Watch face settings

To view and edit your watch face settings, go to Settings > Watch face.

Choose the watch face style and the information that appears on the watch face. Swipe up or down to view the options and confirm your choices by tapping green tick icon. If at any point you want to return and change your choice, press the button to return to previous level.


Choose the watch face layout from a set of pre-defined options:

  • Analog watch face with four widgets

  • Digital watch face with three widgets

  • Digital watch face with four widgets

  • Digital watch face with two widgets

Hands and background

Choose hands and/or background style. The options include, for example, the following styles:

Color theme

Choose the color theme for your watch face. The available colors you can choose from are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and gray.


Tap the plus icon to add a widget to your watch face. Scroll the list of available widgets, and tap to choose the one you want to use. When you're ready with your design, swipe up, and then tap to confirm the design.

The Activity widget shows your progress towards your daily activity goal as a percentage. Your daily activity goal is also visualized with a circle that fills up as you are active. By tapping the widget, you can quickly access the Daily activity view details.

The Steps widget shows the steps you've taken so far. The amount and type of body movements are registered and turned into an estimation of steps. By tapping the widget, you can quickly access the Daily activity view details.

The Current heart rate widget allows you to see your current heart rate on the watch face when using the Continuous Heart Rate feature. By tapping the widget, you can quickly access the Daily activity view details. From the Daily activity view, you can check your current heart rate, your highest and lowest heart rate readings of the day, and also view what your lowest heart rate reading of the previous night was.

The Calories widget shows how much calories you've burned through training, activity and BMR (Basal metabolic rate: the minimum metabolic activity required to maintain life). By tapping the widget, you can quickly access the Daily activity view details.

The Weather widget shows the current temperature. By tapping the widget, you can quickly access the Weather view details.

From the Daylight widget you can check when the sun rises and sets at your current location. By tapping the widget, you can quickly access the Sunrise & sunset view details.

Tap the Navigation widget to quickly access the Navigation view details, from which you can access, for example, offline maps outside of training.

The Compass widget allows you to quickly check your direction. The red end of the compass needle points to north. Tapping the widget opens the compass in the Navigation view details, where you can also calibrate the compass. The compass must be calibrated before the widget can be used.

The Altitude widget shows your current altitude. Tapping the widget opens the altitude information in the Navigation view details.

Tap the ECG widget to quickly access the ECG test on your watch.

Tap the SpO2 widget to quickly access the SpO2 test on your watch.

Tap the Jump test widget to quickly access the Leg recovery test on your watch.

Tap the Breathing exercise widget to quickly access the Sereneā„¢ guided breathing exercise on your watch.

Tap the Music control widget to pause and play music directly from the watch face. For more information, see Music controls.

Tap the Flashlight widget to activate the flashlight mode. The display will light up at maximum brightness. To turn off the flashlight, press the BACK button.

Tap the Stopwatch widget to access the stopwatch on your watch. To start the stopwatch, tap the top half of the display. To add a lap, press OK. To pause the stopwatch, press the BACK button.

The Alarm widget shows the time for your next alarm. Tap the widget to set the alarm. Set alarm repetition: Off, Once, Monday to Friday or Every day. If you choose Once, Monday to Friday or Every day, also set the time for the alarm.

Tap the Countdown timer widget to quickly access the countdown timer setting. Set the countdown time, and tap the green tick to confirm and start the countdown timer. At the end of the countdown, the watch notifies you with a sound and vibration. Tap to restart the timer, or tap to cancel and return to the time view.

The Battery status widget shows how much charge is left in the battery.

Other widget options you can choose from include Analog seconds, Digital seconds, Date, Polar logo and Your initials: