Internal notifications
You can choose the internal notifications you want to receive on your watch in Settings > General settings > Notifications.

Activity goal reached: When you've reached your activity goal for the day, you'll receive a vibrating alert and text Activity goal reached is displayed on the screen. The Activity goal reached notification is on by default.

Activity reminder: Your watch spots if you’re being inactive for too long during your day and reminds you to be active to avoid the negative effects of inactivity on your health. If you’ve been still for almost an hour, It's time to move! is shown along with a small vibration. The Activity reminder is on by default.

Phone left behind: Receive a notification on your watch if you leave your phone behind. When the connection to your phone has been lost for more than 20 seconds, Did you forget your phone? will appear on your watch. Press OK and tap Find to use the Find My Phone feature to locate your phone. If you'd like to temporarily turn off the notification, you can dismiss it for 1 hour, 8 hours, or the rest of the day. The Phone left behind notification is off by default.

Sync reminder: The sync reminder helps you keep your data up-to-date between your watch, the Flow app and the web service. You can sync the watch with the Flow app via the notification. Tap the notification or press OK, then choose Sync. The Sync reminder is on by default.

Planned training today: Receive a notification on your watch of your planned training sessions for the day. If you want, you can start the planned training session via the notification. Tap the notification or press OK to enter the pre-training mode. You'll be prompted to start a training target you've scheduled for the day. The Planned training today notification is on by default.