How can I edit sport profiles and training views in Polar Flow?
The sport profiles feature lets you list all your favorite sports and define specific settings for each one of them. For example, you can create tailored training views for each sport you do and choose what data you want to see when you train: just your heart rate or just speed and distance – whatever suits you and your training needs and requirements best.
For more information on features related to the sport profiles, see the user manual of your training device.
To edit the sport profiles of your Polar device in Polar Flow web service, click your name/profile photo in the upper right corner and choose Sport profiles. In Polar Flow mobile app, you can find Sport profiles on the main menu.
Your Polar device can contain a maximum of 20 sport profiles. In the Flow web service you can have as many sport profiles as there are sports in the Polar sport list. If you have over 20 sport profiles in the Flow web service, the first 20 on the list are transferred to your Polar device when syncing. You can change the order of your sport profiles by dragging and dropping them.
Add a Sport profile
In the Polar Flow web service:
- Click your name/profile photo in the upper right corner.
- Choose Sport profiles.
- Click Add sport profile.
- Choose a sport from the list. The sport is added to your sport profiles list.
In the Polar Flow mobile app:
- Go to the main menu.
- Choose Sport profiles.
- Tap the plus sign on the upper right corner.
- Choose a sport from the list. Tap Done on Android app. The sport is added to your sport profiles list.
You can’t create new sports yourself. The sports list is controlled by Polar, because each sport has certain default settings and values, which affect, for example the training load and recovery feature.
Edit a Sport Profile
In the Polar Flow web service
- Click your name/profile photo in the upper right corner.
- Choose Sport profiles.
- Click Edit under the sport you want to edit. Check out what information you can edit for each Polar device below.
- When you're done with the settings, click SAVE. Remember to sync the settings to your Polar device.
In the Polar Flow mobile app:
- Go to the main menu.
- Choose Sport profiles.
- Choose a sport and tap Edit. Check out what information you can edit for each Polar device below.
- When you're ready, tap Done. Remember to sync the settings to your Polar device.
Please note that in a number of indoor sports, group sports and team sports profiles the HR visible to other devices setting is enabled by default. This means that compatible devices using Bluetooth Smart wireless technology, e.g. gym equipment, can detect your heart rate. You can also use your watch during Polar Club classes to broadcast your heart rate to the Polar Club system. You can check which sport profiles have Bluetooth broadcasting enabled by default from the Polar Sport profiles list. You can enable or disable Bluetooth broadcasting from sport profile settings.
Polar Grit X2 Pro/Vantage M3/Vantage V3
For multisports you choose the settings for each sport individually. For example, duathlon consists of a running leg, followed by a cycling leg and another running leg. The settings you have chosen for running are valid for both running legs.
AUTOMATIC LAP: set Automatic lap to Lap distance, Lap duration, Location-based. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after each lap is taken. If you choose Location-based, a lap is taken every time you arrive at the point where you started the session.
TRAINING SOUNDS: Set the training sounds off, or adjust the volume.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), % of maximum or % of heart rate reserve.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using wireless Bluetooth® technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Custom, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
MAXIMUM AEROBIC SPEED (MAS): If you know your MAS value, you can enter it here. Maximum aerobic speed is the lowest exercise intensity where your body reaches its maximum ability to consume oxygen (VO2max). It can usually be sustained for a few minutes only. If your watch has Running performance test, you can take the test to find out your MAS. If you update your MAS, your speed and pace zones are updated to match your current condition, which will help you train at the right intensity.
SPEED/PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Custom, all limits can be changed.
Please note that power settings are only available in running and cycling sports.
POWER VIEW: Choose Watts (W), Watts per kilogram (W/kg) or Percentage of FTP (FTP%).
MAXIMUM AEROBIC POWER (MAP): If you know your MAP value, you can enter it here. Maximum aerobic power is the lowest exercise intensity where your body reaches its maximum ability to consume oxygen (VO2max). It can usually be sustained for a few minutes only.
- If your watch has Running performance test, you can take the test to find out your MAP.
- If your watch has Running Power, you can find out your MAP by running for six minutes at your maximum speed. The average power output you get from this short session is your MAP value.
If you update your MAP, your power zones are updated to match your current condition, which will help you train at the right intensity.
POWER ZONE SETTINGS: With the power zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change power zone limits. Default zones are calculated from a rough estimate of your anaerobic (or functional) threshold power based on your weight. If you choose Custom, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of ten different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW VIEW. You can select one to four items for your view from eight categories:
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap speed/pace max
- Average lap speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace max
- Last automatic lap speed max
- Last automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Last lap speed/pace avg
- Last lap speed/pace max
- Maximum speed/pace
- Speed/pace
- Speed/pace ZonePointer
- Automatic lap power avg
- Automatic lap power max
- Average lap power
- Average power
- Lap power max
- Last automatic lap power avg
- Last automatic lap power max
- Last lap power avg
- Last lap power max
- Maximum power
- Power
- Power ZonePointer
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Average heart rate
- Body temperature
- Body temperature avg
- Body temperature max
- Body temperature min
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Heart rate
- Lap HR avg
- Lap HR max
- Last automatic lap HR avg
- Last automatic lap HR max
- Last lap HR avg
- Last lap HR max
- Maximum heart rate
- Altitude
- Ascent speed (VAM, 30s)
- Incline/decline
- Lap ascent speed (VAM)
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Vertical speed
- Automatic lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Automatic lap running/cycling cadence max
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Lap running/cycling cadence max
- Lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last automatic lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last automatic lap running/cycling cadence max
- Last lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last lap running/cycling cadence max
- Running/cycling cadence
- Running/cycling cadence max
- Automatic lap distance
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Last automatic lap distance
- Last lap distance
- Automatic lap time
- Duration
- Lap time
- Last automatic lap time
- Last lap time
- Time of day
- Altitude graph
- Body temperature
- Compass
- Countdown timer
- HR graph
- Hill Splitter
- Interval timer
- Map navigation
- Power graph
- Speed/pace graph
- Strava segments
- Watch face
- Work-rest guide
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

When you are done with the settings, click SAVE. Sync the settings to your Vantage V with FlowSync software.
SLAP: Choose Off or Take a lap. If you choose Take a lap, slap the display firmly with your fingers to mark a lap during a training session.
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: Choose Off or On. If you choose On, your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
To use the Automatic pause feature during training, you need to have GPS recording rate set to Every 1 second (high).
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Choose Off or On. If you choose On, your watch alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE:Set GPS recording rate to
- Every 1 second (high),
- Every 1 min (power save),
- Every 2 min (ultra mode) or
- Off.
ALTITUDE: Choose On or Off.
Polar Grit X/Grit X Pro/Pacer Pro/Vantage V2
For multisports you choose the settings for each sport individually. For example, duathlon consists of a running leg, followed by a cycling leg and another running leg. The settings you have chosen for running are valid for both running legs.
AUTOMATIC LAP: set Automatic lap to Lap distance, Lap duration, Location-based. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after each lap is taken. If you choose Location-based, a lap is taken every time you arrive at the point where you started the session.
TRAINING SOUNDS: Set the training sounds off, or adjust the volume.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), % of maximum or % of heart rate reserve.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
SPEED/PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Please note that power settings are only available in running and cycling sports.
POWER VIEW: Choose Watts (W), Watts per kilogram (W/kg) or Percentage of FTP (FTP%).
ANAEROBIC THRESHOLD: Exercise intensity at which anaerobic metabolism increases and blood lactate starts to accumulate. This is the highest exercise intensity that can be sustained for a prolonged period. In cycling this is also known as Functional Threshold Power (FTP). If you have measured your actual threshold, you can insert it here.
POWER ZONE SETTINGS: With the power zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change power zone limits. Default zones are calculated from a rough estimate of your anaerobic (or functional) threshold power based on your weight. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of ten different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW VIEW. You can select one to four items for your view from eight categories:
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap speed/pace max
- Average lap speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace max
- Last automatic lap speed max
- Last automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Last lap speed/pace avg
- Last lap speed/pace max
- Maximum speed/pace
- Speed/pace
- Speed/pace ZonePointer
- Automatic lap power avg
- Automatic lap power max
- Average lap power
- Average power
- Lap power max
- Last automatic lap power avg
- Last automatic lap power max
- Last lap power avg
- Last lap power max
- Maximum power
- Power
- Power ZonePointer
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Average heart rate
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Heart rate
- Lap HR avg
- Lap HR max
- Last automatic lap HR avg
- Last automatic lap HR max
- Last lap HR avg
- Last lap HR max
- Maximum heart rate
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Incline/decline
- Automatic lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Automatic lap running/cycling cadence max
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Lap running/cycling cadence max
- Lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last automatic lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last automatic lap running/cycling cadence max
- Last lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last lap running/cycling cadence max
- Running/cycling cadence
- Running/cycling cadence max
- Automatic lap distance
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Last automatic lap distance
- Last lap distance
- Automatic lap time
- Duration
- Lap time
- Last automatic lap time
- Last lap time
- Time of day
- Altitude graph
- Back to start
- Compass
- Countdown timer
- HR graph
- Hill Splitter
- Interval timer
- Power graph
- Speed/pace graph
- Strava segments
- Watch face
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

When you are done with the settings, click SAVE. Sync the settings to your Vantage V with FlowSync software.
TAP: Set the function for tapping the training device (Off/Take a lap).
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: To use the Automatic pause during training, you need a GPS or speed sensor. Your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Your training device alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Every 1 second (high), Every 1 min (power save), Every 2 mins (ultra mode), Off.
Polar Ignite 3
AUTOMATIC LAP: set Automatic lap to Lap duration, Lap distance or Location-based. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after each lap is taken. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Location-based, a lap is taken every time you arrive at the point where you started the session.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), % of maximum or % of heart rate reserve.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
MAXIMUM AEROBIC SPEED (MAS): If you know your MAS value, you can enter it here. If you update your MAS, your speed and pace zones are updated to match your current condition, which will help you train at the right intensity.
SPEED/PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Custom, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of ten different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW. You can select one to four items for your view from eight categories:
- Automatic lap time
- Duration
- Lap time
- Last automatic lap time
- Last lap time
- Time of day
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Average heart rate
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Heart rate
- Lap HR avg
- Lap HR max
- Last automatic lap HR avg
- Last automatic lap HR max
- Last lap HR avg
- Last lap HR max
- Maximum heart rate
- Automatic lap distance
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Last automatic lap distance
- Last lap distance
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap speed/pace max
- Average lap speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace max
- Last automatic lap speed max
- Last automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Last lap speed/pace avg
- Last lap speed/pace max
- Maximum speed/pace
- Speed/pace
- Speed/pace ZonePointer
- Automatic lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Automatic lap running/cycling cadence max
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Lap running/cycling cadence max
- Lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last automatic lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last automatic lap running/cycling cadence max
- Last lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last lap running/cycling cadence max
- Running/cycling cadence
- Running/cycling cadence max
- Back to start
- Countdown timer
- HR graph
- Interval timer
- Speed/pace graph
- Watch face
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

When you are done with the settings, click SAVE. Sync the settings to your watch with FlowSync software.
SLAP: Choose Off or Take a lap. If you choose Take a lap, slap the display firmly with your fingers to mark a lap during a training session.
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: Choose Off or On. If you choose On, your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
To use the Automatic pause feature during training, you need to have GPS recording rate set to Every 1 second (high).
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Choose Off or On. If you choose On, your watch alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to
- Every 1 second (high) or
- Every 1 min (power save)
- Every 2 min (ultra mode)
- Off.
Polar Ignite/Ignite 2
AUTOMATIC LAP: Choose Off, Lap duration or Lap distance. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after which each lap is taken.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm) or % of maximum.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of ten different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW. You can select one to four items for your view from eight categories:
- Time of day
- Duration
- Automatic lap time
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Heart rate
- Average heart rate
- Maximum heart rate
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Distance
- Automatic lap distance
- Speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Maximum speed/pace
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap max speed/pace
- Running/Cycling cadence
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Running/cycling cadence max
- Watch face
- HR graph
- Speed/pace graph
- Altitude graph
- Interval timer
- Countdown timer
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

When you are done with the settings, click SAVE. Sync the settings to your Ignite with FlowSync software.
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: To use the Automatic pause during training, you need a GPS or speed sensor. Your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Your training device alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to
- Every 1 second (high)
- Off.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to
- Every 1 second (high) or
- Every 1 min (power save)
- Every 2 min (ultra mode)
- Off.
AUTOMATIC LAP: set Automatic lap to Lap duration, Lap distance or Location-based. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after each lap is taken. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Location-based, a lap is taken every time you arrive at the point where you started the session.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), % of maximum or % of heart rate reserve.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
MAXIMUM AEROBIC SPEED (MAS): If you know your MAS value, you can enter it here. If you update your MAS, your speed and pace zones are updated to match your current condition, which will help you train at the right intensity.
SPEED/PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Custom, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of ten different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW. You can select one to four items for your view from eight categories:
- Automatic lap time
- Duration
- Lap time
- Last automatic lap time
- Last lap time
- Time of day
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Average heart rate
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Heart rate
- Lap HR avg
- Lap HR max
- Last automatic lap HR avg
- Last automatic lap HR max
- Last lap HR avg
- Last lap HR max
- Maximum heart rate
- Automatic lap distance
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Last automatic lap distance
- Last lap distance
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap speed/pace max
- Average lap speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace max
- Last automatic lap speed max
- Last automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Last lap speed/pace avg
- Last lap speed/pace max
- Maximum speed/pace
- Speed/pace
- Speed/pace ZonePointer
- Automatic lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Automatic lap running/cycling cadence max
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Lap running/cycling cadence max
- Lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last automatic lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last automatic lap running/cycling cadence max
- Last lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Last lap running/cycling cadence max
- Running/cycling cadence
- Running/cycling cadence max
- Back to start
- Countdown timer
- HR graph
- Interval timer
- Speed/pace graph
- Watch face
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

When you are done with the settings, click SAVE. Sync the settings to your watch with FlowSync software.
SLAP: Choose Off or Take a lap. If you choose Take a lap, slap the display firmly with your fingers to mark a lap during a training session.
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: Choose Off or On. If you choose On, your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
To use the Automatic pause feature during training, you need to have GPS recording rate set to Every 1 second (high).
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Choose Off or On. If you choose On, your watch alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to
- Every 1 second (high) or
- Every 1 min (power save)
- Every 2 min (ultra mode)
- Off.
Polar M200
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of eight different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of two different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW VIEW. You can select 1-2 items for your view from five categories:
- Time of day
- Duration
- Lap time
- Automatic lap time
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Current lap ascent
- Current lap descent
- Automatic lap ascent
- Automatic lap descent
- Heart rate
- Average heart rate
- Maximum heart rate
- Lap HR avg
- HR max in lap
- Calories
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Automatic lap distance
- Speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Maximum speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace
- Lap maximum speed/pace
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap max speed/pace
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Your training device alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to High accuracy or Off.
Polar M400
AUTOMATIC LAP: Choose Off, Lap duration or Lap distance. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after which each lap is taken.
TRAINING SOUNDS: Set the training sounds off, or adjust the volume.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), % of maximum or % of heart rate reserve.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
ZONE LOCK AVAILABLE: Choose zone lock for heart rate zone On or Off.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
ZONE LOCK AVAILABLE: Choose zone lock for pace zone On or Off.
PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of eight different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW VIEW. You can select one to four items for your view from six categories:
- Time of day
- Duration
- Lap time
- Last lap time
- Automatic lap time
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Current lap ascent
- Current lap descent
- Automatic lap ascent
- Automatic lap descent
- Heart rate
- Average heart rate
- Maximum heart rate
- HR avg in lap
- Lap HR avg
- Calories
- Lap HR max
- HR ZonePointer
- Time in HR zone
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Last lap distance
- Automatic lap distance
- Speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Maximum speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace max
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap max speed/pace
- Last lap speed/pace
- Running/Cycling cadence
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Current lap running/cycling cadence
- Lap running/cycling cadence max
- Lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Stride length
- Average stride length
- Automatic lap running/cycling
- Maximum running/cycling cadence
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

You can also choose the training zones you want to see on your M400 during your sessions (HR Zones, Speed/pace zones). You can also choose to show Back to start function on your M400. When using this feature, the location guide will guide you back to your original starting point. You need to enable GPS to use this function.
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: To use the Automatic pause during training, you need a GPS or speed sensor. Your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording to Normal or Off.
Polar M430
AUTOMATIC LAP: Choose Off, Lap duration or Lap distance. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after which each lap is taken.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), % of maximum or % of heart rate reserve.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
ZONE LOCK AVAILABLE: Choose zone lock for heart rate zone On or Off.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
ZONE LOCK AVAILABLE: Choose zone lock for pace zone On or Off.
PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of eight different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW VIEW. You can select one to four items for your view from six categories:
- Time of day
- Duration
- Lap time
- Last lap time
- Automatic lap time
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Current lap ascent
- Current lap descent
- Automatic lap ascent
- Automatic lap descent
- Heart rate
- Average heart rate
- Maximum heart rate
- HR avg in lap
- Lap HR avg
- Calories
- Lap HR max
- HR ZonePointer
- Time in HR zone
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Last lap distance
- Automatic lap distance
- Speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Maximum speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace
- Speed/pace ZonePointer
- Time in speed/pace zone
- Lap speed/pace max
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap max speed/pace
- Last lap speed/pace
- Running/Cycling cadence
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Current lap running/cycling cadence
- Lap running/cycling cadence max
- Lap running/cycling cadence avg
- Stride length
- Average stride length
- Automatic lap running/cycling
- Maximum running/cycling cadence
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

You can also choose the training zones you want to see on your M400 during your sessions (HR Zones, Speed/pace zones). You can also choose to show Back to start function on your M400. When using this feature, the location guide will guide you back to your original starting point. You need to enable GPS to use this function.
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: To use the Automatic pause during training, you need a GPS or speed sensor. Your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Your training device alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose the GPS recording rate. Power save, long session is only recommended to be used in long sessions lasting over 10 hours. When using power save mode, the GPS data is not as accurate as in normal mode.
Polar M460
AUTOMATIC LAP: Choose Off, Lap duration or Lap distance. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after which each lap is taken.
TRAINING SOUNDS: Set the training sounds off, or adjust the volume.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm) or % of maximum.
ZONE LOCK AVAILABLE: Choose zone lock for heart rate zone On or Off.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
ZONE LOCK AVAILABLE: Choose zone lock for pace zone On or Off.
SPEED ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of eight different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW VIEW. You can select one to four items for your view from six categories:
- Time of day
- Duration
- Lap time
- Last lap time
- Automatic lap time
- Altitude
- Ascent
- Lap ascent
- Automatic lap ascent
- Descent
- Lap descent
- Automatic lap descent
- Lap VAM
- Inclinometer
- Temperature
- Heart rate
- Average heart rate
- Lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Last lap average HR
- Maximum heart rate
- Lap maximum heart rate
- Automatic lap maximum heart rate
- Last lap maximum heart rate
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Time in HR zone
- HR limits
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Automatic lap distance
- Speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Lap average speed/pace
- Automatic lap average speed/pace
- Last lap average speed/pace
- Maximum speed/pace
- Lap maximum speed/pace
- Automatic lap max speed/pace
- Last lap maximum speed/pace
- Speed/pace zone pointer
- Distance in speed/pace zones
- Time in speed/pace zones
- Speed/pace limits
- Cadence
- Average cadence
- Lap average cadence
- Automatic lap average cadence
- Last lap average cadence
- Maximum cadence
- Lap maximum cadence
- Power
- Average power
- Lap average power
- Automatic lap average power
- Last lap average power
- Maximum power
- Lap maximum power
- Automatic lap maximum power
- Last lap maximum power
- Power zone pointer
- Force max of revolution
- Left/right balance
- Average left/right balance
- Lap average left/right balance
- Automatic lap average left/right balance
- Last lap average left/right balance
- Automatic lap NORMALIZED POWER
- Automatic lap INTENSITY FACTOR
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

AUTOMATIC PAUSE: To use the Automatic pause during training, you need a GPS or speed sensor. Your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
Please note that power settings are only available in cycling sports.
POWER VIEW: Choose Watts (W), Watts per kilogram (W/kg) or Percentage of FTP (FTP%).
ZONE LOCK AVAILABLE: Choose zone lock for power zone On or Off.
ANAEROBIC THRESHOLD: Exercise intensity at which anaerobic metabolism increases and blood lactate starts to accumulate. This is the highest exercise intensity that can be sustained for a prolonged period. In cycling this is also known as Functional Threshold Power (FTP). If you have measured your actual threshold, you can insert it here.
POWER ZONE SETTINGS: With the power zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change power zone limits. Default zones are calculated from a rough estimate of your anaerobic (or functional) threshold power based on your weight. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Power save, long session is only recommended to be used in long sessions lasting over 10 hours. When using power save mode, the GPS data is not as accurate as in normal mode.
ALTITUDE: Choose altitude measurement On or Off.
Polar Unite
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm) or % of maximum.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of ten different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW. You can select one to four items for your view from eight categories:
- Time of day
- Duration
- Automatic lap time
- Heart rate
- Average heart rate
- Maximum heart rate
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Distance
- Automatic lap distance
- Speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Maximum speed/pace
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap max speed/pace
- Running/Cycling cadence
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Running/cycling cadence max
- Watch face
- HR graph
- Speed/pace graph
- Altitude graph
- Interval timer
- Countdown timer
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

When you are done with the settings, click SAVE. Sync the settings to your Ignite with FlowSync software.
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: To use the Automatic pause during training, you need a GPS or speed sensor. Your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Your training device alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to High accuracy or Off.
Polar Vantage M/Vantage M2/Pacer
For multisports you choose the settings for each sport individually. For example, duathlon consists of a running leg, followed by a cycling leg and another running leg. The settings you have chosen for running are valid for both running legs.
AUTOMATIC LAP: set Automatic lap to Lap distance, Lap duration, Location-based. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after each lap is taken. If you choose Location-based, a lap is taken every time you arrive at the point where you started the session.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), % of maximum or % of heart rate reserve.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Please note that power settings are only available in running and cycling sports. The watch measures your power data during your running or cycling sessions if you pair the watch with a separate running power sensor or cycling power sensor.
POWER VIEW: Choose Watts (W), Watts per kilogram (W/kg) or Percentage of FTP (FTP%).
ANAEROBIC THRESHOLD: Exercise intensity at which anaerobic metabolism increases and blood lactate starts to accumulate. This is the highest exercise intensity that can be sustained for a prolonged period. In cycling this is also known as Functional Threshold Power (FTP). If you have measured your actual threshold, you can insert it here.
POWER ZONE SETTINGS: With the power zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change power zone limits. Default zones are calculated from a rough estimate of your anaerobic (or functional) threshold power based on your weight. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of ten different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW VIEW. You can select one to four items for your view from eight categories:
- Time of day
- Duration
- Lap time
- Automatic lap time
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Heart rate
- Average heart rate
- Maximum heart rate
- Lap HR avg
- Lap HR max
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Automatic lap distance
- Speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Maximum speed/pace
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap max speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace max
- Average lap speed/pace
- Running/Cycling cadence
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Running/cycling cadence max
POWER (available in running and cycling sports if you're using a separate running or cycling power sensor with your watch)
- Power
- Average power
- Maximum power
- Left/right balange avg (available in cycling sports)
- Lap power
- Lap power max
- Automatic lap power avg
- Automatic lap power max
- Watch face
- HR graph
- Altitude graph
- Power graph (available in running and cycling sports if you're using a separate running or cycling power sensor with your watch)
- Speed/pace graph
- Interval timer
- Countdown timer
- Back to start
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

When you are done with the settings, click SAVE. Sync the settings to your Vantage M with FlowSync software.
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: To use the Automatic pause during training, you need a GPS or speed sensor. Your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Your training device alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to
- Every 1 second (high)
- Off.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to
- Every 1 second (high) or
- Every 1 min (power save)
- Every 2 min (ultra mode)
- Off.
Polar Vantage V
For multisports you choose the settings for each sport individually. For example, duathlon consists of a running leg, followed by a cycling leg and another running leg. The settings you have chosen for running are valid for both running legs.
AUTOMATIC LAP: set Automatic lap to Lap distance, Lap duration, Location-based. If you choose Lap distance, set the distance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after each lap is taken. If you choose Location-based, a lap is taken every time you arrive at the point where you started the session.
TRAINING SOUNDS: Set the training sounds off, or adjust the volume.
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), % of maximum or % of heart rate reserve.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: If you choose On, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
SPEED/PACE VIEW: Choose km/h or min/km.
SPEED/PACE ZONE SETTINGS: With the speed/pace zones you can easily select and monitor your speed or pace, depending on your selection. Default zones are an example of speed/pace zones for a person with a relatively high fitness level. If you choose Default, you can't change the limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Please note that power settings are only available in running and cycling sports.
POWER VIEW: Choose Watts (W), Watts per kilogram (W/kg) or Percentage of FTP (FTP%).
ANAEROBIC THRESHOLD: Exercise intensity at which anaerobic metabolism increases and blood lactate starts to accumulate. This is the highest exercise intensity that can be sustained for a prolonged period. In cycling this is also known as Functional Threshold Power (FTP). If you have measured your actual threshold, you can insert it here.
POWER ZONE SETTINGS: With the power zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change power zone limits. Default zones are calculated from a rough estimate of your anaerobic (or functional) threshold power based on your weight. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed.
Choose what information you see on your training views during your sessions. You can have a total of ten different training views for each sport profile. Each training view can have a maximum of four different data fields.
Click a training view to edit it, or click ADD NEW VIEW. You can select one to four items for your view from eight categories:
- Time of day
- Duration
- Lap time
- Automatic lap time
- Altitude
- Total ascent
- Total descent
- Incline/decline
- Heart rate
- Average heart rate
- Maximum heart rate
- Lap HR avg
- Lap HR max
- Calories
- HR ZonePointer
- Automatic lap HR avg
- Automatic lap HR max
- Distance
- Lap distance
- Automatic lap distance
- Speed/pace
- Average speed/pace
- Maximum speed/pace
- Automatic lap speed/pace avg
- Automatic lap max speed/pace
- Lap speed/pace max
- Average lap speed/pace
- Running/Cycling cadence
- Average running/cycling cadence
- Running/cycling cadence max
- Power
- Average power
- Maximum power
- Left/right balange avg (available in cycling sports)
- Lap power
- Lap power max
- Automatic lap power avg
- Automatic lap power max
- Watch face
- HR graph
- Altitude graph
- Power graph
- Speed/pace graph
- Interval timer
- Countdown timer
- Back to start
- Strava segments
Click an item to add it to the training view (a). You can change the order of the items by dragging and dropping (b) and delete an item by clicking the delete icon (c). The order of the training views can’t be changed.

When you are done with the settings, click SAVE. Sync the settings to your Vantage V with FlowSync software.
TAP: Set the function for tapping the training device (Off/Take a lap).
AUTOMATIC PAUSE: To use the Automatic pause during training, you need a GPS or speed sensor. Your sessions pause automatically when you stop, and continue automatically when you start.
VIBRATION FEEDBACK: Your training device alarms you by vibrating when for example, you start or stop a training session, GPS signal is found and when you are out of your target heart rate limits.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to
- Every 1 second (high)
- Off.
Polar A370
HEART RATE VIEW: Choose Beats per minute (bpm), or % of maximum.
HEART RATE VISIBLE TO OTHER DEVICES: Choose On if you take part in Polar Club classes and want the Polar Club system detect your heart rate from your wrist. Or if you use H7/H10 with your A370, other compatible devices using Bluetooth ® Smart wireless technology (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
HEART RATE ZONE SETTINGS: With the heart rate zones you can easily select and monitor training intensities. If you choose Default, you can't change heart rate limits. If you choose Free, all limits can be changed. Default heart rate zone limits are calculated from your maximum heart rate.
Vibration feedback: Set the vibration feedback on or off.
GPS RECORDING RATE: Choose GPS recording rate to High accuracy or Off.