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Follow your daily activity

Polar Loop Crystal tracks your activity with an internal 3D accelerometer that records your wrist movements. It tells you how active you really are in your everyday life by analyzing the frequency, intensity and regularity of your movements, taking into account your physical information.

For more information on Polar 24/7 activity tracking, visit

Activity goal

Your Polar Loop Crystal gives you an activity goal each day and guides you in reaching it. Your activity goal is shown as a bar that gradually fills to show how close you are to your goal. When the bar is full, you've reached your goal. The activity goal is based on your personal data and activity level setting which you can find in the Daily Activity Goal settings in the Flow web service.

Sign in to the Flow web service, click your name/profile photo in the upper right corner and go to the Daily Activity goal tab in Settings.

The Daily Activity Goal setting lets you choose from three activity levels the one that best describes your typical day and activity (see number 1 in the image below). Under the selection area (number 2 in the image below), you can see how active you need to be to reach your daily activity goal on the chosen level. For example, if you're an office worker and spend most of your day sitting, you would be expected to reach about 7 hours of low intensity activity during an ordinary day. For people who stand and walk a lot during their working hours, the expectations are higher.

The time you need to be active during the day to reach your activity goal depends on the level you have chosen and the intensity of your activities. Meet your goal faster with more intense activities or stay active at a slightly more moderate pace throughout the day. Age and gender also affect the intensity you need to reach your activity goal. The younger you are, the more intense your activity needs to be.

Activity data

Your Polar Loop Crystal has a LED display you can view with a touch of a button.

Cycle through the display views ACTV, CALS, STEP and TIME by repeatedly tapping the touch button.

You will see more detailed information about each headline. Just wait two seconds and the screen will scroll by itself.

Activity bar - fills up as you move

ACTV stands for daily activity. The daily activity goal is visualized with an activity bar. The activity bar fills up as you reach your daily goal.

When you've reached your daily goal and the activity bar is full, you'll see your activity as a percentage of your daily goal.

You can meet your goal faster with more intense activities or stay active at a slightly more moderate pace throughout the day.

To go - what's left to do to reach your goal

TO GO stands for the options how you can reach your daily activity goal. It tells you how much longer you need to be active if you choose low, medium or high intensity activities. You have one goal, but a number of ways to achieve it.

The daily activity goal can be reached at low, medium or high intensities. In the Polar Loop Crystal, UP means low intensity, WALK means medium intensity, and JOG means high intensity. You can find more examples for low, medium and high intensity activities at the Polar Flow web service and mobile app and choose your way to reach your goal.


JOG stands for high intensity activity like jogging, exercise class, rope skipping, basketball, football, tennis, handball or squash.

Polar Loop Crystal displays the time remaining to reach your goal, if you do high intensity activities.


WALK stands for medium intensity activity like walking, mowing the lawn, circuit training, bowling, skateboarding, gentle dancing, gentle swimming or table tennis.

Polar Loop Crystal displays the time remaining to reach your goal, if you do medium intensity activities.

UP stands for low intensity activity up on your feet like cleaning, washing dishes, gardening, playing guitar, baking, playing pool, slow walk, playing darts or tai chi.

Polar Loop Crystal displays the time remaining to reach your goal, if you do low intensity activities.

CALS stands for calories burned measured as kilocalories.

The calories reading includes your basal metabolic rate as well as your activity calories burned during the day. In addition if you wear a heart rate sensor during your training sessions, heart rate based calories are also calculated in daily calories.

The basal metabolic rate calories are calculated even if you don't wear the Polar Loop Crystal.

STEP stands for steps you have taken.

The amount and type of your body movements are registered and turned into an estimation of steps.

TIME stands for time of day.

For instructions on changing the time of day, see Settings .

Inactivity alert

It's widely known that physical activity is a major factor in maintaining health. In addition to being physically active, it's important to avoid prolonged sitting. Sitting for long periods of time is bad for your health, even on those days when you train and gain enough daily activity. Your Polar Loop Crystal spots if you’re being inactive for too long during your day and this way helps you to break up your sitting to avoid the negative effects it has on your health.

If you’ve been still for almost an hour, you'll get an inactivity alert. Your Polar Loop Crystal vibrates and the LEDs on the display start blinking. Stand up and find your own way to be active. Take a short walk, stretch, or do some other light activity. Blinking stops when you start moving. If you tap the touch button when the LEDs are blinking, you'll see a message IT'S TIME TO MOVE!. If you don't get active in five minutes, you'll get an inactivity stamp, which you can see on the Flow app and Flow web service after syncing.

The Flow app gives the same notification if the inactivity alert setting is on in the Flow app and your mobile device has a Bluetooth connection to your Polar Loop Crystal.

Both Flow app and web service will show you how many inactivity stamps you have received. This way you can check back on your daily routine and make changes towards a more active life.

Sleep information at Flow web service and Flow app

Polar Loop Crystal will track your sleep time and quality (restful / restless), if you wear it at night. You don't have to turn the sleep mode on, the device automatically detects from your wrist movements that you're sleeping. Sleep time, and its quality (restful / restless) is shown at the Flow web service and Flow app after Polar Loop Crystal is synced.

Your sleep time is the longest continuous rest time that takes place within 24 hours starting from 18:00/6pm to next day’s 18:00/6pm. Breaks shorter than one hour in your sleep don't stop sleep tracking, but they are not taken into account in the sleep time. Breaks longer than 1 hour stop sleep time tracking.

The periods when you sleep peacefully and don’t move a lot are calculated as restful sleep. The periods when you move and change your position are calculated as restless sleep. Instead of simply summing up all the immobile periods, the calculation gives more weight to long than short immobile periods. The percentage of restful sleep compares the time you slept restfully with the total sleeping time. Restful sleep is highly individual and should be interpreted together with sleep time.

Knowing the amount of restful and restless sleep gives you a look into how you sleep at night and if it’s affected by any changes in your daily life. This may help you in finding ways to improve your sleep and feel well rested during the day.

Activity data in Flow App and Flow web service

With the Polar Flow mobile app you can follow and analyze your activity data on the go and have your data synced wirelessly from your Polar Loop Crystal to the Polar Flow service. The Flow web service gives you the most detailed insight into your activity information.

Activity Benefit tracks all your active choices during the day and shows how they help you stay healthy. It'll reward you when you've done enough and make you move if there's still a bit missing from your daily activity goal. Activity Benefit gives you daily, weekly and monthly feedback, because the more you move, the greater the health benefits. You can check up on how you're doing either from your mobile or from the web.

Activity zones: Polar Loop Crystal tracks your daily activities at five intensity levels: resting, sitting, low, medium and high. It measures the different activity zones (low, medium, high) so that the higher the intensity, the faster your goal is reached. In the Polar Loop Crystal bracelet, ‘UP’ means low intensity, ‘WALK’ means medium intensity, and ‘JOG’ means high intensity. You can find more examples for low, medium and high intensity activities at the Polar Flow web service.

Advanced activity analysis: The total active time tells you the cumulative time of body movements that are good for your body and health. Besides the many details you get about your physical activity and all the health benefits that come with it, you can also see the inactive periods and when you've been still for too long.

See more information in Polar Flow mobile app and Polar Flow web service.