Polar Vantage M3

Du ønsker deg noe smart og sporty, kompakt og kraftig, elegant og robust. Du vil trene hardere og restituere raskere, sove bedre, men oppdage mer. Du ønsker å måle sportsmarkører på proffnivå, men du vil også ha praktiske funksjoner i hverdagen. Du ønsker deg Polar Vantage M3: pulsklokken for flersportsutøvere.

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan er en robust outdoor sportsklokke utviklet for eventyr med AMOLED-skjerm i Sapphire Glass og en urkasse av titan og en høyteknologisk verktøykasse med navigasjons- og treningsverktøy som kan brukes til å oppdage både verden og kroppen.

Polar Grit X2 Pro

Polar Grit X2 Pro er en robust outdoor sportsklokke utviklet for eventyr med AMOLED-skjerm i Sapphire Crystal Glass og en høyteknologisk verktøykasse med navigasjons- og treningsverktøy som kan brukes til å oppdage både verden og kroppen.

Polar Vantage V3

Et rikt utvalg av biofølsomme instrumenter, AMOLED-skjerm, dual-band GPS, kart og den mest omfattende samlingen av trenings- og restitusjonsverktøy på markedet. Alt ligger til rette for at den smarte sportsklokken Polar Vantage V3 skal kunne yte til det fulle.

Polar Ignite 3

Polar Ignite 3 er en elegant trenings- og velværeklokke som hjelper deg til å leve et liv med mer energi. Den sporer søvn, aktivitet og puls for å gi veiledning som er skreddersydd for din kropp og livsstil.

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn er en elegant trenings- og velværeklokke som hjelper deg med å leve et mer energisk liv. Den sporer søvn, aktivitet og puls for å gi veiledning som er skreddersydd for din kropp og livsstil, og leveres med en myk, lett og ekstremt komfortabel vevd fiberreim.

Polar Pacer Pro

Polar Pacer Pro er en ultralett sportsklokke med GPS og barometer, som utstyrer seriøse idrettsutøvere med avanserte verktøy som hjelper med å forbedre løpeøkonomi, treningsøkter og idrettsprestasjoner.

Polar Pacer

Idrett er lek – hvorfor komplisere det? Polar Pacer er en sportsklokke som utstyrer nye idrettsutøvere med alt de trenger, blant annet spesialiserte treningsverktøy som hjelper dem til å trene bedre.

Polar Vantage V2

Polar Vantage V2 er en effektiv sammensmelting av minimalistisk design, innovativ teknologi og intelligente trenings- og restitusjonsverktøy. Det gjør den til den mest formidable sportsklokken vi har laget til nå.

Polar Grit X Pro

Designet med safirglass og ultralang batterikapasitet for slitestyrke av militærstandard og utstyrer deg med navigasjonsverktøy, outdoorfunksjoner, essensielle smartklokkefunksjoner og Polars enestående treningsløsninger.

Polar Vantage M2

Polar Vantage M2 er designet for selv de tøffeste treningsøktene. Bransjeledende teknologi hjelper deg til å nå målene dine og komme sterkere tilbake. For that athlete attitude.

Polar Ignite 2

Ser du etter en pulsklokke som er elegant, enkel og smart? Polar Ignite 2 er tre gode ting i én. Klokken er allsidig og full av fantastiske funksjoner – den perfekte følgesvenn til alle typer trening og livsstiler.

Polar Ignite

Polar Ignite er en vanntett treningsklokke som gir deg full oversikt over dagen og hjelper deg på veien mot et mer balansert liv, med avansert pulsmåling fra håndleddet og integrert GPS.

Polar Unite

En elegant og enkel klokke med personlig tilpasset daglig treningsveiledning, 24/7 puls- og aktivitetsmåling som motiverer deg, samt søvn- og restitusjonsfunksjoner.

Polar Vantage V

Polar Vantage M

En all-round multisport- og løpeklokke med GPS for alle som elsker å sette nye rekorder. Polar Vantage M er en slank og lett treningsklokke som gir deg all data du trenger for å forbedre ytelsen din.

Polar Grit X

En outdoor multisportklokke med robust og lett design, ultralang batteritid og slitestyrke av militærstandard for alle som foretrekker terrenget fremfor landeveien.

Polar M430

Polar M430 er en løpeklokke med GPS, pulsmåling fra håndleddet, avanserte løpefunksjoner og Polar Løpeprogram. Den er et topp produkt for løpere som setter store krav til både seg selv og utstyret sitt.

Polar Verity Sense

Hvis bevegelsesfrihet er viktig for deg, er Polar Verity Sense førstevalget for en hvilken som helst sport.

Polar H10

Den måler pulsen med maksimal presisjon og er den mest nøyaktige pulssensoren i Polars historie og er kjent som gullstandarden for trådløs pulsmåling.

Polar H9

En pålitelig bryststropp med pulsmåling for trening i hverdagen med Bluetooth®- og ANT+-tilkobling. Koble til, og sett i gang.

Polar OH1+

Polar OH1 er en optisk pulsmåler som kombinerer allsidighet, komfort og enkelhet. Den kan brukes både som en selvstendig enhet eller koblet til forskjellige apper, sportsklokker og smartklokker via Bluetooth® og ANT+.


Tilpass en hvilken som helst klokke til enhver stil og ethvert behov.


Kjøp ny eller oppgrader bryststroppen eller armbåndet til Polar-sensoren din.

Strøm og kabler

For lading av produkter og dataoverføring.

Fester og adaptere

Tilpass produktet til enhver situasjon.





Polar Grit X Outdoor-serien

Grit X-klokkene er laget for utendørsidrett og for å stå imot alt omgivelsene kan utsette deg for – slik at du har alt du trenger for å legge ut på eventyr og utforske verden.

Polar Vantage Performance-serien

Vår flaggskipserie er skreddersydd for trening og sport på toppnivå. Alle delene av Vantage-klokkene er designet med én bestemt person i tankene – utøveren.

Polar Pacer Multisport-serien

Med Pacer-serien får idrettsutøvere alt de trenger, som presis GPS og nøyaktig pulsmåling, samt spesialiserte trenings-, søvn- og restitusjonsverktøy som hjelper dem til å trene bedre.

Polar Ignite Trening og velvære-serie

Elegant, enkel og smart – Ignite-klokkene er den perfekte partneren når du skal nå ethvert treningsmål uansett livsstil.

Can I change the battery in my Polar device? Can I pair OH1 with several devices? Polar OH1 connects with the whole Polar family via Bluetooth, and, it can be paired with multiple devices but it is not possible to use it with several devices at the same time. Compatibility of Polar H9 / H10 / OH1 / Verity Sense Heart Rate Sensor What mobile devices can I use with Polar heart rate sensors Polar H9, Polar H10, Polar OH1 and Polar Verity Sense? Polar devices work with most modern smartphones. Here are the minimum requirements:iOS mobile devices with iOS 13 or laterAndroid mobile devices with Bluetooth 4.0 capability and... Got a second hand Polar product? If you've purchased a second hand Polar product, you need to make sure the product is no longer tied to the Polar account of the previous owner. You can do that by doing a factory reset with the FlowSync software. For instructions on factory resetting your Polar OH1, follow the related article... Having problems syncing OH1 with Beat app? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices. If you have saved a standalone session to OH1's memory and have trouble initiating the sync with Polar Beat... Having problems syncing OH1 with Flow app? Make sure location is enabled for Polar Flow app in the phone's application settings. On Android 6 and newer devices, location permission is needed to scan for Bluetooth devices. If you have several Flow app compatible Polar devices in use, make sure you have chosen OH1 as the active device in... Having trouble pairing OH1 with the Polar Flow app? If you've done the setup for your OH1 with a mobile device your OH1 has already been paired with your mobile device.If you did the setup with a computer, and would like to use your OH1 with Polar Flow app you need to perform one training session with OH1 as an independent training device before... How can I change my email address in Polar Flow web service? You can change your e-mail address in Polar Account or in flow.polar.com.In flow.polar.com:Sign into the web service.Click your name on the upper right corner and select Settings.Click Change email.Type in your password and click Next.Enter your new email address twice in the appropriate fields and... How can I reset my OH1/Verity Sense? ​If you experience problems with your Polar sensor, you can reset the sensor back to factory settings. Note that resetting the sensor back to factory settings empties all personal data and settings from the sensor, and you will need to set it up again for your personal use. All data that you have... How can I update Polar OH1? You can update the firmware of your OH1 yourself to keep it up to date. You'll be notified via Flow when a new version is available. Firmware updates are performed to improve the functionality of your OH1. They can include improvements to existing features, completely new features or bug fixes.... How do I install Polar FlowSync on Mac? Go to flow.polar.com/start.Click Download for Mac. FlowSync starts downloading the installation package. This should only take a few minutes.After the download is completed, click the installation package icon on Downloads. The location of the installation package depends on your browser. The... How do I install Polar FlowSync on Windows computer? Go to https://flow.polar.com/startClick Download area to download the installation package to your computer.Run the installation package to install it to your computer.->Accept the license agreements and click Next.->Select the installation location on your computer, click Next and wait for... How do I reset my Polar OH1? Place the OH1 sensor into the USB adapter with the lens facing up so that the contacts on the sensor and USB adapter meet.Plug the USB adapter into a computer USB port. Make sure FlowSync software is running.Click Settings icon and FACTORY RESET. It takes a moment to the restore factory settings.... How many training sessions can OH1 store? Polar OH1 has a built-in memory, which is capable of storing several training sessions (up to 200 hours). How to delete Polar Account You can close your Polar Account at https://account.polar.com/Closing your account deletes all of your training and personal data from our database permanently. Please note that closing your account will affect everything in your Polar Account including Polar Flow and newsletter registration. All of... How to download all your data from Polar Flow In case you want to download your personal data that has accumulated in the Polar Flow ecosystem, you can do it by following these steps.Go to https://account.polar.com and click Sign in.Authorize the access with your Polar account email address and password.Click Download your data on the menu on... How to optimize the settings of my H10/H9/OH1 heart rate sensor? How to pair a heart rate sensor with Polar Beat app Android Polar Beat is compatible with Polar Bluetooth heart rate sensors: H9, H10 and OH1.The heart rate sensor needs to be paired directly in the Polar Beat app.Please make sure you have GPS enabled on the phone and location permission is allowed for Polar Beat. Due to Google's permission requirements... How to pair a heart rate sensor with Polar Beat app iOS Polar Beat is compatible with H7 and H6 heart rate sensors. The sensor is paired in the application. How to sync data from OH1 with a computer via FlowSync or with a mobile device via Flow app Sync with Flow mobile AppSign in to Flow app with your Polar account.On OH1, press the button until the LED is switched on, and release. OH1 is now on.Your OH1 syncs with Flow app automatically if your phone is within Bluetooth range.Your OH1 syncs with the Flow app automatically after you finish a... How to use OH1 on its own ​Start a training sessionWear the OH1 around your forearm or upper arm.Before using OH1 as an independent training device, it needs to be registered and linked to a Polar Flow account.Switch OH1 on by pressing the button until the LED is switched on and release.OH1 is now on, press the button... My OH1 doesn’t charge, what can I do? You'll know the battery is charging when the yellow LED blinks slowly. Note that it may take a while for the LED to start blinking if the battery is completely empty. If your OH1 does not charge, try the following:Make sure the OH1 sensor is placed correctly in the USB adapter. The sensor... My OH1 won't start, what can I do? If your OH1 won't turn on, it's probably because the battery is empty.To charge your OH1:Place the sensor into the USB adapter with the lens facing up so that the contacts on the sensor and USB adapter meet.Plug the USB adapter into a computer USB port.You'll know the battery is... OH1 does not detect my heart rate, what can I do? To maintain the best possible performance of the optical heart rate measurement, keep your OH1 clean and prevent scratches. The measurement is based on tiny changes in light intensity, and even a small amount of dirt on the sensor at the back of the device can reduce its performance. Similarly,... OH1 low battery indication with certain Polar wrist units When using OH1 as a heart rate sensor with certain Polar wrist units you’ll get a low battery indication when 40 percent of the OH1 battery is left. However, there is no need to stop your session, you still have a good couple of hours of battery left. This is just to let you know it may be a good... Optical heart rate measurement with Polar Verity Sense/ Polar OH1 What's the difference between optical heart rate measurement with Polar Verity Sense/Polar OH1, and monitoring heart rate with a traditional chest strap? The main difference is in how you wear the measuring devices. Traditional chest strap heart rate monitors are worn around the chest because they... Pacemaker and Polar products Persons who have a pacemaker use Polar devices at their own risk. Consult your doctor before starting exercise with a heart rate monitor. Planning to sell your Polar product? If you’re selling your Polar product, you need to remove the Polar product connection to your Polar account and delete the saved data on your Polar product. You can do that by doing a factory reset with the FlowSync software, and removing the product from your Registered products list in the Polar... Polar Fitness Test with OH1 The Polar Fitness Test with wrist-based heart rate is an easy, safe and quick way to estimate your aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness at rest. It's a simple 5-minute fitness level assessment that gives you an estimate of your maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). The Fitness Test calculation is based... Polar OH1 and Beat | Train without your phone Support video Polar OH1 and Team app | See heart rate online in swimming Support video Polar OH1 with Polar Beat | Get started and how to train Support video Polar OH1 | Getting started with PC Support video Polar OH1 | Getting started with mobile Support video Polar OH1 | Pairing with a Polar cycling device Support video Polar Sensors | Recording an outdoor session with Polar Flow app Support video Polar Sport Profiles Here are listed all the sport profiles Polar Flow and Polar devices support. You can choose up to 20 sport profiles at a time for your Polar device. For more information, see How can I edit sport profiles and training views in Polar Flow?. Please note that in a number of indoor sports, group sports... Polar tests - Which one is for me? If you're a pro athlete, knowing your VO2max as precisely as possible is important. If you enjoy leisurely bike rides on Sunday mornings occasionally and go to the gym every now and then, there's probably no point in taking a lab test or an all-out field test.To make sure that your results... Recording training sessions with Polar Flow app You can record your training sessions in Polar Flow app, also with heart rate wearing a paired HR sensor.To train with the Flow app:Go to Training > Start on top of the page.Select a sport profile by tapping the sport icon.If you wish to train recording your heart rate, wear a paired HR sensor.If... Setting up your OH1 We recommend that you charge the battery before you start using your OH1. If the battery is completely empty, it may take a moment for the charging to start. Note that when your OH1 battery has enough power it will advertise itself to all compatible receivers nearby. Choose one option for setupA.... Supported Polar products Swimming with Polar OH1 Wear the OH1 sensor against your temple with the swimming goggle strap clip.Before using OH1 as an independent training device, it needs to be registered and linked to a Polar Flow account.Switch OH1 on by pressing the button until the LED is switched on and release.OH1 is now on, press the button... Syncing data between Polar OH1 and Polar FlowSync fails If FlowSync doesn’t start syncing your sensor, try the below steps, one at a time, and then try syncing your sensor again. Check that the charging contacts of your sensor and USB charging adapter are clean If your OH1 doesn’t charge properly, or if it doesn’t connect to FlowSync, it could be because... The OH1 battery is empty, and I cannot start a new training session If the battery of your OH1 is completely empty and you have a training session stored on it, you need to sync the training session to Polar Flow via computer or mobile before you can start a new training session. The red LED will blink to indicate you cannot start a new session.After syncing the... The what and how of Polar Fitness test What is Fitness Test? The Polar Fitness Test with wrist-based heart rate is an easy, safe and quick way to estimate your aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness at rest. It's a simple 5-minute fitness level assessment that gives you an estimate of your maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). The Fitness Test... Troubleshooting OH1 setup Having trouble setting up your OH1 with your mobile?If you're having trouble setting up your OH1 with your mobile device and the Polar Flow / Polar Beat mobile app, make sure:Your mobile device is compatible with the Polar Flow / Beat app.You have the latest version of the Polar Flow / Beat app... Troubleshooting optical heart rate measurement Are you wearing your Polar device correctly? To be able to get reliable heart rate measurements from your wrist, make sure that you wear the Polar device correctly:Wear the Polar device on top of your wrist, at least a finger’s width up from the wrist bone (see the picture below).Tighten the... Water resistance of Polar products Polar products can be worn when swimming. They are not, however, diving instruments. What are the pros and cons of different methods for measuring heart rate? Polar uses two different methods for measuring heart rate: optical heart rate measurement and a heart rate sensor with a chest strap.The optical heart rate measurement is based on photoplethysmography (PPG), whereas the heart rate sensor with a chest strap measures the electrical activity of your... What are the technical requirements for using Polar Flow web service? To get the best site experience, we recommend using the latest version of one of the following browsers.ChromeFirefoxSafariMicrosoft EdgeTo get the best and the most secure Polar Flow experience, we recommend you use the latest version of a supported browser. If you use other desktop browsers,... What do I get with Polar Beat? Turn your smartphone into a fitness tracker with a Polar sensors and Polar Beat, our free training app. Train with live heart rate and real-time voice guidance, track your route and distance and get personalized feedback on every workout. Please note that using Beat does not accumulate activity... What is ANT+™ in Polar products? ANT+™ is a wireless transmission protocol like Bluetooth®, but it does not require pairing like Bluetooth does. When you send ANT+ signal the nearest compatible ANT+ receiver is able to pick it up.Polar heart rate sensors H9, H10, OH1 and Verity Sense are compatible with ANT+ starting from these... What sensors and accessories is my Polar device compatible with? Compatible heart rate sensors... Where can I find the serial number/device id of my Polar device? You can find the device ID from:the Settings menu of your Polar device orthe Devices menu in Polar Flow app orthe Products menu in Polar Flow web service.The serial number and device ID are also printed on the device itself. Check the list below to see where they’re located on your device. Serial... Where can I wear OH1? We recommend that you wear it on your left or right forearm or upper arm. These are the locations we have verified that work best. Note that OH1 should not be worn on around your wrist.Generally, you can wear the OH1 wherever you feel comfortable and you feel you are getting accurate readings. Note... Which products are compatible with Polar Flow web service? Polar Flow is an important part of the Polar ecosystem for our newest devices and all future products.At the moment Polar Flow is compatible with:Grit XGrit X ProGrit X2 ProIgniteIgnite 2Ignite 3M200M400M430M460OH1 optical heart rate sensorPacerPacer ProPolar Beat appUniteV650Vantage MVantage... Why can I only choose the 'other indoor' sport profile when setting up Polar OH1? At this moment Polar OH1 does not support changeable sport profiles. After syncing the training session to the Flow service the sport profile can be manually changed.
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