How to delete Polar Account
You can close your Polar Account at
Closing your account deletes all of your training and personal data from our database permanently.
Please note that closing your account will affect everything in your Polar Account including Polar Flow and newsletter registration. All of your data in Polar databases, including training data, will be deleted.
If your Polar account email is also registered as an administrator in Polar Club, Polar Team Pro or in Polar GoFit, you cannot close your account right away. Check the following instructions on how to proceed.
Polar Club
Contact Polar Customer Care.
Polar GoFit
If you are a non-contact teacher:
- Sign into Polar GoFit.
- Go to School > Teacher.
- Find your own account on the list and click Delete.
If you are the contact teacher:
- Sign into Polar GoFit.
- Go to School > Teacher.
- Set another teacher as the new Contact Teacher.
- Remove your teacher account by clicking the Delete next to your name on Teachers view.
If there are no other teachers to be set as Contact Teacher, or the school has only one teacher license, contact Polar Customer Care.
Polar Team Pro
- It there are other administrator users, ask another admin to remove your admin status under Organization settings > Coaches.
- If there are no other admins, you can update a coach user status to an administrator and ask him/her to remove your admin status.
- If your subscription has expired for over two years, you cannot change the settings anymore. Contact Polar Customer Care.
- An administrator cannot change his/her own status to coach or remove him/herself from the organization.