Manage instructors
Invite instructors to the Club
To invite new instructors to your club, go to the Manage view in the Polar Club app, and choose Manage instructors.
Tap the plus icon. Write the instructors name and email address, and tap Invite.
Instructors will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to continue. They need to:
- Create their own Polar account at, and accept the invitation from your club
- If they already have a Polar account (created with the same email address that was used in the invitation), they sign in to with their existing Polar account, and accept the invitation from your club.
Remove instructors
As a club admin, you can remove instructors from the club. Tap the instructor card in the Manage instructors view and choose Remove instructor.

If the instructor has classes scheduled, choose another instructor for scheduled classes, and tap Save.

Instructors can remove themselves from the club by tapping their own instructor card and choosing Remove instructor.
Add a heart rate sensor or fitness tracker
You can add a new heart rate sensor or fitness tracker to your Flow account. Tap your instructor card and choose Add sensor. Activate the sensor by touching both contact points simultaneously.