What happens to my activity data when I travel to a different time zone?
A single day in Polar Flow can have a maximum of 24 hours. Traveling to a different time zone and daylight saving time shifts may cause duplicate activity data in Polar Flow.
When clocks are shifted back (traveling west) you will end up with duplicate activity data in Polar Flow. This data is merged in Flow, and the more active data will be taken into account. When clocks are shifted forward (traveling east) activity data is added to similar activity data you had for 30 seconds prior to the time shift.
Traveling west
We recommend that you save your activity and training data before the flight by syncing your Polar device with Polar Flow app. It is also recommended to sync your Polar device with Polar Flow app right after you have arrived at your destination. This way you will lose the low activity data during the flight and start recording the more active data immediately at your destination.
Traveling east
We recommend you change the time on your Polar device while sitting down. This way you won’t generate additional activity data and can have a clean start of activity recording at your destination.
Actual training data is never overwritten. Therefore in the rare occasion of duplicate training data both exercises would show in Flow and they would be taken into account in Recovery status and Activity timeline. More demanding exercise would be taken into account in the daily activity goal.