Do Polar devices detect how I sleep?
Yes. Just wear your Polar device to bed. No sleep mode activation is needed. Your Polar device will automatically detect from your wrist movements that you’re sleeping.
Polar device will track your sleep time and quality (restful or restless), if you wear it at night.
Your sleep time is the longest continuous rest time that takes place within 24 hours starting from 18:00/6pm to next day’s 18:00/6pm. Breaks shorter than one hour in your sleep don't stop sleep tracking, but they are not taken into account in the sleep time. Breaks longer than one hour stop sleep time tracking.
The periods when you sleep peacefully and don’t move a lot are calculated as restful sleep. Periods when you move and change your position are calculated as restless sleep. Instead of simply summing up all the immobile periods, the algorithm gives more weight to long than short immobile periods. The percentage of restful sleep compares the time you slept restfully with the total sleeping time. Restful sleep is highly individual and should be interpreted together with sleep time. We recommend that you compare your own data over time to see if changes in your daily life affect your sleep.
Sleep time, and its quality (restful / restless) is shown at Flow web service and Flow app after your Polar device is synced.
Sleep information at Flow web service
Go to Diary and choose Day view. You can also open the day view by clicking a day in the month view.

In the day view, scroll to the bottom of the page to view Activity Summary and your sleep data:

From the Activity timeline view in Polar Flow web service you can easily see what time you went to bed and woke up and compare your night’s sleep to the previous few days.

Sleep information in Flow app
Go to Activity view and scroll down to view your sleep data.

Knowing the amount of restful and restless sleep gives you a look into how you sleep at night and if it’s affected by any changes in your daily life. This may help you in finding ways to improve your sleep and feel well rested during the day.
Follow your restful sleep percentage in the long term to find out what is your regular level. There may be periods or single nights when you sleep more restlessly and the percentage is below your regular level. Then it would be good to pay attention to your sleep hygiene, which includes things like your sleeping environment and evening routines. A heavy meal before sleep, a busy and stressful day, the temperature and darkness of the sleeping environment may all affect the restful sleep percentage.
Take into consideration your total sleep time when interpreting the restful sleep percentage. It's possible to have the same percentage of restful sleep for nights with 4 hours and 7 hours sleep.
Avoid comparing your figures with your friend’s. We all are individuals and our sleeping habits and sleeping environments vary.
If you have a Polar device that supports the Polar Sleep Plus feature you can read more detailed information on the feature from this document.
If you have a Polar device that supports the new Polar Sleep Plus Stages feature you can read more detailed information on the feature from this document.