Training views in the Polar GoFit app
There are three optional training views in the Polar GoFit app: list view, target view and heart rate view. You can change between the training views at any time during the lesson.
List view
The list view shows the following information for each student:
- name or student ID (according to course properties in the Polar GoFit web service)
- current heart rate as a percentage of the individual maximum heart rate value
- current heart rate as beats per minute
- average heart rate during the lesson
- maximum heart rate during the lesson
- time spent in the target zone
- time spent in different heart rate zones (five zones)
- achieved badges (i.e. the rewards that students get for each ten minutes spent in the target zone)
The background color of the current heart rate reading indicates which heart rate zone the student is currently in.
The list view also shows the group average values.

Target view
The target view shows the following information for each student:
- name or student ID
- whether or not the student is currently in the target zone
- time spent in the target zone
- achieved badges (i.e. the rewards that students get for each ten minutes spent in the target zone)
The background color for each student indicates which heart rate zone the student is currently in.
Heart rate view
The heart rate view shows the following information for each student:
- name or student ID
- current heart rate as a percentage of the individual maximum heart rate value
- current heart rate as beats per minute
The background color for each student indicates which heart rate zone the student is currently in.

The student information in different views can be sorted according to student name, lesson target, heart rate or distance (signal strength).