Schedule classes
Before you can schedule classes in the Polar Club app, you need to create class templates in Manage > Manage class templates.
Go to Schedule and tap New class in the top right-hand corner of the screen, or tap the plus icon to schedule a class for a certain day.
Choose a class template for your class. Swipe the screen to browse the templates.
Fill in the class information: Class name, Studio, Instructor, Date and time, Max. attendees. Several fields are already filled from the template, but you can modify them all. If you selected a template with training phases, you can edit the phases by tapping the phased training graphic. The modifications are saved only to the current class.
To add a recurring class (e.g. every Monday at a certain time), choose Weekly class, and then add the end date of the recurring class.
If you set the Show rewards feature on, the exercisers will receive the following rewards in the summary view after the class:
- Cool Down Champion: This award goes to the exerciser with the fastest heart rate recovery times.
- Zone Mates: These two exercisers completed the class with the most similar heart rate zone distribution.
- Zone Master: This exerciser spent the most time in the heart rate zone the group trained the most in.
- Phase master: This reward goes to the exerciser who stayed closest to the planned heart rate zones during a phased training session.
- Range Ruler: This exerciser reached the biggest range between the lowest and the highest heart rate. The calculation does not take into account the first and last 5 minutes of the session.
Schedule view
You can see all scheduled Polar Club classes from the Schedule view.
- The classes for the current week are shown by default. Tap the left or right arrow button to switch between weeks.
- You can choose to view All classes or My classes.

Tapping a class brings up the class information. In this view, you can
- edit the class information,
- remove the class from the schedule, or
- open the class to start the class.