Polar Vantage M3

Procura algo inteligente, mas desportivo, compacto, mas potente, com estilo, mas robusto. Quer treinar de forma mais intensa, mas recuperar mais depressa; dormir melhor, mas explorar mais. Pretende uma monitorização desportiva de nível profissional, mas funcionalidades para uma utilização diária. Vai querer o Polar Vantage M3: o relógio multidesportos para atletas multidesportos.

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

O Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan é um relógio desportivo para atividades ao ar livre, robusto e resistente, concebido para a aventura, com um ecrã AMOLED em vidro de safira e uma caixa de titânio, que possui um conjunto de ferramentas de alta tecnologia com funcionalidades de navegação e desempenho para explorar as maravilhas do mundo e do corpo.

Polar Grit X2 Pro

O Polar Grit X2 Pro é um relógio desportivo para atividades ao ar livre, robusto e resistente, concebido para a aventura, com um ecrã AMOLED em vidro de safira e um conjunto de ferramentas de alta tecnologia com funcionalidades de navegação e desempenho para explorar as maravilhas do mundo e do corpo.

Polar Vantage V3

Um conjunto de instrumentos de biodeteção, ecrã AMOLED, GPS de dupla frequência, mapas e o mais completo conjunto de ferramentas de treino e de recuperação do mercado. O palco está montado e o relógio desportivo inteligente Polar Vantage V3 está pronto para fazer o desempenho de uma vida.

Polar Ignite 3

O Polar Ignite 3 é um relógio de fitness e bem-estar cheio de estilo para tornar a sua vida mais ativa. Registe a qualidade do seu sono, a sua atividade e a frequência cardíaca para lhe apresentar orientações adequadas ao seu corpo e estilo de vida.

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn

O Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn é um relógio de fitness e bem-estar cheio de estilo para tornar a sua vida mais ativa. Regista a qualidade do seu sono, a sua atividade e a frequência cardíaca para lhe apresentar orientações adequadas ao seu corpo e estilo de vida e inclui uma bracelete de tecido macio, leve e extremamente confortável.

Polar Pacer Pro

O Polar Pacer Pro é um relógio desportivo ultraleve de nova geração, com barómetro integrado que equipa atletas com ferramentas avançadas para melhorar a economia de corrida, as sessões de treino e o desempenho desportivo.

Polar Pacer

Os desportos são diversão, por quê complicá-los? O Polar Pacer é um relógio desportivo com GPS que oferece aos novos atletas todos os recursos essenciais, além das ferramentas especializadas de treino de que precisam para treinar melhor.

Polar Vantage V2

A poderosa combinação de design minimalista, tecnologia inovadora e ferramentas inteligentes de treino e recuperação fazem do Polar Vantage V2 o nosso relógio desportivo mais incrível de sempre.

Polar Grit X Pro

Concebido para durabilidade de nível militar, com vidro de safira e bateria de ultralonga duração, este relógio inclui no seu equipamento novas ferramentas de navegação, funcionalidades outdoor sempre ativas e as soluções de treino mais recentes da Polar.

Polar Vantage M2

Concebido para ser funcional, o Polar Vantage M2 segue o seu exemplo e não se poupa nos treinos. A nossa tecnologia líder do setor está ao seu lado para o ajudar a alcançar os seus objetivos e a ficar mais forte. For that athlete attitude.

Polar Ignite 2

Um relógio fitness elegante, simples e inteligente? O Polar Ignite 2 é tudo isso e muito mais. Versátil e repleto de excelentes funcionalidades, é o companheiro perfeito para qualquer desporto e estilo de vida.

Polar Ignite

Um relógio fitness resistente à água com frequência cardíaca no pulso e GPS integrado, o Polar Ignite oferece uma visão geral do seu dia para tornar a sua vida mais equilibrada.

Polar Unite

Um relógio de design bonito e simples, com orientações de treino diárias e personalizadas, acompanhamento da frequência cardíaca e registo da atividade 24/7 e aplicações automáticas de sono e recuperação.

Polar Vantage V

Polar Vantage M

Um relógio multisport e running com GPS para aqueles que adoram bater novos recordes. O Polar Vantage M é um companheiro de treino leve e discreto que apresenta todos os dados que precisa para melhorar o seu desempenho.

Polar Grit X

Um relógio robusto para outdoor e multisport, com um design leve, bateria de ultralonga duração e durabilidade de padrão militar para os que preferem os trails à estrada.

Polar M430

Um relógio de running com GPS e frequência cardíaca baseada no pulso, funções avançadas de running e o Programa de Running Polar, o Polar M430 é um relógio de nível superior para corredores mais exigentes.

Polar Verity Sense

Quando a liberdade de movimentos é uma prioridade para si, o Polar Verity Sense é a escolha acertada para qualquer desporto.

Polar H10

Amplamente considerado como a referência na monitorização da frequência cardíaca sem fios, este é o sensor mais preciso na história da Polar.

Polar H9

Um sensor de frequência cardíaca fiável e de elevada qualidade para a sua atividade desportiva diária com ligação Bluetooth® e ANT+. Ligue-se e não pare.

Polar OH1+

O Polar OH1 é um monitor de frequência cardíaca óptica que combina versatilidade, conforto e simplicidade. Você pode usá-lo como um dispositivo autônomo ou pareado com vários aplicativos de atividade física, relógios esportivos e relógios digitais, graças à conectividade Bluetooth® e ANT+.


Personalize qualquer relógio para qualquer estilo ou necessidade.


Substitua ou melhore os elásticos peitorais ou braçadeiras dos Sensores Polar.

Carregadores & Cabos

Para carregar os seus produtos e transferência de dados.

Suportes & Adaptadores

Adapte o seu produto a qualquer situação.





Série Outdoor Polar Grit X

Feitos para desportos ao ar livre e concebidos para enfrentar qualquer tipo de ambiente, os relógios Grit X foram criados para o ajudar a explorar o mundo e equipar-se para a aventura.

Série de Desempenho Polar Vantage

A nossa série principal é especialmente desenvolvida para desportos e treinos de alto rendimento e resistência. Cada detalhe dos nossos relógios Vantage é desenhado para uma pessoa em particular – o atleta.

Série Multidesportos Polar Pacer

A série Pacer oferece aos atletas todos os recursos essenciais, como GPS e monitorização da frequência cardíaca precisos, além das ferramentas especializadas de treino, sono e recuperação de que precisam para treinar melhor.

Série de Fitness & Bem-Estar Polar Ignite

Elegantes, simples e inteligentes – Os relógios Ignite são o parceiro ideal para qualquer objetivo de treino e qualquer estilo de vida.

Produtos Polar com suporte Campaigns The campaign feature on your club community page in the Flow web service is a great tool for motivating your club members to be extra active during a fixed time period. During campaigns, your club members compete against each other by collecting training minutes in your Polar Club classes.To open... Classes and schedules FAQs How many exercisers can be monitored during a class?A maximum of 96 exercisers can be monitored during a class. However, we recommend monitoring a maximum of 40 exercisers at a time to make sure that the data on the screen is clearly visible.How many sessions can be running simultaneously?The number... Club account FAQs Where is the Polar Club app available?Go to polar.com/club to subscript to Polar Club. During the subscription process, you are going to choose your location from a drop-down list. You will be notified if Polar Club isn't available in your country yet.I don't want to use the Club... Club member FAQs Can I sign up for classes with my mobile?Yes, you can. The Polar Flow web service also works with mobile browsers.Can I use Polar Club with my own Polar training device?The Polar Club app is compatible with several Polar heart rate sensors and fitness trackers. Please see the list of compatible... Compatible Polar heart rate sensors and fitness trackers Heart rate sensorsH7H9H10OH1Verity SenseFitness trackers/sport watchesIgniteIgnite 2Ignite 3UnitePacerPacer ProGrit XGrit X ProGrit X2 ProVantage MVantage M2Vantage M3Vantage VVantage V2Vantage V3A360/A370M200M430 Creating your Polar account Polar Club uses the same Polar account as other Polar web services. If you already have created an account by signing up for one of Polar's web services or mobile applications, or when taking your product into use, your user name and password are valid for Polar Club service as well. You can... Editing a participant's maximum heart rate value The participants' maximum heart rate values are shown in the exerciser view on the iPad if the information is received from the physical settings of their Polar account. If any adjustments to their maximum heart rate values are needed, you can make them directly from the app before starting the... Functions during a class Seeing the exercisers' heart rates on screen takes the guess-work out of how everyone’s doing and enables personal guidance. With real-time feedback on the intensity of your class, you can follow everyone’s progress and guide them in the right direction.When everyone sees their heart rates on... Heart rate sensor batteries The Polar H10/H9/H7 heart rate sensor has a user changeable battery. Average battery lifetime of a heart rate sensor can be found in the product user manual.You can change the sensor battery yourself. If you'd like help, please contact your closest Polar Service Center to have it changed for... Heart rate sensor maintenance Detach the connector from the strap after every use. Clean the connector with a mild soap and water solution when needed. Never use alcohol or any abrasive material (e.g. steel wool or cleaning chemicals).Rinse the strap under running water after every use and hang to dry. Clean the strap gently... How does the online sign-up work? To be able to use the online sign-up, start following your club in the Polar Flow web service Community > Clubs. You can then sign-up for classes through the web service up to one week beforehand. By following your club you can get information about classes. How to create campaigns in the club community The campaign feature on your club community page in the Flow web service is a great tool for motivating your club members to be extra active during a fixed time period. During campaigns, your club members compete against each other by collecting training minutes in your Polar Club classes.Create a... How to prevent missing heart rate signals Following these instructions will help you ensure reliable heart rate measurement during the classes.1. Replace the heart rate sensor's battery when the charge level gets lowThe battery lifetime of the Polar H7 heart rate sensor is 200 hours. If a heart rate sensor's battery charge level... How to prevent queues at sign-up Here's our tips on how to avoid queues in the club reception and speed up the signing in process.1. Encourage your club members to sign up for classes online in the Polar Flow web service. They can sign up for classes up to one week beforehand in the comfort of their own home, avoiding the... How to use Polar A370 with Polar Club The A370 can broadcast your heart rate data to the Polar Club app when you use a sport profile that has the Heart rate visible to other devices feature on. This is a default feature on the group exercise sport profiles. You'll use a sport profile that has the Heart rate visible to other devices... How to use the Guest feature With the Guest feature on Polar Club app you can easily add guests to group exercise classes with just a few taps. This feature comes in handy when you want to quickly add guests to show them the benefits of training with Polar Club, for example, during demo events. To be able to use this feature... Introduction Polar Club—Group Exercise with Heart RateGet ready for the only group class where every heart beat counts. Polar Club is a heart rate based group fitness app that brings exciting group exercise classes to fitness clubs. Reaching your workout targets has never been this easy! During class, you will... Introduction to Polar Club Polar Club is a heart rate based solution that brings gripping group exercise classes to fitness clubs. With heart rate training and fun rewards at the core of Polar Club, you’ll have club members pushing harder, feeling motivated and coming back for more.Key features:Easy-to-use app for running... Manage class templates You can manage your club's classes in the Polar Club app. Go to Manage > Manage class templates, and create templates for all the classes you are planning to run with Polar Club. Polar Club can be used in different kinds of workouts, for example, cardio and strength training, high intensity... Manage instructors Invite instructors to the ClubTo invite new instructors to your club, go to the Manage view in the Polar Club app, and choose Manage instructors.Tap the plus icon. Write the instructors name and email address, and tap Invite.Instructors will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to... Polar Club | How to analyze Polar Club training data after the class Support video Polar Club | How to create and schedule classes with Polar Club Support video Polar Club | How to get started with Polar Club Support video Polar Club | How to sign up to classes with Polar Club Support video Polar Club | How to start a class using Polar Club Support video Polar Club | Key functions in Polar Club during the class Support video Polar Club | Quick guide to heart rate training in group exercise Support video Polar Club | Welcome to Polar Club heart rate tracking app for group fitness Support video Polar Privacy Polar Club – Fitness Club instructionsWhen purchasing the Polar Club product, the fitness club enters into an agreement with Polar. In this agreement, Polar will be acting as the data processor responsible for storing and managing the information uploaded into the Polar Club service. The fitness... Register lendable heart rate sensors To see their heart rates on screen, exercisers need to wear a compatible Polar heart rate sensor or fitness tracker. They can use their personal devices, but you can also lend the heart rate sensor for them. In case you're planning to lend sensors for exercisers, you need to register the... Requirements and recommended setup Here’s an overview of what’s needed to run classes with Polar Club:Polar Club accountA computer with internet connection to access the Polar Club web service and the Polar Flow web serviceiPad Air with iOS 14 or later, and reliable and fast mobile data or Wi-Fi connectionPolar Club app downloadable... Schedule classes Before you can schedule classes in the Polar Club app, you need to create class templates in Manage > Manage class templates. Go to Schedule and tap New class in the top right-hand corner of the screen, or tap the plus icon to schedule a class for a certain day.Choose a class template for your... Settings in Polar Club app In the Polar Club app, go to the More menu and choose Settings.Mirror your iPad to an external screenUse the slider at the bottom of the Settings view to enable or disable mirroring of your iPad screen. When mirroring is enabled, the screen content shown on your iPad is automatically mirrored to an... Signing in automatically The new automatic sign in feature makes signing in to a class effortless for the members who use their own Polar device and have signed in to a class through the Polar Club app at least once at the club. All they need to do is wear their heart rate sensor or wrist device, and if they wear a wrist... Signing in to the class through app at the club In case you don't have a possibility to sign up online in advance, you can also sign in to the class at the club through the club app.Option 1: Sign up for classesTapping on the Sign up for classes button brings up the list of the Polar Club classes for the current day. If the class is full and... Signing up for classes Online sign-up in the flow web serviceClub members need to have a Polar account to be able to sign in to the classes. They can create their accounts in the Polar Flow web service at flow.polar.com. When creating an account, the members can fill their personal information (gender, weight, height)... Signing up for classes in the Flow web service You can sign up for classes through the Flow web service up to one week beforehand. In the web service, go to the Community tab and search for a club by using any of the following search criteria: sport, club's location or free text search. Open the club's community page by clicking the... Starting a class with the Polar Club app Start a class with the Polar Club app. You can see all the scheduled classes in the Schedule view. Tapping a class brings up the class information:Tapping Open in the class information view brings up the exerciser view:In the exerciser view you can:Add exercisers before starting the class by tapping... Subscribe to Polar Club Start by ordering the Polar Club account from the polar.com/club web page. Your subscription starts with a free 30 days trial period. You can cancel your subscription during the trial at any time without costs.Choose the location of your club and then choose Register club.Create a Polar account, or... Produtos Polar com suporte System maintenance FAQs Is it possible to use the same iPad for customer sign-in and for running the classes?Yes, it's possible to add exercisers before the class using the same iPad as for running the class. You can also add exercisers during a class easily by tapping the button on the top of the display, and then... Training FAQs What should I do, if the internet connection stops working during a class?No worries, keep on training until the end of the class. The training data is saved on the iPad during classes. As soon as the class has been finished and the internet connection is working again, the training data is saved in... Training history In the History view, you can find summaries and session reports of the last 30 days. Training data is also saved in each club member's personal Polar Flow accounts, where they can view it at any time. Training summary emails The automated training summary emails will give your club members a quick snapshot of their training results after every Polar Club training session they participate in.You can turn this feature on in the Polar Club app. Go to the More menu and choose Settings. Use the slider to turn the Send... Wearing the heart rate sensor Before starting the training session, make sure that everyone is wearing their heart rate sensors. The following instructions show how to wear a heart rate sensor correctly.Moisten the electrode areas of the strap.Attach the connector to the strap.Adjust the strap length to fit tightly but...
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