Polar Flow web service update – Flow for Coach
Polar Flow for Coach has been updated with new features.
Favorite training targets
Coaches can now create their own favorite training targets and add them to all their athletes. Previously you had to create the same training target separately for each athlete. Access the favorites by clicking the star icon, like in the Flow web service.
You can create targets only to your own target library, not to athlete's favorites. Athletes themselves can however mark the coach's training target to be a Favorite.
You cannot copy your own personal Flow Favorites to your Flow for Coach Favorites or vice versa. Flow app shows all your Favorites from both Coach and Flow accounts.
Season Planner
In Season Planner, the coach can now choose training targets from the athlete's Favorites and from the coach's own Favorites and drag them to the calendar.

Data export
Coaches can now export athletes' training data. This feature can be found under Groups tab.
The exported file is a .zip file with summary data. Training session raw data is currently only available from the athlete's Flow account, and can be exported only by one session at a time.