only in the Flow app and in the Flow web service after your session. You need to keep your mobile with you during the sessions.You need to... How do I create an account for Polar Flow web service? Polar Flow web service uses the same Polar account as other Polar web services.If you already have created an account by signing up for one of Polar's web services or mobile application, or when taking your product into use, your username and password are valid for Polar Flow web service as... How do I export individual training sessions from Polar Flow web service? You can choose either to export your training file as a GPX, TCX or CSV file, or to zip the files for faster download. In case you have a slow internet connection, we recommend you choose the compressed zip file for bigger training files to speed up the export.You can export the route of a training... How do I install Polar FlowSync on Mac? Go to flow.polar.com/start.Click Download for Mac. FlowSync starts downloading the installation package. This should only take a few minutes.After the download is completed, click the installation package icon on Downloads. The location of the installation package depends on your browser. The... How do I install Polar FlowSync on Windows computer? Go to https://flow.polar.com/startClick Download area to download the installation package to your computer.Run the installation package to install it to your computer.->Accept the license agreements and click Next.->Select the installation location on your computer, click Next and wait for... How do I know what wrist strap size I should get? Polar A370 comes in sets of two different sized wristbands: S and M/L. The suitable wrist circumference ranges for the wrist straps are:S: 125-170 mmM/L: 140-200 mm How do I maintain my A370 in the best possible condition? Keep your training device clean. Wash the device and the silicone wristband after each training session under running water with a mild soap and water solution. Remove the device from the wristband and wash them separately. Wipe them dry with a soft towel.Don't charge or plug in the device when... How do I pair my A370 with the Flow app? Before you can use your A370 with Flow app, you need to pair it. Check compatibility here. Do not use your phone’s Bluetooth menu to pair the A370. The pairing is done in Flow app.If you’ve taken your A370 into use with the Polar Flow app, it’s already paired with it. However, if you’ve started... How do I reset my Polar A370? ​If you experience problems with your A370, try resetting it. Resetting empties your A370 of all information and you need to set it up again for your personal use.Reset your A370 in FlowSync with your computer:Connect your A370 to the computer with a standard USB cable.Open settings in... How do I start using my Polar A370 with my computer? You’ll need a compatible computer with a USB port, an internet connection and the Polar FlowSync software.To get started with your computer, plug in your A370 with the supplied USB cable and navigate to flow.polar.com/start and we’ll guide you through setting up your A370 and signing up for the... How do I start using my Polar A370 with my mobile device? For your compatible mobile device you’ll need the Polar Flow app.To get started with your mobile download and install Flow app from the App Store or Google Play.To make sure both your devices have enough power during the setup plug them in before starting the setup. Your A370 display should look... How do I sync my A370 with the Polar Flow app? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices.If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen A370 as the active device in... How do I wear my A370? A370 continuously measures heart rate from the wrist, in everyday-wear and during exercises. To get accurate heart rate readings, find a comfortable fit for your wrist by following these tips.In everyday-wear, secure the wrist band on top of your wrist, behind the wrist bone. Do NOT place the... How long does the A370 battery last? The battery operating time is up to 4 days with 24/7 activity tracking, continuous HR tracking on and 1h/day training without Smart Notifications on.The operating time depends on many factors, such as the temperature of the environment in which you use your A370, the features you use, are... How should I start using my A370? You can start using your A370 either with a computer and a USB cable or wirelessly with a compatible mobile device. You’ll need an Internet connection for both.Mobile setup is convenient if you don't have access to a computer with a USB port, but it might take longer.Wired setup is quicker and... How should I wear my Polar device to get the most accurate heart rate readings from the wrist? (Video tutorial) How to delete Polar Account You can close your Polar Account at https://account.polar.com/Closing your account deletes all of your training and personal data from our database permanently. Please note that closing your account will affect everything in your Polar Account including Polar Flow and newsletter registration. All of... How to disable power saving for the Polar Beat and Polar Flow Android apps Disabling power saving and all background restrictions for the Polar Flow / Beat app in your Android device might be necessary if you’re experiencing any of the issues listed below.Polar Flow:Automatic syncing is not working in the background or it is inconsistent.Polar device does not connect... Manage Favorites and training targets in Polar Flow Favorites in Polar Flow web serviceClick the Favorites icon on the menu bar on top of the page to enter your Favorites page.Here you can manage the favorites for each Polar device you have registered on your Polar account.1. On the left side of the page, you manage all your routes and... Pacemaker and Polar products Persons who have a pacemaker use Polar devices at their own risk. Consult your doctor before starting exercise with a heart rate monitor. Polar A370 | Activate display with hand movement Polar A370 | Get to know your device Polar A370 | Getting started with PC Polar A370 | Getting started with mobile Polar A370 | How to change wristband correctly Polar A370 | Training Polar Flow Season Planner With Polar Flow Season Planner you can plan and customize the training season you want. The best way to learn it is to try it out and create a new season. You can edit the plan after you've created it.Divide your training sessions into periodsSet weekly volumes by duration or distance targets,... Polar Running Program | How to use Support video Polar Sleep Plus™ Support video Polar Sleep Plus™ FAQs How does Polar Sleep Plus™ detect when I fall asleep, and when I’m sleeping? Sleep Plus automatically detects when you fall asleep, and when you’re sleeping based on the movements of your non-dominant hand with a built-in 3D accelerometer in your Polar device. You do not need to activate a separate... Smart Notifications feature on Polar A370 (Polar Flow app Android) The smart notifications feature allows you to get alerts about incoming calls, messages and notifications from apps onto your Polar device. You’ll get the same notifications on your Polar device that you get on your phone screen. Please note that when heart rate training with your A370, you can’t... Smart Notifications feature on Polar A370 (Polar Flow app iOS) The smart notifications feature allows you to get alerts about incoming calls, messages and notifications from apps onto your Polar device. You’ll get the same notifications on your Polar device that you get on your phone screen. When heart rate training with your A370, you can only receive... Speed and distance from the wrist with Polar A370 Your A370 measures speed and distance from your hand movements with a built-in accelerometer. For maximum accuracy make sure you’ve set your handedness and height correctly. This feature works best when running at a pace that is natural and feels comfortable for you.During a training session you can... The A370 mobile setup fails, now what? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices.If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen A370 as the active device in... The display of my Polar watch is broken Worn-out third-party screen protectors can cause problems to the normal operation of your Polar watch's display or make you think that the display of your Polar watch is broken. Please check if the third-party screen protector is causing the problem, before you send your watch to the Polar... Training Benefit feature ​Training Benefit gives you textual feedback on the effect of each training session helping you to better understand the effectiveness of your training. You can see the feedback in Flow web service, Flow app and Beat app. To get the feedback, you need to have trained at least a total of 10 minutes... Troubleshooting Polar Sleep Plus™ The sleep detection in your Polar device is fully automatic. It’s based on recording the movements of your non-dominant hand with a built-in 3D acceleration sensor. Although we, and others, have found the Sleep Plus algorithm pretty accurate, it's important to acknowledge the challenges of the... Water resistance of Polar products Polar products can be worn when swimming. They are not, however, diving instruments. What are the technical requirements for using Polar Flow web service? To get the best site experience, we recommend using the latest version of one of the following browsers.ChromeFirefoxSafariMicrosoft EdgeTo get the best and the most secure Polar Flow experience, we recommend you use the latest version of a supported browser. If you use other desktop browsers,... What are the technical requirements for using Polar FlowSync software? ​​To use FlowSync you need a computer with Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac operating system. Download the newest version from https://flow.polar.com/start.FlowSync is compatible with the following operating systems:Mac OS64-bitV650macOS 10.13 High SierraXXmacOS 10.14 MojaveXXmacOS 10.15... What can I do to get A370 to detect my sleep? Your A370 detects your sleep automatically. You just need to wear it and sync it to see your results in Flow. The only thing you can do is rate your sleep. Your rating added to our analysis gives you a longer feedback on your sleep.A370:In about 90 minutes after you’ve woken up, your A370 offers you... What happens to my activity data when I travel to a different time zone? A single day in Polar Flow can have a maximum of 24 hours. Traveling to a different time zone and daylight saving time shifts may cause duplicate activity data in Polar Flow.When clocks are shifted back (traveling west) you will end up with duplicate activity data in Polar Flow. This data is merged... Why does my activity accumulate differently with my new Polar device with Continuous Heart Rate feature compared to my older Polar device? The Continuous Heart Rate feature complements the 24/7 Activity Tracking feature of Polar devices. While the 24 /7 Activity Tracking feature records your wrist movements to track your activity, the Continuous Heart Rate feature also tracks your heart rate around the clock in order to give you an...
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