The weather view brings the current day's hourly forecast, as well as tomorrow's 3-hour and the day after tomorrow's 6-hour forecast to your wrist. Other weather information provided includes wind speed, wind direction, humidity and the chance of rain.
Weather information can only be found from the weather view. From the watch face, swipe left or right until you reach it.
To use the weather feature you need to have Flow app on your mobile, and your watch needs to be paired with it. Location Services (iOS) or Location Settings (Android) need also to be set on to get weather information.
Today's forecast

View the current day's hourly forecast. Tap the display to view more detailed weather information, including the following:
- Location of forecast
- When updated last
- Refresh (shown if weather info needs to updated for example because your location has changed or if it's been a while since it was last updated)
- Current temperature
- Feels like
- Rain
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Humidity
- Hourly forecast
Note that weather history including information on what the weather was during training sessions is not available.
Tomorrow's forecast

- Forecast low/high for each 3-hour period
The day after tomorrow's forecast

- Forecast low/high for each 6-hour period