Signing in to the class through app at the club
In case you don't have a possibility to sign up online in advance, you can also sign in to the class at the club through the club app.

Option 1: Sign up for classes
Tapping on the Sign up for classes button brings up the list of the Polar Club classes for the current day. If the class is full and cannot be joined, it appears in grey color.
Choose a class by tapping it. After the class selection, the Polar Club app starts searching for compatible devices.
- If you have paired your own device with your Polar Flow account and are wearing the device when signing up: Once the Polar Club app has found your device, the Polar Club app asks you to choose your account from the list. After choosing your account, the sign-in is complete.
- If you are wearing your own device, but haven't paired it with your Polar Flow account yet: The Polar Club app first asks if you want to connect your device with your Polar account to sign-in quicker next time, and then asks you to sign in with your Polar account. After signing in with your Polar account, the sign-in is complete.
- If you need to borrow a heart rate sensor from your club: Tapping Borrow sensor brings up a list of available sensors. Choose the sensor by tapping. The Polar Club app asks you to sign in with your Polar account. After signing in with your Polar account, the sign-in is complete.
Option 2:Â Create a new Polar account and sign up for classes
You can create a Polar account through the app when signing in to a class for the first time. Tapping Create a new Polar account on the Customer sign-in page opens a form that you need to fill in.
- Date of birth is needed for estimating maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate is estimated by using the commonly used formula: 220 minus your age. The value can be changed if needed.
- The personal information—gender, weight, height—is needed to ensure correct calorie consumption calculation and training feedback.
After completing the account creation, you get to choose a class to sign up for. Choose a class by tapping it. After the class selection, the Polar Club app starts searching for compatible devices.
- If you are wearing your own device, but haven't paired it with your Polar Flow account yet: The Polar Club app first asks if you want to connect your device with your Polar account to sign-in quicker next time, and then asks you to sign in with your Polar account. After signing in with your Polar account, the sign-in is complete.
- If you need to borrow a heart rate sensor from your club: Tapping Borrow sensor brings up a list of available sensors. Choose the sensor by tapping. The Polar Club app asks you to sign in with your Polar account. After signing in with your Polar account, the sign-in is complete.