What can I do to get A370 to detect my sleep?
Your A370 detects your sleep automatically. You just need to wear it and sync it to see your results in Flow. The only thing you can do is rate your sleep. Your rating added to our analysis gives you a longer feedback on your sleep.
In about 90 minutes after you’ve woken up, your A370 offers you a summary of your sleep and at the end of it you can rate it with helpful smiley icons. Choose a rating you see most appropriate to your experience of your previous night’s sleep. The rating is attached to your sleep card under My day. You can adjust your preferred sleep time in your Flow Account settings.
Flow app:
If you haven’t rated your sleep on your fitness tracker, you can do it in the Flow app. When you open Flow app, tap the sleep icon or go to Sleep tab, you’ll get a pop-up requesting your rating. You can disable it if you don’t want to rate your sleep in the app in the future. You can also see the longer sleep feedback here.

Flow web service:
You can also rate your sleep at flow.polar.com. Under Sleep tab, you can click Edit and change your rating. Click More to see your longer sleep feedback and tips for better sleep.