Polar Vantage M3

您渴望可提供智能的功能而又能满足运动需要,外形小巧而功能强大,时尚精致而坚固耐用的产品。您想要更努力投入训练但恢复得更快;睡得更好但探索更多。您想要专业级的运动追踪,而又兼具日常生活功能。您需要 Polar Vantage M3:一款专为多项运动爱好者打造的多功能运动手表。

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan 是一款坚固耐磨的户外运动手表,专为探险而设计,采用蓝宝石玻璃 AMOLED 显示屏和钛金属外壳,配备高科技导航和表现追踪功能,助您探索世界和身体的奥秘。

Polar Grit X2 Pro

Polar Grit X2 Pro 是一款坚固耐磨的户外运动手表,专为探险而设计,采用蓝宝石水晶玻璃 AMOLED 显示屏,配备高科技导航和表现追踪功能,助您探索世界和身体的奥秘。

Polar Vantage V3

集合了各种生物传感器、AMOLED 显示屏、双频 GPS、地图以及市场上最全面的训练和恢复功能。舞台已经搭建完成,Polar Vantage V3 智能运动手表已经准备好一展讓人畢生难忘的表现。

Polar Ignite 3

Polar Ignite 3 是一款时尚健身与健康追踪手表,能够为您的生活注入活力。它可以追踪您的睡眠、活动和心率,并提供适合您的身体和生活方式的指导。

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn 是一款时尚健身与健康追踪手表,能够为您的生活注入活力。它可以追踪您的睡眠、活动和心率,针对您的身体和生活方式提供量身定制的指导,同时搭配柔软、轻便、极其舒适的编织纤维腕带。

Polar Pacer Pro

Polar Pacer Pro 是新一代超轻盈运动手表,内置气压计,可为运动员提供高级训练工具,帮助其改善跑步效率、训练效果和运动表现。

Polar Pacer

运动是一种简单的快乐,为什么要搞得如此复杂? Polar Pacer 是一款不折不扣的运动手表,为新运动员提供了所有必需功能,同时还为他们提供了改善训练效果的专用工具。

Polar Vantage V2

Polar Vantage V2 深度融合极简设计、创新技术以及智能训练和恢复工具,造就我们目前最强大的运动手表。

Polar Grit X Pro

采用蓝宝石玻璃和超长续航电池,打造军规级耐用性,配备全新导航功能、息屏显示户外功能,以及 Polar 的终极训练解决方案。

Polar Vantage M2

Polar Vantage M2 专为功能设计,像您一样努力。我们行业领先的技术可帮助您实现目标并变得更强大。For that athlete attitude.

Polar Ignite 2

想要一款时尚、简约、智能的健身手表吗?Polar Ignite 2 完美展现了这三大优势。用途广泛、功能齐全强大,是任何运动和生活方式的完美伴侣。

Polar Ignite

Polar Ignite 是一款配备高级手腕型心率监测及内置 GPS 功能的防水健身手表,可以让您全面了解一天的活动,引导您更平衡地生活。

Polar Unite


Polar Vantage M

功能齐全的多功能运动型 GPS 跑步手表,适合勇于创造新纪录的所有运动爱好者。Polar Vantage M 是一款纤细、轻盈的训练搭档,可以提供所有的必要数据,以帮助您不断创造佳绩。

Polar Grit X


Polar M430

Polar M430 是一款代表最高品质的 GPS 跑步腕表,支持手腕型心率监测、高级跑步功能和 Polar 跑步计划,适合渴望掌握更多数据的跑步者。

Polar Verity Sense

如果您非常重视运动自由度,那么 Polar Verity Sense 是您进行任何运动的不二之选。

Polar H10

这是 Polar 有史以来精确度最高的一款无线心率监测产品,被公认为这一领域的黄金标准。

Polar H9

可靠的高品质心率监测器胸带,具备 Bluetooth® 和 ANT+ 连接功能,适合您的所有日常运动。建立连接即可开始训练。





更换或升级您的 Polar 传感器胸带或臂带。









Refined Sensitive Data consent is now asked from all our customers

Refined Sensitive Data consent is now asked from all our customers

Refined Sensitive Data consent is now asked from all our customers

Refined Sensitive Data consent is now asked from all our customers

Refined Sensitive Data consent is now asked from all our customers

日期: 2023-06-06
相关产品: Flow app, Flow web service

After Monday June 5th 2023 all our customers are notified about a consent needing for an update. Nothing has changed in how we offer you our services.

Only the wording of the Sensitive Personal Data consent has been refined to give you a better understanding of the data we process in order to provide you our services.

In other words, all the consents are the same as they were earlier. We only want to increase the transparency with refining the wording in the Sensitive Data consent, and according to the data protection regulation we need to ask for your consent again, although you had agreed on it earlier.


We want to emphasize that nothing has changed in how we offer our services or how we process your data - we just want to increase the transparency regarding the Sensitive personal data. The majority of Polar’s services are based on data collected on our products. Some of the collected data (for example your health-related data) is considered sensitive personal information, so we need to ask for your permission to process it. You can read more about handling of personal sensitive personal information here: https://www.polar.com/en/legal/privacy-notice#toc4

Polar is a globally operating company with customers all over the world. For this reason, in most cases your data is transferred out of your home country. Your data is stored on Polar ecosystem servers which are located in the EU/EEA area. When data is transferred it is done only for the purpose of providing the service. Your data is not disclosed or given to any third parties; it is still under Polar’s control and under your ownership. Polar does not disclose, give or sell your data to anyone unless we are required to do so pursuant to a mandatory provision of law. Please read more about transferring data out of your country at https://www.polar.com/en/legal/privacy-notice#toc5

Polar never has and never will give or sell your data to third parties.

The way Polar uses customer data has not changed. However, due to EU GDPR requirements, we are required to inform our customers of what our legal bases for processing different types of data are. Polar has chosen consent as the basis of most processing actions. So, to keep doing what we have done before, we need to ask your permission to do it. We will also need to have your permissions recorded in our systems. The law stipulates that if you do not give your consent to us or withdraw it at any point, we do not have any right to keep your data and must delete it.

If you have used Polar services before, we’d like to emphasize that all the consents are the same as you have agreed on earlier. Only the wording in the Sensitive data consent is presented in more details. According to the Data Protection Regulation, you need to accept the consent again despite of accepting it earlier. The law stipulates that if you do not give your consent to us or withdraw it at any point, we do not have any right to keep your data and must delete it.




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