What is my Training background?
Training background is an assessment of your level of long-term physical activity. Select the alternative that best describes the overall amount and intensity of your physical activity during the past three months. Your training background is used in determining your energy expenditure, and it also affects your calorie calculation, training load as well as other Polar Smart Coaching features.
In Polar Beat go to Settings > User > Physical settings > Training background and scroll to your suitable Training background.

In Polar Flow web service:
Click your user name, select Settings, under Account, select your suitable Training background

In the Polar Flow app:
- Open the Polar Flow mobile app.
- Go to More, and tap your name/profile picture.
- Choose Training background and scroll to your suitable Training background.
Occasional (0-1h/week): You do not participate regularly in programmed recreational sport or heavy physical activity, e.g. you walk only for pleasure or exercise hard enough to cause heavy breathing or perspiration only occasionally.
Regular (1-3h/week): You participate regularly in recreational sports, e.g. you run 5-10 km or 3-6 miles per week or spend 1-3 hours per week in comparable physical activity, or your work requires modest physical activity.
Frequent (3-5h/week): You participate at least 3 times a week in heavy physical exercise, e.g. you run 20-50 km/12-31 miles per week or spend 3-5 hours per week in comparable physical activity.
Heavy (5-8h/week): You participate in heavy physical exercise at least 5 times a week, and you may sometimes take part in mass sports events.
Semi-pro (8-12h/week): You participate in heavy physical exercise almost daily, and you exercise to improve performance for competitive purposes.
Pro (>12h/week): You are an endurance athlete. You participate in heavy physical exercise to improve your performance for competitive purposes.