Polar Loop User Manual


Your Polar Loop has a LED display you can view with a touch of a button.

Cycle through the display views by repeatedly tapping the touch button: ACTV, CALS, STEP, TIME.

You will see more detailed information about each headline. Just wait two seconds and the screen will scroll by itself.

Wear Polar Loop on your wrist to make the touch button work properly. If you want to browse the display views without wearing the bracelet, touch the custom USB connector on the inside while tapping the touch button.

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Follow Your Daily Activity

Activity bar - fills up as you move

ACTV stands for daily activity. The daily activity goal is visualized with an activity bar. The activity bar fills up as you reach your daily goal.

You can meet your goal faster with more intense activities or stay active at a slightly more moderate pace throughout the day.

To go - what's left to do to reach your goal

TO GO stands for the options how you can reach your daily activity goal. It tells you how much longer you need to be active if you choose low, medium or high intensity activities. You have one goal, but number of ways to achieve it.

The daily activity goal can be reached at low, medium or high intensities. In the Polar Loop bracelet, 'UP' means low intensity, 'WALK' means medium intensity, and 'JOG' means high intensity. You can find more examples for low, medium and high intensity activities at the Polar Flow web service and choose your way to reach your goal.


JOG stands for high intensity activity like jogging, exercise class, rope skipping, basketball, football, tennis, handball or squash.

Polar Loop displays the time remaining to reach your goal, if you do high intensity activities.


WALK stands for medium intensity activity like walking, mowing the lawn, circuit training, bowling, skateboarding, gentle dancing, gentle swimming or table tennis.

Polar Loop displays the time remaining to reach your goal, if you do medium intensity activity.

UP stands for low intensity activity up on your feet like cleaning, washing dishes, gardening, playing guitar, baking, playing pool, slow walk, playing darts or tai chi.

Polar Loop displays the time remaining to reach your goal, if you do low intensity activities.

CALS stands for calories burned measured as kilocalories.

The calories reading includes your basic metabolic rate as well as your activity calories burned during the day. In addition if you wear a heart rate sensor during your training sessions, heart rate based calories are also calculated in daily calories.

The basic metabolic rate calories are calculated even if you don't wear the activity tracker.

STEP stands for steps you have taken.

The amount and type of movements are registered and transferred to estimation of steps.

A basic recommendation is to aim for 10 000 steps or more a day.

TIME stands for time of day.

The current time and its format is transferred from your computer system clock when you synchronize with the Polar Flow web service. To change time on your activity tracker you'll first need to change time on your computer and then synchronize your Polar Loop.

Other Display Views


If you’ve been still for 55 minutes, IT'S TIME TO MOVE is shown. Stand up and find your own way to be active. If you're not active in the next five minutes you'll get an inactivity stamp. You will also see when this inactivity alert occurred in the diary of the Polar Flow web service and the mobile app.

BATT. LOW text is displayed when the battery charge level is getting low. You must recharge in the next 24 hours.

CHARGE text is displayed when the battery is almost drained. You can no longer use a heart rate sensor nor the Polar Flow mobile app with Polar Loop until you recharge it.

MEM. FULL is displayed when the Polar Loop memory capacity is 80% full. Transfer your activity data to the Polar Flow web service via a USB cable or the Polar Flow mobile app. Polar Loop can store 12 days of activity data. When the memory becomes full, the oldest activity data is overwritten by the most recent one.


Flight mode cuts off all wireless communication from the device. You can still use it to collect activity, but you can't use it in training sessions with a heart rate sensor nor sync your data to the Polar Flow mobile app.

Turn the flight mode on by touching and holding the button while TIME is on display for 8 seconds. You will see a LED animation indicating the progress of the flight mode turning on. Release the button when you see the airplane icon.

Turn it off by touching and holding the button for 2-3 seconds in any display mode until you see the airplane icon and OFF.

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Display Settings

You can choose in which hand you want to wear your activity tracker either in the Polar Flow web service or the Polar Flow mobile app. The setting changes the orientation of the Polar Loop display accordingly.

We recommend wearing the bracelet on your non-dominant hand to get the most accurate results.

You can edit your settings any time at Polar Flow web service and mobile app.

To change the display setting on your computer

  1. Plug in your Polar Loop to your computer's USB port, go to polar.com/flow and sign in.

  2. Go to Settings and Products.

  3. Choose your Polar Loop, Settings and change the handedness.

    The display orientation on your Polar Loop will change on the next synchronization.

To change the display setting on the mobile app

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Select the desired wrist under your Polar Loop.

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